Tag Archives: ETH Board

Swiss Museum of Transport y Empa colaboran en “Experience Energy!” exhibición

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) El Museo Suizo del Transporte ha inaugurado una nueva exposición, “¡Experimenta la energía!” en su “Casa de la Energía” especialmente diseñada en Lucerna. La exposición tiene como objetivo promover el diálogo intergeneracional sobre la Estrategia Energética 2050 … Read the full press release

Swiss Museum of Transport and Empa collaborate on “Experience Energy!” exhibition

(IN BRIEF) The Swiss Museum of Transport has opened a new exhibition, “Experience Energy!” at its purpose-built “House of Energy” in Lucerne. The exhibition aims to promote cross-generational dialogue on the Energy Strategy 2050 and has been created in collaboration … Read the full press release

Building Sector Gets a Boost with Empa’s Biochar-based Insulation Material

(IN BRIEF) Empa, a leading research organization, is developing a new type of insulation material made from plant-based raw materials or waste products that can permanently bind CO2 through a special heat treatment. This “biochar” not only acts as a … Read the full press release