Search Results for: Saab

Saab recibe pedidos de cancelación de municiones y armas antiblindaje por valor de 350 millones de coronas suecas de la OTAN

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) Saab ha firmado acuerdos marco con la Agencia de Adquisiciones y Apoyo de la OTAN (NSPA) para el sistema de armas Carl-Gustaf® M4 y el arma antiblindaje AT4. La NSPA también ha realizado pedidos de cancelación por … Read the full press release

Saab receives SEK 350m call-off orders for ammunition and anti-armour weapons from NATO

(IN BRIEF) Saab has signed framework agreements with NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) for the Carl-Gustaf® M4 weapon system and the AT4 anti-armour weapon. The NSPA has also placed call-off orders worth around SEK 350 million for Carl-Gustaf ammunition … Read the full press release

Le gouvernement du pays occidental attribue à Saab un contrat de système de défense de 8 milliards de SEK

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) La société suédoise de défense et de sécurité, Saab, a signé un accord-cadre avec le gouvernement d’un pays occidental et a reçu des commandes pour un certain nombre de systèmes de défense, y compris son arme polyvalente … Read the full press release

Western Country Government Awards Saab SEK 8 Billion Defense System Contract

(IN BRIEF) Swedish defense and security company, Saab, has signed a framework agreement with a Western country’s government and received orders for a number of defense systems, including its Carl-Gustaf® multi-purpose shoulder-launched weapon, the RBS 70 NG short-range air defense … Read the full press release

Saab offre una versatile soluzione GlobalEye al progetto AFSC della NATO

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) Saab ha presentato una risposta alla richiesta di informazioni (RFI) della NATO in merito a una nuova generazione di capacità di sorveglianza e controllo, basate sul loro sistema GlobalEye. GlobalEye è un servizio multidominio di allerta precoce … Read the full press release

Saab Offers Versatile GlobalEye Solution to NATO’s AFSC Project

(IN BRIEF) Saab has submitted a response to NATO’s Request for Information (RFI) regarding a new generation of surveillance and control capabilities, based on their GlobalEye system. GlobalEye is a multi-domain Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) solution with advanced … Read the full press release

La France passe une commande de 24 millions d’euros pour l’arme anti-blindage jetable AT4 de Saab

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) Saab a reçu une commande de 24 millions d’euros pour son arme anti-blindage, l’AT4, de la Direction générale de l’armement (DGA). La commande sera livrée en 2023 et a été enregistrée au quatrième trimestre 2022. L’AT4 est … Read the full press release

France Places €24 Million Order for Saab’s Disposable AT4 Anti-Armor Weapon

(IN BRIEF) Saab has received a €24 million order for its anti-armor weapon, the AT4, from the French Armament General Directorate (DGA). The order will be delivered in 2023 and was booked in the fourth quarter of 2022. The AT4 … Read the full press release

Saab to boast Finland’s air defence capability with its latest version of the RBS 70 missile

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 22-Dec-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab AB (STO: SAAB-B), leading company in the military defence and civil security markets, has announced a new order from Finland for the delivery of missiles to be used in the RBS 70 … Read the full press release

Saab va se vanter de la capacité de défense aérienne de la Finlande avec sa dernière version du missile RBS 70

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) STOCKHOLM, 22-Dec-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab AB (STO : SAAB-B), société leader sur les marchés de la défense militaire et de la sécurité civile, a annoncé une nouvelle commande de la Finlande pour la livraison de missiles destinés … Read the full press release

Funds advised by Agilitas Private Equity LLP to acquire the Maritime Traffic Management (MTM) business of Saab

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 30-Nov-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab AB (STO: SAAB-B), leading company in the military defence and civil security markets, has announced it will sell its Maritime Traffic Management (MTM) business to funds advised by Agilitas Private Equity LLP … Read the full press release

Von Agilitas Private Equity LLP beratene Fonds beim Erwerb des Maritime Traffic Management (MTM)-Geschäfts von Saab

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) STOCKHOLM, 30-Nov-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab AB (STO: SAAB-B), führendes Unternehmen auf den Märkten für militärische Verteidigung und zivile Sicherheit, hat angekündigt, dass es seinen Maritime Traffic verkaufen wird Management (MTM)-Geschäft mit von Agilitas Private Equity LLP („Agilitas“) beratenen … Read the full press release

Saab to deliver short range air defence missiles to Lithuania as part of a new contract

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 25-Oct-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab AB (STO: SAAB-B), leading company in the military defence and civil security markets, has announced it will deliver its best-in-class short range air defence missiles (RBS 70 missiles) to Lithuania as part … Read the full press release

Saab liefert im Rahmen eines neuen Vertrags Kurzstrecken-Flugabwehrraketen nach Litauen

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) STOCKHOLM, 25-Oct-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab AB (STO: SAAB-B), führendes Unternehmen in der militärischen Verteidigung und zivile Sicherheitsmärkte, hat angekündigt, dass es seine klassenbesten Kurzstrecken-Luftverteidigungsraketen (RBS 70-Raketen) im Rahmen eines neuen Vierjahresvertrags mit der litauischen Verteidigungsbehörde nach Litauen liefern … Read the full press release

Swedish Armed Forces to replace its existing lightweight torpedo with more advanced one developed by Saab

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 17-Oct-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab AB (STO: SAAB-B), leading company in the military defence and civil security markets, has announced the first deliveries of its new  more advanced lightweight torpedo, which will replace the existing one currently … Read the full press release

Die schwedischen Streitkräfte ersetzen ihren vorhandenen leichten Torpedo durch einen fortschrittlicheren, von Saab entwickelten

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) STOCKHOLM, 17-Oct-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab AB (STO: SAAB-B), führendes Unternehmen in der militärischen Verteidigung und zivile Sicherheitsmärkte, hat die ersten Lieferungen seines neuen  fortschrittlicherer leichter Torpedo, der den bestehenden Torpedo ersetzen wird, der derzeit von den schwedischen Streitkräften … Read the full press release

Saab to showcase multi-domain sensors and advanced ground combat systems at 2022 Defense and Security Exhibition Korea

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 16-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab AB (STO: SAAB-B), leading company in the military defence and civil security markets, has announced its participation at the 2022 Defense and Security Exhibition Korea (DX Korea), Asia’s best defense networking platform. … Read the full press release

Saab présentera des capteurs multi-domaines et des systèmes de combat au sol avancés au salon de la défense et de la sécurité 2022 en Corée

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) STOCKHOLM, 16-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab AB (STO : SAAB-B), entreprise leader dans la défense militaire et les marchés de la sécurité civile, a annoncé sa participation au 2022 Defence and Security Exhibition Korea (DX Korea), la meilleure … Read the full press release

Saab announced multi million euro contract for the delivery of components for the Carl-Gustaf® recoilless rifle

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 27-May-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab AB (STO: SAAB-B), leading company in the military defence and civil security markets, has announced a new contract worth SEK 643 million (~EUR 60 million) for the supply of components for the … Read the full press release

Saab a annoncé un contrat de plusieurs millions d’euros pour la livraison de composants pour le fusil sans recul Carl-Gustaf®

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) STOCKHOLM, 27-May-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab AB (STO : SAAB-B), entreprise leader dans la défense militaire et de la sécurité civile, a annoncé un nouveau contrat d’une valeur de 643 millions SEK (~ 60 millions EUR) pour la … Read the full press release

Saab wird am 24. Februar 2022 ein Seminar über die aktuelle Entwicklung von Sensoren für die heutigen Verteidigungskräfte veranstalten

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) STOCKHOLM, 15-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab AB (STO: SAAB-B), führendes Unternehmen in den Märkten für militärische Verteidigung und zivile Sicherheit, hat angekündigt, dass es sein Sensorseminar veranstalten wird am 24. Februar 2022, 14:00 Uhr MEZ. Medien, Finanzanalysten und Investoren … Read the full press release

Saab will host a seminar on the current development of sensors for today’s defence forces on 24th February 2022

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 15-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab AB (STO: SAAB-B), leading company in the military defence and civil security markets, has announced it will host its Sensor Seminar on 24th February 2022, 14:00 CET. Media, financial analysts and investors … Read the full press release

Saab livrera une tour numérique pour les services de navigation aérienne qui sera utilisée au nouvel aéroport international de Brasov-Ghimbav en Roumanie

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) STOCKHOLM, 8-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab AB (STO : SAAB-B), entreprise leader dans la défense militaire et les marchés de la sécurité civile, a annoncé que ses Saab Digital Air Traffic Solutions (SDATS) fourniront une tour numérique pour … Read the full press release

Saab to deliver a digital tower for air navigation services to be used at the newly built Brasov-Ghimbav International Airport in Romania

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 8-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab AB (STO: SAAB-B), leading company in the military defence and civil security markets, has announced that its Saab Digital Air Traffic Solutions (SDATS) will supply a digital tower for providing air navigation … Read the full press release

The Hungarian Gripen fighter aircraft fleet to get MS20 Block 2 capability upgrade from Saab, a leading defence and security company

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 12-Jan-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab AB (STO: SAAB-B), leading company in the military defence and civil security markets, has announced it will deliver the MS20 Block 2 capability upgrade of the Hungarian Gripen fighter aircraft fleet as … Read the full press release

Saab receives EUR 14 million order from the Swedish Defence Material Organisation as part of the Torpedo 62 life extension programme

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 16-Dec-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab AB (STO: SAAB-B), leading company in the military defence and civil security markets, has announced a new order worth of SEK 145 million (EUR 14 million) from the Swedish Defence Material Organisation … Read the full press release

Saab AB shares buy-back: 444.000 own shares of series B repurchased during week 29-30 2021

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 30-Jul-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab AB (STO: SAAB-B), leading company in the military defence and civil security markets, has announced the number of shares of series B it bought during week 29-30 2021 as part of the … Read the full press release

Saab successfully trials 3D printing for battlefield damage repair on fighter aircraft

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 30-Mar-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab marks the first time an exterior 3D-printed part has been flown on a Gripen, rather than internal 3D-printed components. The successful trial was to test how additive manufacturing could be used in … Read the full press release

United Arab Emirates orders two more GlobalEye advanced airborne surveillance systems from Saab

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 4-Jan-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab announces that its GlobalEye program has received a follow on contract from the United Arab Emirates. The order is worth more than 800 million EUR (USD 1.018 billion) which includes two GlobalEye … Read the full press release

Sweden and Saab Gripen proposal offers long-term solution that will boost the Croatian defence industry

Sweden has submitted a proposal of 12 new Gripen C/D fighter aircraft to Croatia (PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 9-Sep-2020 — /EuropaWire/ — Today, representatives of the Swedish Defence Material Administration (FMV) and the Swedish Embassy in Croatia submitted the government-to-government proposal … Read the full press release

Saab becomes the world’s first shipyard having completed full modification of two submarines in a single year

Saab becomes the world's first shipyard having completed full modification of two submarines in a single year

Submarines HMS Gotland and HMS Uppland completely overhauled within 12 months  (PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 21-Jun-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — With the relaunch of the Gotland-class submarine HMS Uppland, which took place on 19 June 2019, Saab announced that it now has … Read the full press release

IDEX 2019: Saab advances its work in developing an indigenous industrial capability in the UAE

(PRESS RELEASE) ABU DHABI, 20-Feb-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab made yet another important step in progressing with its plans and works to develop an indigenous industrial capability in the UAE. At IDEX 2019, MENA region’s leading defence exhibition and conference, Saab signed a … Read the full press release

Saab Australia selected by BAE Systems as combat system integration partner for the Hunter class frigate programme

STOCKHOLM, 26-Nov-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab Australia has been selected by BAE Systems to be part of a team, including Lockheed Martin Australia, to deliver the combat system integration for the Hunter class frigate. This selection continues a long standing and … Read the full press release

Saab to deliver goods and services required to sustain air operations with Gripen for the Swedish Defence Material Administration (FMV)

STOCKHOLM, 05-Nov-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab has received an order from the Swedish Defence Material Administration (FMV) regarding technical support of Gripen C/D. The order value amounts to approximately SEK 136 million and delivery will take place during 2019. The … Read the full press release

Saab to present its latest naval solutions at Euronaval from 23-26 October, in Paris

STOCKHOLM, 16-Oct-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab will be exhibiting its state of the art naval solutions at Euronaval, (stand G18-H23) from 23-26 October, in Paris. The latest developments in naval capabilities above and below the waves will be on display … Read the full press release

Saab to deliver the new Carl-Gustaf® M4 multi-role weapon system to the Australian Army

STOCKHOLM, 13-Sep-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab has received an order for deliveries of the new Carl-Gustaf® M4 multi-role weapon system to the Australian Army. This is Saab´s sixth customer for the Carl-Gustaf M4 system since its launch in late 2014. Deliveries … Read the full press release

Saab’s command and control system procured by Nottinghamshire Police

STOCKHOLM, 13-Sep-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab’s command and control system, SAFE, has been procured by Nottinghamshire Police, the fifth UK police force to do so, through the East Midlands Strategic Commercial Unit. SAFE is Saab’s unified control room solution for … Read the full press release

Saab to appoint Christian Hedelin as new Chief Strategy Officer

STOCKHOLM, 30-Aug-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab has appointed Christian Hedelin as new Chief Strategy Officer. Christian Hedelin takes up the position on 1 November 2018 and will then be part of Saab’s Group Management. Christian Hedelin is currently head of Strategy … Read the full press release

Saab to help Australia’s major airports to improve operating efficiencies

STOCKHOLM, 31-May-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab has received an order to install Aerobahn, a collaborative decision making platform, at Australia’s four major airports to improve operating efficiencies. Australia’s air navigation services provider, Airservices Australia, identified Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney … Read the full press release

Saab to open a Gripen fighter jet aerostructures plant in Brazil

STOCKHOLM, 14-May-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Saab unveils a 5,000-square-meter facility for its future Gripen fighter jet aerostructures plant: Saab Aeronáutica Montagens (SAM), in the city of São Bernardo do Campo, in São Paulo state, Brazil. This is another important step … Read the full press release