EU Sets 80% Reduction Target for Maritime Emissions by 2050

EU Sets 80% Reduction Target for Maritime Emissions by 2050

(IN BRIEF) The European Parliament and Council have agreed to a plan to reduce maritime emissions and help the EU achieve its climate neutrality target. The plan includes the establishment of a fuel standard for ships to promote renewable and low-carbon fuels and gradually reduce greenhouse gas emissions from ships by 2% from 2025 and 80% from 2050. The new fuel standard will apply to ships above a gross tonnage of 5000, which are responsible for 90% of CO2 emissions, and to all energy used on board in or between EU ports, as well as to 50% of energy used on voyages where the departure or arrival port is outside of the EU or in EU outermost regions. The agreement also incentivizes ship owners to use renewable fuels of non-biological origin and requires containerships and passenger ships to use on-shore power supply while moored at the quayside in major EU ports as of 2030, and in all EU ports as of 2035.

(PRESS RELEASE) STRASBOURG, 23-Mar-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — The European Parliament, the EU’s only directly-elected institution and one of the legislative bodies of the European Union, and the European Council have agreed on a plan to reduce maritime emissions, aiming to cut ship emissions by 2% from 2025 and by 80% from 2050 to help the EU achieve its climate neutrality target. The agreement includes the establishment of a fuel standard for ships to promote the use of renewable and low-carbon fuels and the decarbonization of the EU’s maritime sector.

To achieve this goal, MEPs have ensured that ships above a gross tonnage of 5000, which are responsible for 90% of CO2 emissions, will have to gradually reduce greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the amount of GHG in the energy they use below the 2020 level of 91.16 grams of CO2 per MJ. This will require a reduction of 2% in 2025, 6% in 2030, 14.5% in 2035, 31% in 2040, 62% in 2045, and 80% in 2050.

In addition, the agreement stipulates that all energy used on board in or between EU ports and 50% of energy used on voyages where the departure or arrival port is outside of the EU or in EU outermost regions will be subject to the new fuel standard.

The deal also incentivizes ship owners who use renewable fuels of non-biological origin (RFNBO) by providing them with credits in the form of offsetting emissions from 2025 to 2034. If the Commission reports that RFNBO amounts to less than 1% in fuel mix in 2031, a 2% renewable fuels usage target will be set as of 2034.

Furthermore, the agreement requires containerships and passenger ships to use on-shore power supply for all electricity needs while moored at the quayside in major EU ports as of 2030, and this will apply to the rest of EU ports as of 2035, provided they have an on-shore power supply. Some exemptions, such as staying at port for less than two hours or using zero-emission technology, will apply in certain circumstances.

Overall, this agreement is a significant step towards reducing maritime emissions and achieving climate neutrality in the EU.

EP rapporteur Jörgen Warborn (EPP, SE) said: “This agreement sets out by far the world’s most ambitious path to maritime decarbonisation. No other global power has drafted such a comprehensive framework to tackle maritime emissions. This is truly ground-breaking.”

“This regulation will force others to move too. Europe will do its fair share, but European citizens and companies should not foot the bill for the entire world’s climate efforts.”

“We guarantee the sector long-term rules and predictability, so that they dare to invest. Shipping companies and ports can focus their resources on delivering the greatest climate benefits and the most value for money. This protects the jobs of seafarers, dockworkers and workers in the export industry, and sets an example for other countries to follow.”

The informal agreement on sustainable maritime fuels rules will undergo further steps for approval, including review by the Council Committee of Permanent Representatives and Parliament’s Transport and Tourism Committee, followed by the Parliament and Council as a whole.

According to the European Environment Agency, the transportation sector accounted for about a quarter of the EU’s total CO2 emissions in 2019, with 14% coming from water navigation. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the European Climate Law, the EU has developed the “Fit for 55 in 2030 package,” which includes new rules on alternative fuel infrastructure and maritime fuel.

Media contact:

Gediminas VILKAS
Press Officer
(+32) 2 28 33592 (BXL)
(+32) 470 89 29 21
Twitter: @EP_Transport

SOURCE: European Parliament


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