Tag Archives: digitize

Deutsche Telekom and YellowFox Digitize Modschiedler Group’s Fleet and Logistics Processes for Sustainable and Efficient Operations

(IN BRIEF) Deutsche Telekom and YellowFox are partnering to digitize the fleet and logistics processes of the Modschiedler Group. The solution includes digital order management, a truck route planner, and the “YellowFleetApp” for transport handling and route planning. Connected trackers … Read the full press release

Fraunhofer IGD develops automated robotic arm to scan cultural objects in 3D, now cooperating with Phase One

The digital twin concept arrives in the museum world (PRESS RELEASE) DARMSTADT, 23-Feb-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — The Fraunhofer IGD in Darmstadt has developed a product to make it easier for museums to digitize their collections and is now cooperating with … Read the full press release