Daily Archives: 13, February 2023

TU Delft promuoverà la progettazione di AI orientata al valore al REAIM 2023 dell’Aia

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) Il TU Delft Digital Ethics Center sta organizzando il forum accademico per la conferenza REAIM 2023 ospitata dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri olandese sull’IA responsabile nel settore militare. Il forum sarà condotto da Jeroen van den Hoven, … Read the full press release

TU Delft to promote value-driven AI design at The Hague’s REAIM 2023

(IN BRIEF) The TU Delft Digital Ethics Centre is organizing the academic forum for the REAIM 2023 conference hosted by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs on responsible AI in the military domain. The forum will be led by Jeroen … Read the full press release

Il Gruppo Nemetschek investe in SmartPM per promuovere l’innovazione nel settore edile

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) Fornitore globale di software per AEC/O e media & industrie dell’intrattenimento, Nemetschek Group, ha investito nella start-up con sede ad Atlanta SmartPM, una piattaforma di automazione per il controllo dei progetti, ampliando la propria strategia di venture … Read the full press release

Nemetschek Group Invests in SmartPM to Drive Innovation in Construction

(IN BRIEF) Global software provider for the AEC/O and media & entertainment industries, Nemetschek Group, has invested in Atlanta-based start-up SmartPM, a project controls automation platform, expanding their venture strategy to drive innovation in the construction sector. SmartPM’s Automated Project … Read the full press release

Heraeus Precious Metals reçoit le « Supplier Reliability Award » pour son engagement envers la collaboration et le partenariat avec Nouryon

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) Heraeus Precious Metals a reçu le “Supplier Reliability Award” de Nouryon pour sa fiabilité d’approvisionnement exceptionnelle et son partenariat avec le leader mondial de la chimie de spécialités. Le prix récompense spécifiquement la gamme de produits de … Read the full press release

Heraeus Precious Metals Receives “Supplier Reliability Award” for Commitment to Collaboration and Partnership with Nouryon

(IN BRIEF) Heraeus Precious Metals has been awarded the “Supplier Reliability Award” by Nouryon for its exceptional supply reliability and partnership with the global specialty chemicals leader. The award specifically recognizes the company’s Catalytic Gauzes product line for its special … Read the full press release

La tecnología innovadora de Holcim reduce la huella de carbono de la producción de cemento en un 50%

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) Holcim, líder mundial en la industria de materiales de construcción, ha anunciado el lanzamiento de la primera operación de cemento de arcilla calcinada de Europa en su planta de Saint-Pierre-la-Cour en Francia. La nueva línea de producción … Read the full press release

Holcim’s Innovative Technology Reduces Carbon Footprint of Cement Production by 50%

(IN BRIEF) Holcim, a global leader in the building materials industry, has announced the launch of Europe’s first calcined clay cement operation at its Saint-Pierre-la-Cour plant in France. The new production line will use Holcim’s proprietary technology, proximA Tech, to … Read the full press release

UniCredit apoya a 3Sun con una financiación de 560 millones de euros para la expansión de la fábrica de paneles solares de Catania

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) El banco italiano UniCredit ha firmado un acuerdo de financiación de proyectos de 560 millones de euros con la empresa de energías renovables 3Sun, parte de Enel Green Power, para financiar la expansión de su fábrica de … Read the full press release

UniCredit supports 3Sun with 560m euro funding for Catania solar panel factory expansion

(IN BRIEF) Italian bank UniCredit has signed a €560m project financing agreement with renewable energy company 3Sun, part of Enel Green Power, to fund the expansion of its solar panel factory in Catania, Sicily. The loan is divided between a … Read the full press release

Pirelli & C. SpA conserve sa position de leader mondial dans la lutte contre le changement climatique pour la cinquième année consécutive avec la note « A » du CDP

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) Pirelli & amp; C. SpA a de nouveau gagné une place sur la Climate A List pour 2022, publiée par l’organisation internationale à but non lucratif CDP. L’entreprise a été reconnue pour son engagement à lutter contre … Read the full press release

Pirelli & C. SpA maintains global leadership position in climate change fight for fifth straight year with “A” rating from CDP

(IN BRIEF) Pirelli & C. SpA has once again earned a spot on the Climate A List for 2022, published by the international non-profit organization, CDP. The company was recognized for its commitment to tackling climate change, earning the highest … Read the full press release

El cracker más sostenible desde el punto de vista medioambiental de Europa se construirá con una financiación de 3500 millones de euros

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) INEOS Olefins Bélgica ha obtenido una financiación de 3500 millones de euros para construir y operar el cracker más sostenible desde el punto de vista medioambiental de Europa. La planta tendrá una huella de carbono más baja … Read the full press release

Europe’s Most Environmentally Sustainable Cracker to be Built with €3.5bn Funding

(IN BRIEF) INEOS Olefins Belgium has secured €3.5 billion in funding to construct and operate Europe’s most environmentally sustainable cracker. The plant will have a lower carbon footprint than the average European steam cracker and is capable of operating solely … Read the full press release

Leica Geosystems presenta la soluzione LiDAR batimetrica aerea di nuova generazione per il rilevamento in acque profonde con Leica HawkEye-5

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) Leica Geosystems ha lanciato Leica HawkEye-5, un’innovativa soluzione LiDAR batimetrica aerea per il rilevamento in acque profonde. La tecnologia fornisce un significativo miglioramento dell’efficienza di volo, con conseguente raccolta dati più rapida e maggiore copertura dell’area, espandendo … Read the full press release

Leica Geosystems Unveils Next-Generation Airborne Bathymetric LiDAR Solution for Deep Water Surveying with the Leica HawkEye-5

(IN BRIEF) Leica Geosystems has launched the Leica HawkEye-5, an innovative airborne bathymetric LiDAR solution for deep water surveying. The technology provides a significant improvement in flight efficiency, resulting in faster data collection and increased area coverage, expanding the capabilities … Read the full press release

BBVA integriert Mastercard Corporate Cards in die Pivot Commercial Cards Platform

(IN KÜRZE) BBVA hat bekannt gegeben, dass es das Spesenmanagement für Firmenkarten von Mastercard in seine Pivot Commercial Cards-Plattform integriert, was die Überprüfungs- und Genehmigungsprozesse für Spesen vereinfacht und eine bessere Kontrolle über die Verwendung von Firmenkarten bietet. Die Plattform … Read the full press release

BBVA Integrates Mastercard Corporate Cards into Pivot Commercial Cards Platform

(IN BRIEF) BBVA has announced that it is integrating Mastercard corporate cards expense management into its Pivot Commercial Cards platform, which simplifies the review and authorisation processes for expenses, providing greater control over the use of corporate cards. The platform … Read the full press release

Asset Servicing Leader CACEIS und Fintech Heavenize kooperieren bei OSMOZE Investment Platform

(IN KÜRZE) Das Vermögensverwaltungsunternehmen CACEIS hat sich mit dem Fintech-Unternehmen Heavenize zusammengetan, um OSMOZE, ein Entscheidungsfindungs-Dashboard für alle Anlageklassen, für Verwaltungsgesellschaften und institutionelle Anlegerkunden anzubieten. OSMOZE stellt Portfoliomanagern Asset-Management- und Investitionssimulationstools zur Verfügung, um Investitionsentscheidungen und die operative Leistung zu … Read the full press release

Asset Servicing Leader CACEIS and Fintech Heavenize Collaborate on OSMOZE Investment Platform

(IN BRIEF) Asset servicing firm CACEIS has partnered with fintech company Heavenize to offer OSMOZE, a decision-making dashboard for all asset classes, to management companies and institutional investor clients. OSMOZE provides portfolio managers with asset management and investment simulation tools … Read the full press release