Search Results for: Total

TotalEnergies announces $50 million contribution to the Tropical Asia Forest Fund 2 aimed at Southeast Asia

PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 3-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA:TTE), one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies, has announced its contribution of $50 million to the “Tropical Asia Forest Fund 2” (TAFF2) managed by New Forests, a global investment manager of … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies gibt bedeutende Entdeckung von Leichtöl mit Begleitgas in Block 2913B tief vor der Küste Namibias bekannt

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) PARIS, 24-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA:TTE), eines der sieben „Supermajor“-Ölunternehmen, hat bekannt gegeben, dass eine bedeutende Entdeckung von Leichtöl mit Begleitgas gemacht wurde auf dem Venus-Prospekt in Block 2913B im Orange Basin vor der Küste Südnamibias. Das Bohrloch … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies announces significant discovery of light oil with associated gas in block 2913B in deep offshore Namibia

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 24-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA:TTE), one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies, has announced a significant discovery of light oil with associated gas has been made on the Venus prospect, located in block 2913B in the … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies und APA Corporation gaben eine neue Öl- und Begleitgasentdeckung in Block 58 vor der Küste von Suriname bekannt

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) PARIS, 21-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA:TTE), eines der sieben „Supermajor“-Ölunternehmen, und die APA Corporation, ein amerikanisches Unternehmen, das sich mit der Exploration von Kohlenwasserstoffen beschäftigt, gaben dies bekannt eine bedeutende neue Öl- und Begleitgasentdeckung bei der Krabdagu-1-Bohrung im … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies and APA Corporation announced a new oil and associated gas discovery in Block 58 offshore Suriname

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 21-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA:TTE), one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies, and APA Corporation, an American company engaged in hydrocarbon exploration, have announced a significant new oil and associated gas discovery at the Krabdagu-1 well, … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies kündigte den Rückzug aus dem Tiefwasserprojekt North Platte an, an dem es 60 % der Betriebsanteile hält

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) PARIS, 10-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA:TTE), eines der sieben „Supermajor“-Ölunternehmen, hat seinen Rückzug als Ergebnis seiner Entscheidung, keine Sanktionen zu verhängen, angekündigt , vom North Platte Deep Water Project im US-Golf von Mexiko, an dem es über seine … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies announced withdrawal from the North Platte Deep Water Project where it holds 60% operated interest

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 10-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA:TTE), one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies, has announced its withdrawal, as a result of its decision not to sanction, from the North Platte Deep Water Project in the US Gulf … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies übernimmt das B2B-Solargeschäft von SunPower

Ermöglichung von TotalEnergies, die Reichweite in der dezentralen B2B-Solarerzeugung in den USA zu erweitern; SunPower konzentriert und beschleunigt das Wachstum auf private Solardienste (PRESSEMITTEILUNG) PARIS / SAN JOSE, CA, United States, 10-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA/NYSE:TTE), eines der sieben … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies takes over the B2B solar business of SunPower

Enabling TotalEnergies to expand reach in the U.S. B2B solar distributed generation; SunPower to focus and accelerate growth in residential solar services (PRESS RELEASE) PARIS / SAN JOSE, CA, United States, 10-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA/NYSE:TTE), one of the … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies to produce biomethane from Veolia waste and water treatment facilities as part of a new agreement

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 2-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies, has announced the company will start producing biomethane from waste and water treatment facilities located in 15 countries as part of a new … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies wird im Rahmen einer neuen Vereinbarung Biomethan aus Abfall- und Wasserbehandlungsanlagen von Veolia produzieren

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) PARIS, 2-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), eines der sieben „Supermajor“-Ölunternehmen, hat angekündigt, dass das Unternehmen mit der Produktion von Biomethan aus Abfall- und Wasseraufbereitungsanlagen beginnen wird in 15 Ländern im Rahmen einer neuen Vereinbarung mit Veolia, einem … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies will im Rahmen einer mit dem Rwanda Development Board (RDB), der Wirtschaftsentwicklungsagentur des Landes, unterzeichneten Absichtserklärung eine lokale Niederlassung in Ruanda gründen und eröffnen

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) PARIS, 31-Jan-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), eines der sieben „Supermajor“-Ölunternehmen, hat gab bekannt, dass das Unternehmen im Rahmen einer Absichtserklärung, die es mit dem Rwanda Development Board (RDB), einer öffentlichen ruandischen Institution, die für die Beschleunigung der … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies to incorporate and open a local branch in Rwanda as part of a Memorandum of Understanding signed with Rwanda Development Board (RDB), the country’s economic development agency

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 31-Jan-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies, has announced the company will incorporate and open a local branch in Rwanda as part of a Memorandum of Understanding it signed with … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies verkauft 20 Prozent der Anteile an den Feldern im Großraum Laggan und am Shetland Gas Plant in Großbritannien an Kistos Energy Limited

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) PARIS, 31-Jan-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), eines der sieben „Supermajor“-Ölunternehmen, hat kündigte den Verkauf einer 20-prozentigen Beteiligung an den Feldern im Großraum Laggan und an der Shetland Gas Plant in Großbritannien an Kistos Energy Limited an, eine … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies to sell 20 percent interest in Greater Laggan Area fields and in the Shetland Gas Plant in the UK to Kistos Energy Limited

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 31-Jan-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies, has announced the sale of 20 percent interest in Greater Laggan Area fields and in the Shetland Gas Plant in the UK to … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies schließt Marseilles ersten LNG-Bunkerbetrieb eines Containerschiffs über sein zweites gechartertes LNG-Bunkerschiff ab

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) PARIS, 24-Jan-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), eines der sieben „Supermajor“-Ölunternehmen, und CMA CGM, ein französisches Containertransport- und Schifffahrtsunternehmen, hat den Start von Marseilles erstem Schiff-zu-Containerschiff-Bunkerbetrieb für verflüssigtes Erdgas (LNG) im Hafen von Marseille Fos, Südfrankreich, bekannt gegeben. … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies completes Marseille’s first LNG bunkering operation of a containership via its second chartered LNG bunker vessel

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 24-Jan-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies, and CMA CGM, a French container transportation and shipping company, have announced the launch of Marseilles’ inaugural ship-to-containership Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) bunkering … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies inicia proceso contractual de retiro del campo de gas de Yadana y de MGTC en Myanmar

(COMUNICADO DE PRENSA) PARIS, 21-Jan-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), una de las siete compañías petroleras “supergrandes”, ha anunció que la compañía inició los pasos para ser un proceso contractual de retiro del campo de gas de Yadana y … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies begins contractual process of withdrawing from the Yadana gas field and from MGTC in Myanmar

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 21-Jan-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies, has announced the company initiated steps to being contractual process of withdrawing from the Yadana gas field and from MGTC in Myanmar. Following … Read the full press release

Kia equipará su automóvil totalmente eléctrico EV6 con neumáticos premium de Continental

Los neumáticos PremiumContact 6 y CrossContact RX equipados con la tecnología ContiSilent de Continental elegidos como equipo original para el Kia EV6 Amplia gama de neumáticos de repuesto adecuados para verano, invierno y para todas las estaciones también disponibles en … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies to divest its holdings in Angola Block 14 B.V.

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 17-Jan-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies, has announced the divestment of its holdings in Angola Block 14 B.V., held nearly equally with Inpex Angola Block 14 Ltd. The buyer … Read the full press release

Thierry Pflimlin to lead Marketing & Services at TotalEnergies

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 14-Jan-2022 — /EuropaWire/ —TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies, has announced the appointment of Thierry Pflimlin as its new President Marketing & Services and member of the Executive Committee of TotalEnergies. Thierry Pflimlin started … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies and Amarenco top the ranking of developers by power won over the 13 slots of the AO CRE 4 ISB in France according Finergreen Analysis

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 13-Jan-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies, has announced the company through its joint venture with Amarenco, ranked #1 once again in the CRE 4 call for tenders, thus strengthening … Read the full press release

The largest battery-based energy storage facility in France launches with power capacity of 61 MW and a total storage capacity of 61 MWh

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 21-Dec-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies, has announced the launch of what’s considered France’s largest battery-based energy storage facility in response to the grid stabilization needs. Located in Dunkirk, … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies to deliver decarbonized electricity to Prony Resources via 25-year renewable PPA

(PRESS RELEASE) NOUMEA, New Caledonia, 20-Dec-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies, has announced a partnership with Prony Resources New Caledonia, major supplier of nickel and cobalt used in the batteries of the … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies, ANPG start the production of CLOV Phase 2, some 140 kilometers off the Angolan coast

(PRESS RELEASE) LUANDA, Angola, 3-Dec-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies, has announced the start of the production of CLOV Phase 2 off the Angolan coast, a project connected to the existing CLOV … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies’ largest solar farm in France launches in northeast of Gien: 126,000 photovoltaic panels across 75 hectares

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 29-Nov-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies, has announced the launch of its largest photovoltaic solar power plant in France. Located just northeast of Gien (Loiret), the solar farm boasts … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies signs multiple agreements with Libyan Government for the sustainable development of the country’s natural resources

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 23-Nov-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies, has announced the signature of several agreements with the Libyan authorities for the sustainable development of the country’s natural resources during the Libya … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies and the Government of Suriname sign carbon credit exchange agreement

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 19-Nov-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies, announces the signing of agreement with the Government of Suriname, to support its national strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by preserving forests … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies to partner with two carbon companies over development of natural below-ground carbon sinks in Australia

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 18-Nov-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies, has announced new partnerships with Australian carbon developers AgriProve, a pioneer in agricultural soil carbon sequestration, and Corporate Carbon, one of the leading … Read the full press release

Electric mobility: TotalEnergies to equip its motorway and expressway service stations with high-power charge points for electric vehicles

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 28-Oct-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies, has announced it will invest €200 million to add high-power charge points for electric vehicles to its more than 150 motorway and expressway … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies’ newly opened UK Offshore Wind Hub in Aberdeen to help its staff transition from oil and gas to offshore wind

TotalEnergies opens UK offshore wind hub in Aberdeen ScotWind partners announce £140m initiative for Scottish industry Partners aim for high level of Scottish local content (PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 18-Oct-2021— /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), one of the seven “supermajor” oil … Read the full press release

Zero-emissions logistics: TotalEnergies to solarize eight sites of DHL in Dubai

TotalEnergies will solarize eight of DHL’s sites in Dubai to cover the equivalent of over 46,000m² of photovoltaic panels. As part of their strategic cooperation agreement, a solar energy project is launched Over 14,000 MWh of electricity will be produced … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies adds 1.4 GWp net capacity to its renewable portfolio following the Adani Green Energy / SB Energy India deal

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 4-Oct-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies, has announced it will add  net capacity of ~1.4 GWp¹ of projects in operation and under construction to its renewable portfolio following the … Read the full press release

Energy transition: TotalEnergies part of the World’s Largest Clean Hydrogen Infrastructure Fund

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 1-Oct-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies, has announced that the Company together with Air Liquide, a world leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and Health, and VINCI, … Read the full press release

Synova extension doubles TotalEnergies mechanical recycling production capacity in France

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 1-Oct-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies, has announced the launch of the extension of Synova in Normandy, the French leader in recycled polypropylene production. As a result TotalEnergies mechanical … Read the full press release

Major partnership between TotalEnergies and Safran aims at accelerating the reduction of CO2 emissions in the aviation industry

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 27-Sep-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies, has announced it signed a strategic partnership agreement with Safran (EPA: SAF), a French multinational aircraft engine, rocket engine, aerospace-component and defense company, … Read the full press release

Air Liquide to operate the hydrogen production unit at the TotalEnergies platform in Normandy, France

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 14-Sep-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies, has announced it will partner with Air Liquide, a world leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and Health, for the decarbonisation … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies, partners decision to launch Mero 4 marks the last milestone in the large-scale development of the Mero oil resources

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 3-Aug-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies, one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies, has announced that the Company together with its partners have taken the investment decision for the fourth phase (Phase 4) of the Mero project (Libra … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies acquires Bluecharge, the largest electric vehicle charging network in Singapore

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS/ SINGAPORE, 28-Jul-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies announces the acquisition of ‘Blue Charge’ from Bolloré Group. Upon the approval of the relevant authorities, TotalEnergies will manage and operate Singapore’s largest electric vehicle (EV) charging network, with more than … Read the full press release