Tag Archives: Eva Riesenhuber

Siemens Achieves EcoVadis Platinum Rating for Sustainability Excellence

(IN BRIEF) Siemens has attained the prestigious EcoVadis Platinum rating with an impressive score of 80 points, placing it among the top one percent of over 73,000 companies globally assessed. This recognition marks a significant advancement from Silver in 2021 … Read the full press release

Leadership changes at Siemens AG’s Sustainability and Investor Relations departments

New leadership appointments effective October 1, 2022 Jenny Bofinger, currently head of Sustainability, will join the board of the newly formed International Sustainability Standards Board (PRESS RELEASE) MUNICH, 23-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Siemens AG (ETR: SIE), a German multinational conglomerate and … Read the full press release

Changements à la direction des départements Développement durable et Relations avec les investisseurs de Siemens AG

Nouvelles nominations à la direction à compter du 1er octobre 2022 Jenny Bofinger, actuellement responsable du développement durable, rejoindra le conseil d’administration du nouveau Conseil international des normes de développement durable (COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) MUNICH, 23-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Siemens … Read the full press release