Tag Archives: EcoVadis

Siemens Achieves EcoVadis Platinum Rating for Sustainability Excellence

(IN BRIEF) Siemens has attained the prestigious EcoVadis Platinum rating with an impressive score of 80 points, placing it among the top one percent of over 73,000 companies globally assessed. This recognition marks a significant advancement from Silver in 2021 … Read the full press release

Atos Achieves Fourth Consecutive EcoVadis Platinum Award for Exceptional Corporate Social Responsibility

(IN BRIEF) Atos has received the EcoVadis Platinum Award for the fourth consecutive year, affirming its exceptional performance in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with a score of 84 out of 100. This positions Atos in the top 1% of companies … Read the full press release

Siemens Mobility Earns Top Honors in EcoVadis Sustainability Rating 2023, Leading Rail Industry with Platinum Certificate

(IN BRIEF) Siemens Mobility has achieved the highest rating in the EcoVadis Sustainability Rating 2023, receiving a platinum certificate with a score of 81 out of 100 points. This places the company in the top 1 percent of assessed companies … Read the full press release

Lenzing Group Earns Coveted Platinum Status in EcoVadis CSR Rating for Third Time

(IN BRIEF) The Lenzing Group, a leading provider of specialty fibers for the textile and nonwoven industries, has received platinum status in the EcoVadis CSR rating for its exceptional performance in corporate social responsibility. The rating covers key areas like … Read the full press release

Versalis ranked in the top 1% for corporate social responsibility ratings by EcoVadis

(IN BRIEF) Versalis, the chemicals company owned by Eni, has achieved a “Platinum” rating from independent agency EcoVadis for the second year in a row, placing it in the top 1% for its industry in terms of corporate social responsibility. … Read the full press release

Zumtobel Group continues sustainability momentum with EcoVadis Gold Medal

(IN BRIEF) The Zumtobel Group has maintained its EcoVadis Gold Medal rating, placing it among the top one percent in the industry for sustainability. The lighting company improved its overall score from 71 to 75 points, with a significant improvement … Read the full press release

El proveedor de soluciones de carga EVBox recibe la calificación de medalla de oro en la evaluación de sostenibilidad de EcoVadis

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) EVBox, un proveedor de soluciones de carga para vehículos eléctricos, ha recibido una calificación de medalla de oro de EcoVadis por sus esfuerzos de sostenibilidad. La calificación se basa en una evaluación de las políticas, acciones y … Read the full press release

Charging Solutions Provider EVBox Receives Gold Medal Rating on EcoVadis Sustainability Assessment

(IN BRIEF) EVBox, a provider of charging solutions for electric vehicles, has received a gold medal rating from EcoVadis for its sustainability efforts. The rating is based on an evaluation of the company’s policies, actions, and results in the areas … Read the full press release

Atos commitment to sustainability reinforced by client Decarbonization Level Agreements

(IN BRIEF) Atos has been recognized for the fourth year in a row on the CDP’s Supplier Engagement Rating Leaderboard for its work to engage suppliers in reducing emissions and jointly tackling climate change. Only the top 8% of companies … Read the full press release

Iberdrola reconnu pour ses plans d’action climatique et sa transparence par la liste A du CDP

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) L’entreprise énergétique espagnole Iberdrola a été incluse pour une année supplémentaire dans le tableau de bord de l’engagement des fournisseurs compilé par le CDP, une organisation de premier plan axée sur la transparence et la performance des … Read the full press release

Iberdrola recognized for climate action plans and transparency by CDP’s A List

(IN BRIEF) Spanish energy company Iberdrola has been included for another year in the Supplier Engagement Leaderboard compiled by CDP, a leading organization focused on the transparency and performance of climate practices. The list recognizes companies that excel at engaging … Read the full press release

Die STARK-Gruppe gehört zu den besten 1 % der Unternehmen in der globalen Bewertung von EcoVadis

(IN KÜRZE) Die STARK Group wurde von EcoVadis für ihre nachhaltigen Geschäftspraktiken mit Platin ausgezeichnet und gehört damit zu den besten 1 % aller bewerteten Unternehmen. Die Platin-Bewertung basierte auf einer umfassenden Bewertung der Leistung der STARK-Gruppe in Bereichen wie … Read the full press release

STARK Group Ranks Among Top 1% of Companies in EcoVadis’ Global Assessment

(IN BRIEF) STARK Group has received a platinum rating from EcoVadis for its sustainable business practices, ranking it in the top 1% of all companies assessed. The platinum rating was based on a comprehensive evaluation of STARK Group’s performance in … Read the full press release

Las soluciones sostenibles de Webuild obtienen grandes elogios del Consejo de Sostenibilidad de Infraestructura de Australia

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) Webuild ha sido galardonado con la clasificación de sostenibilidad más alta, una “Calificación líder”, del Consejo de Sostenibilidad de Infraestructura de Australia por su proyecto Airport Line. La línea de tren ligero, que conecta los suburbios del … Read the full press release

Webuild’s Sustainable Solutions Earn High Praise from Australia’s Infrastructure Sustainability Council

(IN BRIEF) Webuild has been awarded the highest sustainability classification, a “Leading Rating”, from Australia’s Infrastructure Sustainability Council for its Airport Line project. The light rail line, which connects the eastern suburbs of Perth to the central business district via … Read the full press release

Ecovadis awards platinum medal to CAF Group for its sustainability management

(PRESS RELEASE) BEASAIN, Spain, 14-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — CAF, Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles (BME: CAF), a Spanish publicly listed company which manufactures railway vehicles and equipment and buses through its Solaris Bus & Coach subsidiary, has announced that the … Read the full press release

Ecovadis verleiht der CAF-Gruppe eine Platinmedaille für ihr Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) BEASAIN, Spain, 14-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — CAF, Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles (BME: CAF), ein spanisches öffentlich börsennotiertes Unternehmen, das über seine Solaris Bus & Die Coach-Tochtergesellschaft hat bekannt gegeben, dass die Gruppe die Platinmedaille bei der Bewertung des … Read the full press release

Vattenfall’s sustainability performance achieves platinum rating in EcoVadis sustainability assessments

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 8-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Vattenfall, a Swedish Government-owned multinational power company, has announced that the company’s sustainability performance once again achieved the highest platinum rating in the ranking from EcoVadis, a leader in sustainability assessments. The recognition … Read the full press release

Les performances de Vattenfall en matière de développement durable obtiennent la note de platine dans les évaluations de développement durable d’EcoVadis

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) STOCKHOLM, 8-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Vattenfall, une multinationale d’électricité appartenant au gouvernement suédois, a annoncé que la société La performance en matière de développement durable a une fois de plus obtenu la note de platine la plus … Read the full press release

Sostenibilidad: SGS logra el reconocimiento más alto de EcoVadis Sustainability Rating por tercer año consecutivo

(COMUNICADO DE PRENSA) GENEVA, 15-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — SGS, la empresa líder mundial en pruebas, inspección y certificación, ha anunciado que ha recibido la Medalla de platino, el reconocimiento más alto de EcoVadis Sustainability Rating, por el tercer año consecutivo. … Read the full press release

Sustainability: SGS achieves EcoVadis Sustainability Rating’s highest recognition for 3rd year in a row

(PRESS RELEASE) GENEVA, 15-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — SGS, the world’s leading testing, inspection and certification company, has announced it has been awarded the Platinum Medal, EcoVadis Sustainability Rating’s highest recognition, for the third consecutive year. With a score of 79/100, … Read the full press release

Sustainability: Vattenfall ranked as top 1% among 75,000 companies assessed by EcoVadis

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 12-Feb-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Leading European energy company Vattenfall announces that its sustainability work has earned the Platinum award, the highest rating from EcoVadis, a leading source of corporate sustainability evaluation. Vattenfall, ranked as the top 1 … Read the full press release

Firebolt Group Joins Top 1% of Companies Recognized for Sustainability Efforts

The Company Earned The Pretigious EcoVadis Platinum Rating (PRESS RELEASE) LONDON, 5-Jan-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Firebolt Group, an innovative software, and hardware marketing solutions company for leading global brands, earned the prestigious Platinum EcoVadis Medal. The platinum medal is the … Read the full press release

NORMA Group among the top one percent in EcoVadis’ sustainability rating

(PRESS RELEASE) MAINTAL, 14-May-2020 — /EuropaWire/ — Engineered joining technology leader NORMA Group has announced it has achieved the Platinum status in the sustainability assessment by EcoVadis. The sustainability agency has assessed nearly 65,000 companies and the best possible status … Read the full press release

Henkel Head of Sustainability Management Uwe Bergmann: Leading positions for Henkel in international sustainability ratings

DÜSSELDORF, 25-Jan-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — Henkel is once more included in the “Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World Index” (Global 100 Index) and was rated “Gold” by EcoVadis. The company also received RobecoSAM’s Silver Class award. “These excellent results confirm … Read the full press release