Category Archives: Society

Society Press Releases & News distributed via EuropaWire

Research into new modes of dwelling for an ageing population will go on display at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design

Photo opportunity: 8pm on Thursday, 4th April at Upper Level Gallery, Matthew Building 3-4-2013 — / — The exhibition celebrates the recent work of FLEX, the Flexible Dwellings for Extended Living research project and will be on show at the Upper … Read the full press release

Lebenswerk Strafrecht – Der Freiburger Rechtswissenschaftler Klaus Tiedemann wird 75 Jahre alt

2-4-2013 — / — Er hat ein zweibändiges Lehrbuch des Wirtschaftsstrafrechts veröffentlicht, sich zusätzlich zur Lehre und Forschung rechtspolitisch engagiert und unter anderem das Bundesjustizministerium, das Europäische Parlament, den Europarat und die Vereinten Nationen beraten: Prof. Dr. Klaus Tiedemann, ehemaliger Leiter des … Read the full press release

GSK sets 23 forward-looking commitments to help measure future performance in its 2012 Corporate Responsibility Report

2-4-2013 — / — GSK has today published its corporate responsibility report, in which it reiterates its commitment to operate responsibly, openly and transparently and outlines advances made on this agenda during 2012. In the report, the company also sets out 23 … Read the full press release

BEI – Soutien à l’enseignement supérieur dans toute l’Europe

1-4-2013 — / — L’investissement dans l’enseignement supérieur et dans la recherche est un ingrédient clé pour la croissance de l’économie de la connaissance en Europe. Dans toute l’Union européenne, la BEI intervient pour aider à maintenir l’investissement dans les compétences. … Read the full press release

Building a Europe “of the people and for the people” depends on effective participation of all local, regional and civil society players

1-4-2013 — / — The success of the European project depends on effective participation of all local, regional and civil society players in policy design and implementation and efficient coordination at all levels of governance; this was the main recurring message … Read the full press release

OLAF issues press notice to clarify allegations about its investigation concerning the former Commissioner Dalli

1-4-2013 — / — This is an expanded version of the OLAF Press Notice originally published on 21 March. OLAF is issuing this expanded notice in order to respond to further unfounded allegations and misrepresentations of facts relating to the case … Read the full press release

Statement by the Catherine Ashton, EU High Representative, ahead of the 8th round of the EU-facilitated dialogue

Brussels, 1-4-2013 — / — Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the Commission, issued the following statement today: “Tomorrow I will host and support the 8th round of dialogue between Belgrade … Read the full press release

Marieke Vervoort parmi les stars du Belgacom Memorial Van Damme

1-4-2013 — / — L’athlète paralympique de l’année et double championne olympique paralympique Marieke Vervoort effectuera ses débuts le 6 septembre au Belgacom Memorial Van Damme. Forte de l’or et de l’argent dans les épreuves de sprint à Londres, Marieke Vervoort n’a pas … Read the full press release

An exhibition of historical photographs of China, brought together by a University of Bristol project, was opened at the JW Marriott in Beijing

29-3-2013 — / — An exhibition of historical photographs of China, brought together by a University of Bristol project, was opened at the JW Marriott in Beijing today by the British Ambassador to China, Sebastian Wood CMG. Organised by the British … Read the full press release

Belgacom Web Experts: winners of the month February

Another month, another Web Experts winner! This month, too, many students and schools/associations submitted their Web Experts projects to be chosen as project of the month. And here are the winners… 29-3-2013 — / — This month, Clara wins a Samsung … Read the full press release

Belgacom Memorial Van Damme demeure le nom officiel

29-3-2013 — / — Le plus grand meeting d’athlétisme au monde poursuit sous l’appellation ‘Belgacom Memorial Van Damme’. Depuis déjà 1993, le Memorial collabore avec Belgacom. Cette collaboration s’est depuis renforcée. L’événement s’appelle ainsi depuis 2009 le Belgacom Memorial Van Damme. Mercredi, … Read the full press release

Europe’s roads considerably safer during the last decade: between 2001 and 2011, road deaths fell by 43% says Siim Kallas, Vice-President and Commissioner for Transport

Reducing serious injuries: the way forward to make Europe’s roads safer Road Transport Safety Conference on Serious Injuries/Dublin Dublin, 29-3-2013 — / — Minister, ladies and gentlemen Thank you for inviting me to Dublin to speak at today’s conference. I would like … Read the full press release

BIG: Sanierung der Kollegienkirche im Finale

Salzburg, 29-3-2013 — / — BIG investiert eine weitere Million Euro zur Fertigstellung des Sakralbaus Beinahe zehn Jahre werken die Restauratoren mittlerweile an der Salzburger Kollegienkirche. Nun ist die Sanierung des barocken Juwels nahezu fertig gestellt. Noch bis zum Sommer dieses Jahres sollen Putz, Stuck … Read the full press release

The European Commission comments on the capital controls imposed by the Republic of Cyprus

Brussels, 29-3-2013 — / — Statement by the European Commission on the capital controls imposed by the Republic of Cyprus The Commission takes note of temporary restrictions on the free movement of capital, including capital controls, imposed by the Republic of Cyprus … Read the full press release

Alain Lamassoure: EU may face insolvency later in 2013

28-3-2013 — / — The Commission proposal to settle only part of the EU’s €16.2 billion debt rolled over from 2012 threatens the EU with insolvency later in 2013, said Budgets Committee chair Alain Lamassoure (EPP, FR) on Wednesday. The Commission, … Read the full press release

EU invests €272.75m in the Western Balkans to help regional cooperation

Brussels, 28-3-2013 — / — The European Commission has finalised a series of measures to promote regional cooperation between Western Balkan countries totalling €272.75 million for the period 2012-2013. “These funds are good news as regional cooperation is a central element of … Read the full press release

EU visa applications should be further facilitated to help the EU tourism industry drive growth and create jobs

28-3-2013 — / — EU visa applications should be further facilitated to help the EU tourism industry to drive growth and create jobs, said Transport and Tourism Committee MEPs in a discussion with European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani on Wednesday. Tourism … Read the full press release

Genetic spelling mistakes can increase the risk of common cancers finds a research within the framework of the EU network COGS

28-3-2013 — / — More than 80 genetic ‘spelling mistakes’ that can increase the risk of breast, prostate and ovarian cancer have been found in a large, international research study within the framework of the EU network COGS. For the first … Read the full press release

The European Commission to launch a public debate on how best to design a new international agreement to combat climate change

Brussels, 27-3-2013 — / — The European Commission today adopted a consultative paper that launches a public debate on how best to design a new international agreement to combat climate change. The Consultative Communication raises key questions and invites the views of … Read the full press release

The European Commission unveils the winners of the 2013 EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards

Brussels, 27-3-2013 — / — The winners of the 2013 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards were unveiled today by the European Commission and Europa Nostra (see details below). The 30 winners, selected from nearly 200 nominated projects, are … Read the full press release

Young leaders present innovative solutions for Europe’s future at the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Foundation’s Annual Innovation Forum in Brussels

Brussels, 27-3-2013 — / — Thirty young leaders from the worlds of business, academia and research shared their inspiring ideas with policy-makers and business executives at the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Foundation’s Annual Innovation Forum in Brussels today. The … Read the full press release

University of Bristol archerfish eye test to measure visual acuity

27-3-2013 — / — A modified version of an eye test used to assess visual acuity in the military has been given to archerfish by scientists to help explain how these remarkable fish are able to accurately spit down tiny insects … Read the full press release

NDEP, SIDA and the Government of Finland extended grants totalling over EUR 20m to five Belarusian water utilities

26-3-2013 — / — The Northern Dimension Environmental Partnership (NDEP) together with the Government of Sweden through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Finland today extended grants totalling over EUR 20 million to five Belarusian water … Read the full press release

The employment and social situation in the EU remained critical in the fourth quarter of 2012

Brussels, 26-3-2013 — / — The employment and social situation in the EU remained critical in the fourth quarter of 2012 with employment receding overall and unemployment rising further, while households’ financial situation remained serious according to the European Commission’s latest Employment … Read the full press release

MEPs: scrapping of old ships must become cleaner

26-3-2013 — / — Plans to clean up the scrapping of old ships and ensure the materials are recycled in EU-approved facilities worldwide were revised by the Environment Committee on Tuesday. MEPs propose that the scheme be funded by a recycling … Read the full press release

The European Commission launches a three-month public consultation on the long-term financing of the European economy

Brussels, 26-3-2013 — / — The European Commission has today adopted a Green Paper that launches a three-month public consultation on how to foster the supply of long-term financing and how to improve and diversify the system of financial intermediation for … Read the full press release

European Parliament President Martin Schulz on Cyprus: lessons must be learned

25-3-2013 — / — European Parliament President Martin Schulz made the following statement on the situation in Cyprus: “I welcome the deal for Cyprus, although the details must be fully examined. It has brought us back from the edge. This agreement … Read the full press release

Study: The mayoral model of governance offers the opportunity to give a real boost to civic leadership in Bristol

Interim findings reveal opportunities for city leadership 25-3-2013 — / — The mayoral model of governance offers the opportunity to give a real boost to civic leadership in Bristol – according to the majority of respondents in an independent study of … Read the full press release

Mercedes-Benz Classic will present legendary racing cars At the Goodwood Festival of Speed

Jochen Mass pilots 300 SLR “Uhlenhaut Coupé” Goodwood Festival of Speed: the unique motor sport festival will celebrate its twentieth anniversary 25-3-2013 — / — At the Goodwood Festival of Speed (11 to 14 July 2013), Mercedes-Benz Classic will draw a … Read the full press release

Professor Richard Overy: Why did German ‘morale’ not crack during the Allied bombing in WWII?

25-3-2013 — / — Allied bombing in World War II strengthened rather than weakened German resolve, according to the award-winning historian who will deliver the next Arts & Humanities Research Institute (AHRI) Evening Lecture at the University of Dundee. Professor Richard … Read the full press release

MEP Sharon Bowles on Cyprus deal: the recognition that banks can fail and that the deposit guarantee principle must be upheld

MEP Sharon Bowles, Chair of the European Parliament’s economic and monetary affairs committee welcomes the agreement on Cyprus, particularly the recognition that banks can fail and that the deposit guarantee principle must be upheld. Sharon Bowles said: I welcome the … Read the full press release

Investment fund managers’ bonuses must be linked to their funds’ performance said Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee MEPs

25-3-2013 — / — Investment fund managers’ bonuses must be capped, their salaries must be linked to their funds’ performance said Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee MEPs in a draft law voted on Thursday. Individual investors’ money must also be better … Read the full press release

Martin Schulz, the President of the European Parliament: UN organisations can count on the full support of the European Parliament

Geneva, 25-3-2013 — / — Martin Schulz, the President of the European Parliament, on the occasion of his visit to Geneva and following his meeting with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, issued the following statement: “With my presence … Read the full press release

The President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy welcomes the agreement reached by the Eurogroup and the Cypriot authorities

25-3-2013 — / — President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, made the following statement on Cyprus after the agreement reached by the Eurogroup and the Cypriot authorities on the key elements for a future macroeconomic adjustment programme: “I welcome … Read the full press release

Royal Society of Edinburgh honour for five academics from the University of Dundee

25-3-2013 — / — The 2013 election of new Fellows of the Royal Society of Edinburgh has seen the honour bestowed on five academics from the University of Dundee. The new Fellows from Dundee are: Professor Peter Cameron, Director of the … Read the full press release

The University of Nottingham collaborates with forward-thinking Australian environmental planners on conservation of the future

25-3-2013 — / — The national parks, nature reserves and wetlands of the semi-arid wheatbelt of Western Australia with their rich diversity of flora and fauna are the backdrop for new research to improve the management of natural resources in the … Read the full press release

Štefan Füle, European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy, Addresses EU-Albania Relations

Just BE Conference / Tirana, Albania, 25-3-2013 — / — Dear Minister, Excellencies, Members of Parliament, Dear Friends, Thank you for this opportunity, I like the way that we developed this interactive discussion among ourselves. At the beginning I´ll make six important … Read the full press release

To meet its energy policy targets, EU must take society with it, says the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)

An effective EU energy policy needs informed and structured public dialogues 22-3-2013 — / — If the EU is to meet its energy policy targets, it must take society with it, says the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in an … Read the full press release

European Commission: Investment in education under pressure in Member States

Brussels, 22-3-2013 — / — Investment in education fell in eight out of 25 Member States assessed as part of a European Commission study on the impact of the crisis on education budgets since 2010. Cuts of more than 5% were imposed in Greece, Hungary1, Italy2, Lithuania and Portugal, while Estonia, Poland3, Spain and the … Read the full press release

University of Dundee and NHS Tayside to investigate the role of Sodium bicarbonate in improving the Quality of Life in Chronic Kidney Disease?

22-3-2013 — / — Researchers from the University of Dundee and NHS Tayside are to lead a £1.2million UK-wide project, funded by the National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment (NIHR HTA) Programme, to investigate the role of Sodium bicarbonate … Read the full press release