Tag Archives: copernicus

SWIFTT: A Copernicus-based forest management tool to map, mitigate, and prevent the main threats to EU forests

The solution will increase forest management productivity and cost-effectiveness, and enable forest managers, authorities, and policymakers to deal with forest threats proactively (IN BRIEF) Insect outbreaks, wildfires, and windthrow pose significant threats to European forests, exacerbated by climate change-induced extreme … Read the full press release

UCL Applauds UK’s Return to Horizon Europe, Unlocking Opportunities for Research and Innovation

(IN BRIEF) UCL leaders have welcomed the UK Government’s agreement with the European Commission, allowing UK scientists to fully participate in Horizon Europe, a significant £81 billion research and innovation program. This agreement enables UK organizations, including UCL, to lead … Read the full press release

T-Systems Selected as Prime Contractor for the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem

T-Systems Selected as Prime Contractor for the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem

(IN BRIEF) The European Space Agency (ESA) has chosen T-Systems, a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom, as the service provider for the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem. This project aims to provide one of the world’s largest public data collections for earth … Read the full press release

T-Systems selezionata come appaltatore principale per il Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem

T-Systems Selected as Prime Contractor for the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE)L’Agenzia spaziale europea (ESA) ha scelto T-Systems, una sussidiaria di Deutsche Telekom, come fornitore di servizi per il Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem. Questo progetto mira a fornire una delle più grandi raccolte di dati pubblici al mondo per … Read the full press release

Vil du være med å utvikle fremtidens bærekraftige reiseliv?

Vi trenger flere kreative hoder! Let’s (Re)Visit Europe in Style. (PRESSEMELDING) KRISTIANSAND, Norge, 26-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ —Det tredje CASSINI HACKATHON, som vil finne sted 12.-14. mai, er et event som arrangeres på 10 lokasjoner i Europa samtidig. Deltagerne vil få … Read the full press release

Προκαλέστε τον εαυτό σας στο 3ο CASSINI Hackathon και στοχεύστε την αναζωογόνηση του τουρισμού!

Λάβετε μέρος μαζί με μερικά από τα πιο λαμπρά μυαλά του διαστημικού και τουριστικού τομέα. Πρωτοβουλία (Re)Visit Europe με απαράμιλλο στιλ. (ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΤΥΠΟΥ) ΑΘΗΝΑ, Ελλάδα, 20-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Το 3ο CASSINI Hackathon, το οποίο έχει προγραμματιστεί για τις 12-14 … Read the full press release

3. CASSINI Hackathon zur Neubelebung des Tourismus: Stellen Sie sich der Herausforderung!

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) GRAZ, Österreich, 14-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — 3. CASSINI Hackathon zur Neubelebung des Tourismus: Stellen Sie sich der Herausforderung! Europa stilvoll (neu) entdecken. Der 3. CASSINI Hackathon vom 12.-14. Mai ist eine europaweite Veranstaltung, die das EU-Weltraumprogramm nutzt, um wichtige … Read the full press release

Írd újra Európa turizmusát a 3. CASSINI Hackathonon!

(SAJTÓKÖZLEMÉNY) Budapest, Magyarország, 14-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — A május 12 és 14 között, egész Európában megrendezendő hackathon fő célja, hogy a résztvevők szembenézzenek az idegenforgalom legfontosabb globális kihívásaival, és fenntarthatóbbá alakítsák Európa turizmusát. Mindebben uniós űrprogram segíti a őket. A … Read the full press release

Aceita o desafio do 3º CASSINI Hackathon para revitalizar o turismo!

(COMUNICADO DE IMPRENSA) COIMBRA, Portugal, 14-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — O 3º CASSINI Hackathon, que irá decorrer entre os dias 12 e 14 de maio em 10 cidades da Europa, entre as quais Coimbra, é um evento à escala europeia que … Read the full press release

Podejmij wyzwanie! Weź udział w 3. Hackathonie CASSINI i pomóż ponownie ożywić turystykę!

(KOMUNIKAT PRASOWY) KRAKÓW, POLSKA, 14-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Podejmij wyzwanie! Weź udział w 3. Hackathonie CASSINI i pomóż ponownie ożywić turystykę! Czas (Re)Visit Europe w dobrym stylu. Zaplanowany na 12-14 maja 3. CASSINI Hackathon, to ogólnoeuropejskie wydarzenie, które z pomocą … Read the full press release

Daag jezelf uit op de 3e CASSINI Hackathon en blaas toerisme nieuw leven in

(PERSBERICHT) NOORDWIJK, Nederland, 14-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Daag jezelf uit op de 3e CASSINI Hackathon en blaas toerisme nieuw leven in. Thema: (Re)Visit Europe De 3e CASSINI Hackathon vindt plaats van 12-14 mei verspreid over 10 locaties in Europa. Als … Read the full press release

Spanish team wins the Farming by Satellite Prize 2020

Spanish team wins the Farming by Satellite Prize 2020

(PRESS RELEASE) LONDON, 17-Dec-2020 — /EuropaWire/ — The winners of the Farming by Satellite Prize 2020 were announced at the virtual Farming by Satellite Prize 2020 Awards Ceremony on Monday 30th November. The Prize promotes the use of Galileo, the … Read the full press release

“Smart” concept for cover planting wins Farming by Satellite Prize

The 3rd Farming by Satellite Prize, promoting the use of satellite technologies in agriculture, was decided on Monday 23rd January at International Green Week in Berlin. The overall winner of €5,000 was a team from ISA Lille in France with … Read the full press release

L’équipe française remporte le prix paneuropéen Farming by Satellite

Le lauréat du 3ème Prix Farming by Satellite visant à promouvoir le recours aux technologies satellitaires dans le domaine de l’agriculture, a été désigné le lundi 23 janvier à l’occasion de l’International Green Week de Berlin. La gagnante toutes catégories … Read the full press release