Search Results for: UniCredit

Snam completed the acquisition of the stake held by CDP GAS in Trans Austria Gasleitung GmbH

San Donato Milanese, 23-12-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Snam completed today the acquisition of the stake held by CDP GAS in Trans Austria Gasleitung GmbH (TAG), approved by the Board of Directors on 12 September 2014. In compliance with Snam’s Board of … Read the full press release

Bank Austria to invest EUR 500 million in its new headquarters at the Austria Campus in the area of Vienna’s former Northern Railway Station

Groundbreaking ceremony attended by Michael Häupl, Mayor of Vienna, Karlheinz Hora, Head of Leopoldstadt District Authority, René Benko, founder of SIGNA, and Willibald Cernko, Chief Executive Officer of Bank Austria Construction work commencing early in 2015 and scheduled for completion … Read the full press release

Bank Austria Wohnbaubank launched new WohnbauAnleihe bond for security-oriented investors

• “1.50%–3,50% Stufenzins-Wandelschuldverschreibung” (stepped-coupon convertible bond) VIENNA, 20-11-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Bank Austria Wohnbaubank has launched a new WohnbauAnleihe bond for security-oriented investors: The term of the new “1.50%–3,50% Stufenzins-Wandelschuldverschreibung 2014–2026/8” is 12 years. The interest rate is fixed for … Read the full press release

BNP Paribas to acquire 81.39% stake in DAB Bank at 4,78 EUR per share valuing the company at 435 million EUR

PARIS, 4-8-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — BNP Paribas and UniCredit Bank AG‘s management board have reached joint understanding on the acquisition of a 81.39% stake in DAB Bank by BNP Paribas Group at a price of 4,78 EUR per share, thereby valuing 100% of … Read the full press release

Tikehau IM signed the Charter of the Six Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI)

Tikehau IM and Salvepar signed the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) Paris, 16-7-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Tikehau IM, the asset manager of the Tikehau Group and Salvepar, the listed holding company specialized in minority investments, signed the Charter … Read the full press release

Piaggio & C. S.p.A. has stipulated a 5-year 220 million euro syndicated line of credit

Pontedera, Italy, 16-7-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Piaggio & C. S.p.A. has stipulated a 5-year 220 million euro syndicated line of credit. The facility may be increased to a maximum of 250 million euro and has been underwritten for an initial … Read the full press release

Bank Austria reports EUR 350 million profit for Q1-2014

Sound commercial banking business with customers impacted by weak credit demand, low market interest rates and exchange rate movements Charge for bank levies (Austria and CEE) and financial transaction taxes up by 8.1 per cent to a total of EUR … Read the full press release

Industry report: Austria’s textile industry performed better than the industrial average in 2013

In 2013 the textile industry generated growth in sales revenue of 1 percent in nominal terms, reaching a provisional figure of just under EUR 1.5 billion for the sector as a whole The textile industry should grow somewhat faster in … Read the full press release

Pioneer Investment selected CACEIS for depositary and fund administration services for the launch of its first French law fund the Neuflize High Yield International 2018

Paris, France, 19-12-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — CACEIS is Pioneer Investment’s asset servicing provider of choice for the launch of its first French law fund, the Neuflize High Yield International 2018, managed as part of an exclusive partnership with Banque Neuflize OBC. CACEIS … Read the full press release

A2A announced it successfully issued EUR 500 million bond due January 13, 2022 on the European market

Milan, Italy, 12-12-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — Today, A2A has successfully placed on the European market a 500 million Euro bond due on January 13, 2022, under its 3 billion Euro Medium Term Notes Programme updated and increased on November 25, 2013. The … Read the full press release

Bank Austria and Media Consult Story Development awarded the Austrian State Prize for Public Relations 2013 in the “Internal PR” category

Bank Austria and Media Consult beat off strong competition to win the “Internal PR” category of the Austrian State Prize for Public Relations 2013 The “Bankville – Erlebnis Zukunft” (“Bankville – Experience the Future”) project actively involves 280 managerial staff … Read the full press release

Vienna 2 Initiative Full Forum in Brussels focused on weak credit growth and non-performing loans (NPLs) across Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe (CESEE) banking sector

Brussels, Belgium,  24-10-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — The Vienna 2 Initiative Full Forum met in Brussels on 21-22 October. It assessed recent trends in deleveraging, credit provision, and non-performing loans (NPLs) in the banking sectors of Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe (CESEE). … Read the full press release

The Bank of Slovenia commissioned system-wide Asset Quality Review (AQR) and bottom-up Stress Testing (ST) exercise in line with European Council’s recommendations

Ljubljana, 19-8-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — The Bank of Slovenia, in coordination with Slovenian Ministry of Finance, has commissioned a system-wide Asset Quality Review (AQR) and bottom-up Stress Testing (ST) exercise in line with European Council’s recommendations (Recommendation for a Council Recommendation on … Read the full press release

Tourism in Austria returns to pre-crisis levels in 2012 and enjoys record demand says report by Bank Austria Economics

2012 saw a return to pre-crisis levels, with a nominal 2.4 per cent increase taking total revenue to EUR 22.3 billion Despite steady demand, the overall picture for tourism in 2013 is gloomier, as revenue is not increasing; adjustments for … Read the full press release

Clientii RCS & RDS pot plati facturile si prin terminalele PayPoint, in peste 7300 magazine din Romania

Din aceasta luna, clientii RCS & RDS pot plati facturile pentru serviciile Digi si prin sistemele de plata PayPoint, in peste 7.300 magazine din tara in care PayPoint Romania are instalate terminale. 29-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — Din aceasta luna, clientii … Read the full press release

Cassa depositi e prestiti, SACE, BNPP AND HSBC to provide € 300M loan to South African energy public utility company Eskom Holdings SOC Limited

The credit line will be used for the construction of underground works related to the pump storage power plant of Ingula Rome, 18-7-2013 — / — Cassa depositi e prestiti (CDP), SACE, BNP Paribas Corporate and Investment Banking and HSBC Bank … Read the full press release

EBRD launched €150M programme to back medium- to long-term bonds issued by the Romanian financial institutions

€150 million framework to support development of local capital markets 4-7-2013 — / — In a move to support the development of Romania’s capital markets, the EBRD has launched a €150 million programme to back medium- to long-term bonds issued by … Read the full press release

Renewable energy private equity fund EnerCap closed EUR 50.56M debt financing for 42MW Croatia windfarm

Prague, 24-6-2013 — / — The EnerCap Power Fund, a private equity fund focusing on the renewable energy and environmental sectors in Central and Eastern Europe has closed the financing for the 42MW first phase of its Obrovac windfarm located in western … Read the full press release

Austria’s federal provinces analysis by Bank Austria Economics

Federal provinces continuing to withstand international headwind Burgenland the top federal province in 2012, followed by Tyrol, Styria and Vorarlberg Growth slowed across all federal provinces in 2012, although economic output is back well above pre-crisis levels in nearly all … Read the full press release

Bank Austria PMI for April: Industry still in holding pattern, start of recovery delayed

• Bank Austria’s Purchasing Managers’ Index at 47.8 points in April, once again below the growth threshold, modest downwards trend since January continues • Lack of demand stimulus results in lower production and adjustments to headcounts in April • Industrial … Read the full press release

Kepler, Crédit Agricole Cheuvreux merger creates Europe’s leading equity broker: Kepler Cheuvreux

Crédit Agricole CIB and UniCredit Bank AG each take a stake in the enlarged company Paris, 6-5-2013 — / — Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank (‘Crédit Agricole CIB’) and Kepler Capital Markets (‘Kepler’) are pleased to announce the legal … Read the full press release

EIB’s Board of Directors approved loans worth up to EUR 2.4 bn for European SMEs

1-5-2013 — / — The EIB’s Board of Directors announced approvals of loans worth up to EUR 2.4 bn for the benefit of small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) and mid-cap companies (up to 3000 employees). This will bring the … Read the full press release

Da BEI e CDP 1.520 milioni per il completamento della BREBEMI, Italia

25-3-2013 — / — E’ stata perfezionata oggi a Milano l’operazione di finanziamento dell’autostrada BREBEMI da parte di Banca europea per gli investimenti (BEI), gruppo Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (attraverso CDP e SACE) e cinque gruppi bancari italiani (Intesa Sanpaolo, Unicredit, … Read the full press release

EADS Proposes Candidates for Future Board of Directors

12-2-2013 — / — The Board of Directors of EADS N.V. has nominated the following individuals for election by the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to the future Board of Directors of EADS N.V.: Manfred Bischoff, 70, Director of Royal KPN N.V. … Read the full press release

Financing for wpd’s Butendiek Offshore Wind Farm Secured

8-2-2013 — / — The implementation and realization of the Butendiek offshore wind farm is proceeding. Today, wpd group is announcing that the financing of the project has been secured by signing the agreements for both equity and debt project financing. … Read the full press release

Butendiek: EIB lends EUR 450m for offshore wind farm

8-2-2013 — / — The European Investment Bank (EIB) is lending EUR 450m for the Butendiek wind farm, which will be one of the biggest offshore wind projects so far in the German part of the North Sea. With 80 turbines, it … Read the full press release

DKB begibt erfolgreich einen Öffentlichen Pfandbrief im Volumen von 500 Mio. Euro

Berlin, 8-2-2013 — / — Die Deutsche Kreditbank AG (DKB) hat erfolgreich einen Öffentlichen Pfandbrief mit einem Volumen von 500 Mio. EUR nach kurzer Vermarktungsperiode platziert. Die Emission wurde begleitet von einem Bankenkonsortium bestehend aus BayernLB, Barclays, Deutsche Bank, UniCredit und … Read the full press release

Strong and granular demand for EIB’s new EUR 5bn 5-year EARN

Transaction driven by strong demand from Central Banks and a granular European orderbook High quality, very granular – over 170 orders – and swift execution First EARN benchmark through mid-swaps since 2008 19-1-2013 — / — The European Investment Bank today … Read the full press release

STRABAG SE strengthens its financial position with EUR 400 million syndicated cash credit line

Term of five years Vienna, 3-1-2013 — / — The publicly listed European construction company STRABAG SE has arranged a revolving syndicated cash credit line in the amount of € 400 million with a consortium of banks. With a term of … Read the full press release

HTC to partner with UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League

HTC sign three-year partnership deal for 2012-15 12-12-2012 — / — UEFA today announced that an agreement has been reached with HTC to become the Official Mobile Phone and Tablet Computer of both the UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League. … Read the full press release

Kurzanalyse Monika Rosen, Chefananalystin Bank Austria Private Banking: US-Börsen segeln in Richtung Fiskalklippe

Ringen um Kompromiss in Washington Diskussion beherrscht Marktgeschehen Bank Austria Private Banking sieht mehrheitlich Chancen an den US-Börsen – zumal die Konjunkturdynamik in den USA stärker ist als in Europa 8-12-2012 — / — 2012 war ein sehr gutes Jahr für … Read the full press release

Neue Floater-Obligation 2012–2014 Serie 57 der Bank Austria bietet attraktive Verzinsung und Kapitalsicherheit zum Laufzeitende

8-12-2012 — / — Die 2-jährige Floater-Obligation ist bei kurzer Laufzeit und variabler Verzinsung auf die Bedürfnisse der betrieblichen Veranlagung abgestimmt, aber auch für Privatkunden geeignet, die kurzfristig veranlagen wollen. Der Zinssatz wird für die gesamte Laufzeit vierteljährlich an den 3-Monats-EURIBOR … Read the full press release

Klaus Regling: „Die Strategie zur Euro-Krisenbekämpfung funktioniert“

Klaus Regling, ESM-Chef und EFSF-CEO, im „EU Sky Talk“ der RZB Fokus auf nationalen Anpassungen und besserer wirtschaftspolitischer Koordinierung Finanzmarktreformen wichtiger Schritt Auf dem Weg zu einer „echten Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion“ 9-11-2012 — / — In der Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG (RZB) … Read the full press release