Tag Archives: Empa Zukunftsfonds

EMPA Introduces Innovative Dark-Field X-Ray Imaging to Revolutionize Kidney Stone Diagnosis

(IN BRIEF) EMPA researchers are developing a new diagnostic procedure using dark-field X-ray imaging to determine the structure and composition of kidney stones, potentially reducing the need for invasive surgeries. Supported by the Maiores Foundation, this technology aims to provide … Read the full press release

El sector de la construcción recibe un impulso con el material de aislamiento a base de biocarbón de Empa

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) Empa, una organización de investigación líder, está desarrollando un nuevo tipo de material aislante hecho de materias primas de origen vegetal o productos de desecho que pueden retener CO2 de forma permanente a través de un tratamiento … Read the full press release

Building Sector Gets a Boost with Empa’s Biochar-based Insulation Material

(IN BRIEF) Empa, a leading research organization, is developing a new type of insulation material made from plant-based raw materials or waste products that can permanently bind CO2 through a special heat treatment. This “biochar” not only acts as a … Read the full press release