Category Archives: Society

Society Press Releases & News distributed via EuropaWire

15 minutes of physical activity a day associated with a 22% lower risk of death in older adults – Research presented at the EuroPRevent 2016

Just 15 minutes of physical activity a day was associated with a 22% lower risk of death SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS, France, 17-Jun-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — Fifteen minutes of daily exercise is associated with a 22% lower risk of death and may be … Read the full press release

EUROCHAMBRES CEO Arnaldo Abruzzini on European Commission’s New Skills Agenda

BRUSSELS, 10-Jun-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — The New Skills Agenda presented today by the European Commission covers many key issues, but contains little to convince EUROCHAMBRES that it represents an upgrade on similar initiatives over the last decade. Some new elements are … Read the full press release

Research: majority of international companies using most cotton globally are failing to deliver on cotton sustainability

UTRECHT, 08-Jun-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — The majority of international companies using most cotton globally are failing to deliver on cotton sustainability according to new independent research published today by Pesticide Action Network (PAN) UK, Solidaridad and WWF. Just eight companies out … Read the full press release

Mexico met de l’avant ses politiques de gestion de l’environnement et de santé au forum de l’OCDE

Le maire de Mexico a présenté des politiques publiques à succès de sa ville qui ont été reproduites dans d’autres États du Mexique et ailleurs dans le monde  PARIS, 03-Jun-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — Le maire de la capitale mexicaine, chef … Read the full press release

Guild of European Research Intensive Universities formed to tackle some of Europe’s most intractable scientific and social challenges

GLASGOW, 02-Jun-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — A group of world-leading universities has held an inaugural meeting in Brussels to found the Guild of European Research Intensive Universities. The Guild brings together universities that have demonstrable excellence in teaching, research and policy formation … Read the full press release

Gates Cambridge Scholar Alison Greggor led study: Urban birds are less afraid of litter than their country cousins

Urban birds are less afraid of litter than their country cousins, according to a new study, which suggests they may learn that litter in cities is not dangerous. The research could help birds to adapt to urban settings better, helping … Read the full press release

University of Cambridge Research: Princely education in India in the age of colonialism: the education of Maharaja Sayaji Rao III of Baroda, 1875-81

CAMBRIDGE, 02-Jun-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — As they struggled to maintain their grip on India as the jewel in the colonial crown, the British attempted to mould the character of India’s princes. Research by Teresa Segura-Garcia into the remarkable story of Sayaji Rao … Read the full press release

2016 Allianz Climate and Energy Monitor: G20 nations at risk to fall short of the climate goals they set in Paris in December 2015

Growing gap between investments and needs G20 putting climate goals and competitiveness at risk Germany, UK, France and China the most attractive for investors MUNICH, 02-Jun-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — The G20 nations are at risk of falling short of the climate … Read the full press release

Edward W. Scott, JR and Yann Borgstedt awarded individual philanthropy prize by BNP Paribas Wealth Management

PARIS, 02-Jun-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — Edward W. Scott, JR, for his effective policy-led and campaigning work in areas such as poverty relief, third-world debt reduction, the fight against AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis as well as autism research and treatment Yann Borgstedt, … Read the full press release

Eurogroup’s President Jeroen Dijsselbloem on European Ombudsman’s letter on Eurogroup transparency

The Hague, 02-Jun-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — Mrs. Emily O’Reilly European Ombudsman Subject: Recent initiatives to improve Eurogroup transparency Thank you very much for your letter of 14 March and your kind words of appreciation for the recent initiatives to improve … Read the full press release

EU Border and Coast Guard plans put to a vote in Parliament’s civil liberties committee this week

Plans to set up an EU Border and Coast Guard are to be put to a vote in Parliament’s civil liberties committee this week. MEPs also vote on proposals to introduce a standard European travel document for non-EU nationals and … Read the full press release

OSCE organized discussion on human rights issues in Dushanbe, Tajikistan

Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 31-May-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — Some 90 participants, including government officials and civil society representatives, are coming together in Dushanbe today for a meeting organized by the OSCE Office in Tajikistan to discuss human rights issues specific to the country, … Read the full press release

Miguel Angel Mancera Espinosa – Des idées novatrices de la Ville de Mexico mises à l’honneur au Forum de l’OCDE à Paris

La rencontre internationale ayant pour thématique « Économies productives, sociétés inclusives » permettra à la Ville de Mexico de présenter des projets à fort impact social visant à améliorer la productivité des villes tout en promouvant une croissance inclusive et … Read the full press release

“Greek Banknotes: Historical Evidence” exhibition at the Banknote Museum of the Ionian Bank in Corfu

Free guided tours at the exhibition “Greek Banknotes: Historical Evidence” Banknote Museum of the Ionian Bank, Corfu ATHENS, 27-May-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — The new permanent exhibition entitled “Greek Banknotes: Historical Evidence” is presented at the Banknote Museum of the Ionian Bank … Read the full press release

United Nations Population Fund and United Colors of Benetton roll-out a joint campaign to raise awareness of maternal health

United Colors of Benetton partners with UNFPA to raise awareness of maternal health of women and girls in emergency situations Treviso, Italy, 27-May-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — Childbearing should always be safe, even in emergencies. This is the message that UNFPA, … Read the full press release

Third Arab-Euro Conference on Higher Education (AECHE), 25 – 27 May 2016

BRUSSELS, 27-May-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — The European University Association (EUA) and the Association of Arab Universities, together with the University of Barcelona, will hold the Third Arab-Euro Conference on Higher Education (AECHE) from 25 to 27 May 2016. Under the theme … Read the full press release

11th annual ¡Vamos! Festival: Pulitzer Prize winner Junot Díaz to give public lecture at Newcastle University on June 8

NEWCASTLE, 25-May-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — Pulitzer Prize winner Junot Díaz returns to the UK in June to give a public lecture at Newcastle University as part of a festival celebrating Latin and Lusophone culture. Immigration and Xenophobia The author will … Read the full press release

BBC’s Living Life Longer series to feature Newcastle University research on best ways to age well

Experts at Newcastle University will feature in a BBC Look North news series which explores the best ways to age well. NEWCASTLE, 24-May-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — All this week, the BBC’s Living Life Longer series will focus on the University’s key … Read the full press release

Panel at World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul to Highlight Often Overlooked Role Of Faith Groups

Diverse faith groups join to call for recognition of humanitarian contribution TOKYO, Japan, 20-May-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — On May 23, Soka Gakkai International (SGI) will co-organize an official side event at the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) in Istanbul, Turkey, highlighting … Read the full press release

The Psychoactive Substances Act (2016) discussion at the University of Warwick

COVENTRY, UK, 20-May-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — Last night researchers at the University of Warwick hosted a ‘Psychoactive Supper’ to stimulate discussion about the concept of psychoactivity, central to The Psychoactive Substances Act (2016), a new piece of UK legislation that seeks … Read the full press release

Universities of York, Manchester and Michigan: Quality and Outcomes Framework programme failed to save additional lives

The world’s largest primary care pay-for-performance programme, designed to improve patient health care and outcomes, has failed to save additional lives according to joint research by the Universities of York, Manchester and Michigan. YORK, 19-May-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — In 2004, the … Read the full press release

University of York: Socio-economic inequality costs NHS in England £4.8 billion a year

Socio-economic inequality costs the NHS in England £4.8 billion a year, almost a fifth of the total NHS hospital budget, according to researchers at the University of York. YORK, 19-May-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — The research team found that the more deprived … Read the full press release

Professeur à l’Université Paris Diderot André Brahic s’est éteint le dimanche 15 mai, dans sa 74ème année

PARIS, 19-May-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — André Brahic, astrophysicien à l’Institut de recherche sur les lois fondamentales de l’Univers du CEA, et professeur à l’Université Paris Diderot​, s’est éteint le dimanche 15 mai, dans sa 74ème année. Scientifique unanimement reconnu, spécialiste de … Read the full press release

University of Leicester: Report shows wide regional variation in the incidence of stillbirth and neonatal deaths in the UK

Study finds ‘significant variation’ in stillbirths and neonatal mortality across the UK LEICESTER, 18-May-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — Research published today shows the wide regional variation in the incidence of stillbirth and neonatal deaths in the UK. The MBRRACE-UK report focuses on … Read the full press release

Study: Animal welfare initiatives reduces feather loss in cage-free laying hens

Recognised welfare outcome assessments within farm assurance schemes have shown a reduction in feather loss and improvement in the welfare of UK cage-free laying hens, according to the findings of a study from the AssureWel project by the University of … Read the full press release

UK: Gap widens between rich and poor in retirement – Experian research

Gap is widening between rich and poor in retirement – North/South divide is evident. Better-off retirees heading for affluent suburbs, market and cathedral towns LONDON, 11-May-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — Britons are living through a hugely varied set of circumstances when they … Read the full press release

International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) supports International Day of the Midwife 2016

LONDON, 10-May-2016 — /EuropaWire/ —Statement from the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) on the International Day of the Midwife 2016. FIGO is the only organisation that brings together professional societies of obstetricians and gynecologists on a global basis, … Read the full press release

Samaritans CEO: Society’s expectations of masculinity pile the pressure on men, which can be a factor in the high male suicide figures

CAMBRIDGE, 09-May-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — Society’s expectations of masculinity pile the pressure on men, which can be a factor in the high male suicide figures, Samaritans CEO Ruth Sutherland told the Cambridge Union Debate this evening. Three times as many men as … Read the full press release

CORREOS se une a la Fundación Manantial en la quinta edición de la Carrera Solidaria por la Salud Mental

Con motivo de su 300 Aniversario, CORREOS se suma a la iniciativa de Fundación Manantial para luchar contra el estigma Será el próximo 29 de mayo en Madrid y el objetivo es superar los 2.000 participantes del año pasado Todos … Read the full press release

Africa’s digital transformation debate at the forthcoming World Economic Forum on Africa

A grassroots campaign by the World Economic Forum Global Shapers community to make the benefits of the internet available to everyone is gaining momentum ahead of the World Economic Forum on Africa #Internet4All campaign is backed by over 90 Shaper … Read the full press release

Thirty measures presented in new Shaping the Future of Construction report by the World Economic Forum

“Shaping the Future of Construction: A Breakthrough in Mindset and Technology” – new report Innovative technologies and processes are reducing costs and the environmental impact of buildings and infrastructure assets To access the full report click here GENEVA, 05-May-2016 — … Read the full press release

Royal FrieslandCampina N.V. CSR update for 2015

FrieslandCampina publishes CSR update for 2015 Amersfoort, Netherlands, 03-May-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — Royal FrieslandCampina N.V. updated its process of sustainable value creation in 2015. The company invests in making consumers aware of a healthy lifestyle by providing information about nutrition and … Read the full press release

Zika virus education session at the 2016 European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE2016) on 25 May

BRUSSELS, 27-Apr-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — As the Olympic Games in Rio de Janiero approach, and with Brazil frequently cited as a “hot zone” for the mosquito-borne Zika virus, business aircraft operators are understandably concerned. “A lot of people are going to … Read the full press release

Niall Horan, Katherine Jenkins and Claudia Winkleman among stars at British Airways’ twelfth annual Wentworth Ball

LONDON, 27-Apr-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — One Direction’s Niall Horan, songstress Katherine Jenkins and presenter Claudia Winkleman, were among stars at British Airways’ twelfth annual Wentworth Ball today (April 22, 2016). The day-long golf and gala event raised an incredible £220,000 for the airline’s global charity partnership with … Read the full press release

Henkel begins an extensive refugee’s integration program

Education is the key to integration Düsseldorf, GERMANY, 27-Apr-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — Henkel is starting an extensive refugee’s integration program in its vocational training center. In collaboration with external partners and public authorities, the company is offering career guidance and … Read the full press release

Nationwide included in The Times Top 50 Employers for Women 2016

SWINDON, 27-Apr-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — Nationwide has been named as a leader on workplace gender equality by being included in The Times Top 50 Employers for Women 2016 The unranked alphabetical list is published in partnership with Business in the … Read the full press release

Associated British Ports donates £15,000 to The Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust (YDRT)

The area at Breary Banks on the River Ure after the weir removal works took place  LONDON, 26-Apr-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — A project to reintroduce salmon to a stretch of river in Wensleydale, North Yorkshire has been given a boost thanks … Read the full press release

EY’s 14th Global Fraud Survey: increased pressure on GOVs to act and companies to identify and mitigate fraud, bribery and corruption issues

Overwhelming support for enhanced beneficial ownership transparency: 91% agree Corruption levels are persistent: 39% say its widespread in their country Pressure continues to bring out the worst in executives: 42% justify unethical behavior Data privacy issues are creating complexity for … Read the full press release

Inditex donates 200,000 euros to help Ecuador deal with the devastating earthquake

Arteixo, Spain, 21-Apr-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — The contribution adds to the one million euros already donated by the Group since 2009 for social projects carried out in the country by Entreculturas The fund is for emergency activities concerning basic necessities being … Read the full press release

Tate will feature major retrospectives of contemporary artists in 2017

LONDON, 20-Apr-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — Tate announced today highlights of its 2017 exhibition programme, which will feature major retrospectives of contemporary artists including David Hockney, Wolfgang Tillmans, Rachel Whiteread and Emilia and Ilya Kabokov. And fifty years after the celebrated exhibition … Read the full press release