Tag Archives: SLM machine

Breakthrough on laser powder bed fusion technology brings effective production of larger components closer to mainstream

The SLM-XL project included the development of a prototype machine capable of producing large parts that meet the commonly used 316L stainless steel specifications (PRESS RELEASE) LISBON, 29-May-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — Additive manufacturing technologies are increasingly used, as they allow … Read the full press release

Project consortium aims at driving the adoption of selective laser melting (SLM) for large scale metal parts printing

The SLM-XL – 3D project puts together leading research and industrial organizations to develop a prototype capable of coping with the most demanding real-life scenarios (PRESS RELEASE) LISBOA, 9-May-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — Utilization of laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) technology … Read the full press release