Tag Archives: Tanja Kufner

Nemetschek Group Invests in Document Crunch to Advance AI-Driven Compliance and Risk Management for Construction

(IN BRIEF) The Nemetschek Group has invested in Document Crunch, a technology company specializing in AI-driven document compliance and risk management for the construction industry, as part of a Series B funding round. The investment will help Document Crunch scale … Read the full press release

Il fornitore di software per l’edilizia Nemetschek Group sostiene LiveCosts con un investimento iniziale

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) Il gruppo Nemetschek, un fornitore di software per il settore AEC/O, ha effettuato un investimento iniziale in LiveCosts, una start-up irlandese che semplifica il controllo dei costi nel settore delle costruzioni con un software di facile utilizzo … Read the full press release

Construction software provider Nemetschek Group backs LiveCosts with initial investment

(IN BRIEF) The Nemetschek Group, a software provider for the AEC/O industry, has made an initial investment in LiveCosts, an Irish start-up that simplifies cost control in the construction industry with easy-to-use software connecting the office to the field. The … Read the full press release

Il Gruppo Nemetschek investe in SmartPM per promuovere l’innovazione nel settore edile

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) Fornitore globale di software per AEC/O e media & industrie dell’intrattenimento, Nemetschek Group, ha investito nella start-up con sede ad Atlanta SmartPM, una piattaforma di automazione per il controllo dei progetti, ampliando la propria strategia di venture … Read the full press release

Nemetschek Group Invests in SmartPM to Drive Innovation in Construction

(IN BRIEF) Global software provider for the AEC/O and media & entertainment industries, Nemetschek Group, has invested in Atlanta-based start-up SmartPM, a project controls automation platform, expanding their venture strategy to drive innovation in the construction sector. SmartPM’s Automated Project … Read the full press release