Tag Archives: Richard Lane

British Gas Launches ‘You Pay: We Pay’ Initiative to Combat Fuel Poverty Among Customers

(IN BRIEF) British Gas has introduced a pioneering ‘You Pay: We Pay’ scheme, dedicating £15 million to assist customers struggling with fuel poverty by matching their energy payments over a six-month period. This initiative, launching in June, proactively identifies and … Read the full press release

Barclays and StepChange research: rising cost of living leads to an increased popularity of Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) purchases

Over a third of shoppers say ‘Buy Now Pay Later’ (BNPL) lending has become more appealing due to the current cost-of-living crisis BNPL users are now paying off 4.8 BNPL purchases on average – up from 2.6 in February this … Read the full press release

Étude Barclays et StepChange : la hausse du coût de la vie entraîne une popularité accrue des achats Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL)

Plus d’un tiers des acheteurs déclarent que les prêts “Buy Now Pay Later” (BNPL) sont devenus plus attrayants en raison de la crise actuelle du coût de la vie Les utilisateurs de BNPL remboursent désormais 4,8 achats BNPL en moyenne, … Read the full press release

Studie von Barclays Partner Finance: Jüngere Käufer gaben mehr aus als erwartet, wenn sie unregulierte BNPL-Darlehen (buy now, pay later) nutzten

18- bis 24-jährige Verbraucher, die „Jetzt kaufen, später bezahlen“-Produkte (BNPL) verwenden, geben 20 Prozent ihres frei verfügbaren Einkommens für Rückzahlungen aus 29 Prozent sind besorgt über ihre Fähigkeit, das Geliehene zurückzuzahlen, und fast 8 Prozent wurden von Inkassounternehmen kontaktiert 50 … Read the full press release

Barclays Partner Finance research: younger shoppers spent more than they anticipated when used unregulated BNPL (buy now, pay later) loans

18–24 year-old consumers who use ‘buy now, pay later’ (BNPL) products spend 20 per cent of their discretionary income on repayments 29 per cent are concerned about their ability to pay back what they borrowed, and nearly 8 per cent … Read the full press release