Category Archives: Denmark

Press Releases & News from Denmark distributed via EuropaWire

AFRY lands nearly EUR 10 million order part of one of the largest infrastructure projects in Copenhagen

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 12-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — AFRY (STO: AF-B), Swedish-Finnish engineering, consulting and design company active in energy, industry, infrastructure and IT, has announced the winning of a contract worth of nearly EUR 10 million (DKK 70 million) part … Read the full press release

AFRY erhält einen fast 10-Millionen-Euro-Auftrag für eines der größten Infrastrukturprojekte in Kopenhagen

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) STOCKHOLM, 12-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — AFRY (STO: AF-B), schwedisch-finnisches Ingenieur-, Beratungs- und Designunternehmen, tätig in Energie, Industrie, Infrastruktur und IT, hat den Gewinn eines Auftrags im Wert von fast 10 Millionen Euro (70 Millionen DKK) im Rahmen des Baus … Read the full press release

More markets around the world approve the Chr. Hansen’s Human Milk Oligosaccharides for infant formula

(PRESS RELEASE) HOERSHOLM, Denmark, 12-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Chr Hansen Holding A/S (CPH: CHR), a Danish bioscience company that develops natural ingredient solutions for the food, nutritional, pharmaceutical and agricultural industries, has announced new regulatory approvals around the world for … Read the full press release

Mehr Märkte auf der ganzen Welt genehmigen die Chr. Hansen’s Human Milk Oligosaccharides für Säuglingsnahrung

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) HOERSHOLM, Denmark, 12-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Chr Hansen Holding A/S (CPH: CHR), ein Däne Biowissenschaftsunternehmen, das Lösungen für natürliche Inhaltsstoffe für die Lebensmittel-, Ernährungs-, Pharma- und Landwirtschaftsindustrie entwickelt, hat weltweit neue behördliche Zulassungen für seine Humanmilch-Oligosaccharide für Säuglingsanfangsnahrung bekannt … Read the full press release

Tile specialist Keramundo, part of Stark Group, named Germany’s Best Retailer in its category based on 140,000 customer ratings survey

(PRESS RELEASE) FREDERIKSBERG, Denmark, 8-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Stark Group, one of the largest retailers and distributors of building materials across Northern Europe, has announced that its subsidiary in Germany the tile specialist Keramundo has been named Germany’s Best Retailer … Read the full press release

Der Fliesenspezialist Keramundo, Teil der Stark Group, wurde in seiner Kategorie auf Basis von 140.000 Kundenbewertungen zu Deutschlands bestem Einzelhändler gekürt

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) FREDERIKSBERG, Denmark, 8-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Die Stark Group, einer der größten Einzelhändler und Vertreiber von Baumaterialien in ganz Nordeuropa, hat gab bekannt, dass seine Tochtergesellschaft in Deutschland, der Fliesenspezialist Keramundo, in seiner Kategorie, den Fliesenmärkten, auf der Grundlage … Read the full press release

The Feminist Movements Revitalizing Democracy in Europe (FIERCE) project kicks-off!

(PRESS RELEASE) THESSALONIKI, 7-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — On the 1st of September 2022, the FIERCE project successfully kicked-off having a consortium full of enthusiastic partners already eager to collaborate and co-create. On that date the partners met online to prepare … Read the full press release

A.P. Moller – Maersk adds 223 warehouses to its network in Asia as it completes the acquisition of Hong Kong-based LF Logistics

(PRESS RELEASE) COPENHAGEN, 31-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — A.P. Moller – Maersk (CPH: MAERSK-B), a global leader in container shipping, has announced the addition of 223 warehouses to its Pan-Asian network as the company completed the acquisition of Hong Kong-based LF … Read the full press release

A.P. Moller – Maersk erweitert sein Netzwerk in Asien um 223 Lagerhäuser, da es die Übernahme von LF Logistics mit Sitz in Hongkong abschließt

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) COPENHAGEN, 31-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — A.P. Moller – Maersk (CPH: MAERSK-B), ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen in der Containerschifffahrt, hat die Erweiterung seines panasiatischen Netzwerks um 223 Lagerhäuser angekündigt, da das Unternehmen die Übernahme der in Hongkong ansässigen LF Logistics … Read the full press release

Vestas Wind Systems A/S, a Danish sustainable energy leader, announces a transaction that involves shares of the company has been made by an Executive

(PRESS RELEASE) AARHUS, 12-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Vestas Wind Systems A/S (CPH: VWS), a Danish global leader in sustainable energy solutions, has announced that a transaction with shares of the company has been made by an Executive. The notification is … Read the full press release

Vestas Wind Systems A/S, ein dänisches führendes Unternehmen für nachhaltige Energie, gibt bekannt, dass eine Transaktion, die Aktien des Unternehmens betrifft, von einem leitenden Angestellten durchgeführt wurde

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) AARHUS, 12-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Vestas Wind Systems A/S (CPH: VWS), ein dänischer Weltmarktführer in nachhaltigen Energielösungen, hat bekannt gegeben, dass eine Transaktion mit Aktien des Unternehmens von einer Führungskraft durchgeführt wurde. Die Meldung erfolgt gemäß Artikel 19 (3) … Read the full press release

Ørsted commits to become the world’s first company to have all of its suppliers using 100 percent renewable electricity by 2025

(PRESS RELEASE) FREDERICIA, 10-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Ørsted (CPH: ORSTED), a Danish leading operator of offshore and onshore wind farms, solar farms, energy storage facilities, and bioenergy plants, has announced its commitment of becoming the world’s first company to have … Read the full press release

Ørsted verpflichtet sich, das erste Unternehmen der Welt zu werden, dessen Lieferanten bis 2025 zu 100 Prozent Strom aus erneuerbaren Energien beziehen

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) FREDERICIA, 10-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Ørsted (CPH: ORSTED), ein führender dänischer Betreiber von Offshore- und Onshore-Windparks, Solarparks, Energiespeicheranlagen und Bioenergieanlagen, hat sein Engagement angekündigt, das weltweit erste Unternehmen zu werden, das alle seine Lieferanten bis 2025 zu 100 Prozent … Read the full press release

Huge inflatable Continental agricultural tire as an advertisement at the start of this year’s Tour de France in Denmark

(PRESS RELEASE) HANOVER, 28-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Continental (ETR: CON), a German multinational automotive parts manufacturing company, has announced it advertised, for a second time in a row, its agricultural tires with a huge inflatable agricultural tire during thsi year’s … Read the full press release

Énorme pneu agricole Continental gonflable comme publicité au départ du Tour de France de cette année au Danemark

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) HANOVER, 28-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Continental (ETR : CON), une multinationale allemande de fabrication de pièces automobiles, a annoncé avoir annoncé, pour la deuxième fois consécutive, sa pneus agricoles avec un énorme pneu agricole gonflable lors du Tour … Read the full press release

Maersk’s acquisition of ResQ, a safety training and emergency preparedness firm, now cleared by the relevant regulatory authorities in Norway

(PRESS RELEASE) COPENHAGEN, 5-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — A.P. Moller – Maersk (CPH: MAERSK-B), a global leader in container shipping, has announced its acquisition of ResQ, a safety training and emergency preparedness firm, now cleared by the relevant regulatory authorities in … Read the full press release

La adquisición de ResQ por parte de Maersk, una empresa de capacitación en seguridad y preparación para emergencias, ahora aprobada por las autoridades reguladoras pertinentes en Noruega

(COMUNICADO DE PRENSA) COPENHAGEN, 5-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — A.P. Moller – Maersk (CPH: MAERSK-B), líder mundial en transporte de contenedores, ha anunciado la adquisición de ResQ, una empresa de capacitación en seguridad y preparación para emergencias, ahora aprobada por las … Read the full press release

Vestas Wind Systems announces the launch of Digital Solutions department as part of an organisational change to better address its digital transformation

(PRESS RELEASE) AARHUS, 27-Jun-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Vestas Wind Systems A/S (CPH: VWS), a Danish global leader in sustainable energy solutions, has announced an organizatiol change in order to better address its customer offering, cyber security and efficiency. The company … Read the full press release

Vestas Wind Systems annonce le lancement du département Digital Solutions dans le cadre d’un changement d’organisation pour mieux aborder sa transformation numérique

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) AARHUS, 27-Jun-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Vestas Wind Systems A/S (CPH : VWS), un leader mondial danois dans les solutions énergétiques durables, a annoncé un changement d’organisation afin de mieux répondre à son offre client, à la cybersécurité et à … Read the full press release

Ørsted to set carbon capture goals at its wood chip-fired combined heat and power plants

(PRESS RELEASE) FREDERICIA, 13-Jun-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Ørsted (CPH: ORSTED), a Danish leading operator of offshore and onshore wind farms, solar farms, energy storage facilities, and bioenergy plants, has announced a new 2025 goal of capturing and storing 400,000 tonnes … Read the full press release

Ørsted setzt sich Ziele für die CO2-Abscheidung in seinen mit Holzschnitzeln befeuerten Blockheizkraftwerken

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) FREDERICIA, 13-Jun-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Ørsted (CPH: ORSTED), ein führender dänischer Betreiber von Offshore- und Onshore-Windparks, Solarparks, Energiespeicheranlagen und Bioenergieanlagen, hat dies bekannt gegeben ein neues Ziel für 2025, 400.000 Tonnen Kohlenstoff pro Jahr abzuscheiden und zu speichern, basierend … Read the full press release

Caravel Capital Fund Showcased At Secure Spectrum’s Hedge Fund Seminar

Caravel Capital Investments Inc. founding partner, Jeff Banfield presented “The Alchemy of Risk, Opportunity, and Experience.” (PRESS RELEASE) COPENHAGEN, 3-Jun-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Jeff Banfield, a founding partner of Caravel Capital Investments Inc., was the featured speaker at Secure Spectrum’s … Read the full press release

Diabeloop, a key player in therapeutic AI applied to insulin delivery, announces 70 million euros new financing round to accelerate its international expansion

High-growth diabetes company Diabeloop closes its Series C financing round – led by LBO France, joined by Terumo Corporation, Innovacom and backed by Diabeloop’s historical partners – to power the company’s commercial roll-out and global expansion. (PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 2-Jun-2022 … Read the full press release

Caravel Capital Investments Inc. Founding Partner to Speak at Secure Spectrum Hedge Fund Seminar

Caravel Capital Investments Inc. founding partner, Jeff Banfield travels to Copenhagen to present “The Alchemy of Risk, Opportunity, and Experience.” (PRESS RELEASE) NASSAU, Bahamas, 18-May-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Jeff Banfield, a founding partner of Caravel Capital Investments Inc., will be … Read the full press release

Diabeloop presents new real-life results of DBLG1® System: Confirmed improvement in Time In Range +18.4 percentage points; Reduction of time spent in hypoglycemia to only 0.9%

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 28-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — ATTD 2022 – Diabeloop, pioneer in therapeutic artificial intelligence for diabetes management, presents today new results from a real-life cohort in Germany. The data show a constant improvement in Time In Range (70-180 … Read the full press release

Diabeloop adapts its self-learning, personalized insulin automatization software to be used with insulin pens

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 12-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Diabeloop, a pioneer in the field of therapeutic artificial intelligence, leverages the potential of its diabetes technology to enable the integration of insulin pens into its hybrid closed-loop system using a unique app. … Read the full press release

Chr. L’étude Hansen, le plus grand ensemble de données à ce jour, sur les oligosaccharides du lait humain (HMO) confirme la sécurité de l’apport même à des concentrations élevées

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) HOERSHOLM, Denmark, 11-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Chr Hansen Holding A/S (CPH : CHR), une société danoise de biosciences qui développe des solutions d’ingrédients naturels pour les industries alimentaires, nutritionnelles, pharmaceutiques et agricoles, a annoncé la sortie de son … Read the full press release

Chr. Hansen study, the largest data set to date, on the Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMOs) confirms the safety of intake even at high concentrations

(PRESS RELEASE) HOERSHOLM, Denmark, 11-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Chr Hansen Holding A/S (CPH: CHR), a Danish bioscience company that develops natural ingredient solutions for the food, nutritional, pharmaceutical and agricultural industries, has announced the release of its study, published in … Read the full press release

Ørsted and ESVAGT partner over the world’s first service operation vessel (SOV) that will run on green fuels

(PRESS RELEASE) FREDERICIA, Denmark, 8-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Ørsted (CPH: ORSTED), a Danish leading operator of offshore and onshore wind farms, solar farms, energy storage facilities, and bioenergy plants, and ESVAGT, a market leader in service and support for offshore … Read the full press release

Ørsted und ESVAGT entwickeln gemeinsam das weltweit erste Service Operation Vessel (SOV), das mit umweltfreundlichen Kraftstoffen betrieben wird

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) FREDERICIA, Dänemark, 8-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Ørsted (CPH: ORSTED), ein führender dänischer Betreiber von Offshore- und Onshore-Windparks, Solarparks, Energiespeicheranlagen und Bioenergieanlagen, und ESVAGT , ein Marktführer im Bereich Service und Support für Offshore-Windenergie, haben eine neue Partnerschaft angekündigt, die … Read the full press release

Les objectifs scientifiques d’Hempel, un fournisseur danois de revêtements, de réduire de moitié ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre dans l’ensemble de sa chaîne de valeur d’ici 2030 approuvés par l’initiative Science Based Targets (SBTi)

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) LYNGBY, Denmark, 7-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Hempel A/S, un fournisseur mondial danois de revêtements et de services dans les secteurs de la protection, de la marine, de la décoration, des conteneurs et des yachts, a annoncé que … Read the full press release

The science-based targets of Hempel, a Danish supplier of coatings, to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by half in its entire value chain by 2030 approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)

(PRESS RELEASE) LYNGBY, Denmark, 7-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Hempel A/S, a Danish global supplier of coatings and services in the protective, marine, decorative, container and yacht industries, has announced that its goal to half greenhouse gas emissions in its entire … Read the full press release

On World Bipolar Day ALCEDIAG announces EIT Health supported EDIT-B Consortium validating innovative blood diagnostic test for bipolar disorder

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS AND MONTPELLIER, 30-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — ALCEDIAG announces the launch of the EDIT-B Consortium, supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology for Health (EIT Health). This newly formed European public-private partnership aims at advancing precision … Read the full press release

La empresa de ingeniería danesa FLSmidth recibe autorizaciones regulatorias para completar su adquisición del negocio minero de thyssenkrupp

(COMUNICADO DE PRENSA) COPENHAGEN, 23-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — FLSmidth (CPH: FLS), una empresa de ingeniería multinacional danesa, ha anunciado que ya se han recibido todas las autorizaciones reglamentarias relativas a la adquisición del negocio minero de thyssenkrupp. Además de las … Read the full press release

Danish engineering company FLSmidth receives regulatory clearances for the completion of its acquisition of thyssenkrupp’s mining business

(PRESS RELEASE) COPENHAGEN, 23-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — FLSmidth (CPH: FLS), a Danish multinational engineering company, has announced that all regulatory clearances concerning its acquisition of the thyssenkrupp’s mining business have now been received. In addition to the approvals already in … Read the full press release

La coopération de sponsoring entre STARK Suomi, une société du groupe Stark, et Ari Huusela, un marin solitaire, pour l’Ari Huusela Ocean Racing reconnue par l’European Sponsorship Association

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) FREDERIKSBERG, Denmark, 15-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Stark Group, l’un des plus grands détaillants et distributeurs de matériaux de construction en Europe du Nord, a a annoncé que sa filiale finlandaise STARK Suomi, le deuxième plus grand distributeur … Read the full press release

The sponsorship cooperation between STARK Suomi, a Stark Group company, and Ari Huusela, a solo sailor, for the Ari Huusela Ocean Racing recognized by the European Sponsorship Association

(PRESS RELEASE) FREDERIKSBERG, Denmark, 15-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Stark Group, one of the largest retailers and distributors of building materials across Northern Europe, has announced that its subsidiary in Finland STARK Suomi, the second-largest distributor of building materials in the … Read the full press release

Performance Team, una empresa de Maersk, amplía la capacidad de almacenamiento en frío a medida que aumenta la demanda de la cadena de frío en el Golfo de EE. UU.

Los activos y la capacidad de alta tecnología fortalecerán las cadenas de frío del Golfo de EE. UU. Ofrece el primer muelle de descarga de 90 pies de profundidad, especialmente diseñado para el manejo de productos refrigerados desde camiones. (COMUNICADO … Read the full press release

Performance Team, a Maersk Company, expands cold storage capacity as cold chain demand soars in the U.S. Gulf

High tech asset and capacity will strengthen U.S. Gulf cold chains. Offers first-ever, 90 foot deep unloading dock, specially-designed for refrigerated commodities handling from trucks. (PRESS RELEASE) EL SEGUNDO, California, United States, 14-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Maersk (CPH: MAERSK-B), a … Read the full press release

Vestas fournira 10 éoliennes pour parcs éoliens dans le cadre de la première commande EnVentus de la société au Portugal

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) MADRID, 8-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Vestas Wind Systems A/S (CPH : VWS), un groupe mondial danois leader des solutions énergétiques durables, a annoncé avoir décroché une nouvelle commande pour la fourniture et l’installation de deux éoliennes V162-6,2 MW, deux … Read the full press release