WANO MC technical support mission was held at Kursk NPP

28-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — On December 11-13, 2012 the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) Moscow Center’s technical support mission was working on “Organization of incoming inspection of equipment, materials and component parts based of equipment safety classes.”

The mission was conducted as per the plan of cooperation between Rosenergoatom and WANO MC for the current year. Specialists from Kursk NPP and experts – technical specialists from Zaporozhe NPP (Ukraine), Leningrad and Smolensk nuclear power plants – exchanged their experience.

The parties listened to and discussed topical reports reflecting experience of each plant-participant of the mission. On the site of Kursk NPP they were familiarized with incoming inspection arrangements and toured to the plant’s training center.

“Our common task is the safe operation of nuclear power plants,” Sergey Zavgorodny, a mission participant and head of Incoming Inspection Laboratory of the Technical Inspection Department of Zaporozhe NPP, pointed out. This is what the today’s work in Kurchatov has been aimed at. I liked how the incoming inspection section we visited is arranged; they have things we can use in our work. On my part, I would also give proposals. Our methodological materials, which will be used in the work, have been handed over to Kursk NPP,” he said.

Adviser of WANO MC Vladimir Yurin noted: “The recommendations have been drawn out for Kursk NPP as a result of the mission’s work. They will facilitate improvement of the work in this area and, I think, they will be marked as implemented by the next peer review. This is exactly the essence of WANO’s missions, i.e. employment and dissemination of best practices for improvement of the safety and reliability of nuclear power plants.”


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