Category Archives: Society

Society Press Releases & News distributed via EuropaWire

New €5 banknote started to circulate in the euro area countries

Eurosystem introduces Europa Series €5 banknote 2-5-2013 — / — A new €5 banknote, the first one in the Europa series, started to circulate today in the euro area countries. To mark the occasion, a short event hosted by Jozef Makúch, Governor … Read the full press release

EUSF €14.6m to help Slovenia, Croatia and Austria after floods disaster

Brussels, 1-5-2013 — / — EU Solidarity Fund: Commission proposes €14.6 million to support Slovenia, Croatia and Austria after floods disaster European Commissioner for Regional Policy, Johannes Hahn has today announced an aid package from the EU Solidarity Fund (EUSF) of over €14.6 … Read the full press release

European Month of the Brain – €150m funding for 20 new brain research projects

Brussels, 1-5-2013 — / — At the start of its ‘European Month of the Brain’ initiative, the European Commission has earmarked some €150 million of funding for 20 new international brain research projects. It will bring the total EU investment in brain research since … Read the full press release

Štefan Füle met with Sergiy Arbuzov, Ukraine, on assessing progress and outstanding issues

Brussels,  1-5-2013 — / — EU-Ukraine: Assessing progress and outstanding issues with S. Arbuzov Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle met in Brussels with Sergiy Arbuzov, First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine responsible for overseeing activities in the areas … Read the full press release

Franco Gozzi, a protagonist in Ferrari’s history, passed away in Modena, aged 81

Maranello, 1-5-2013 — / — Franco Gozzi, who was part of the history of the Prancing Horse, passed away today .  “We have lost a key figure in the history of Ferrari,” said President Luca di Montezemolo. “My most abiding memory is … Read the full press release

EC final public consultation on state aid criteria for films and audiovisual works

Brussels, 1-5-2013 — / — The European Commission has launched the third and final public consultation in its review of the state aid criteria it uses to assess Member States’ support schemes for films and other audiovisual works. The criteria are set out … Read the full press release

EC refers Greece and Italy to Court for failure to enforce ban on cages for laying hens

Brussels, 30-4-2013 — / — Today, the European Commission decided to take Greece and Italy to the Court of Justice of the European Union over the failure to correctly implement Directive 1999/74/EC banning “un-enriched cages” (battery cages). The political decision for the ban on “un-enriched” … Read the full press release

The European Commission refered Spain to EU’s Court of Justice over discriminatory real estate taxation

Brussels, 30-4-2013 — / — Taxation: Commission refers Spain to Court over discriminatory real estate taxation The European Commission has decided to refer Spain to the EU’s Court of Justice for discriminatory real estate tax rules that prevent non-residents from enjoying the same tax benefits as … Read the full press release

BMW Awards the Prize for Artists under the Age of 35 Years to Till Nowak at KINO DER KUNST in Munich

Munich, 30-4-2013 — / — On Sunday, after four days and over 5,000 visitors, the KINO DER KUNST in Munich, a festival exclusively for the films of visual artists, culminated with the presentation of the two main awards.The first prize went to Almagul … Read the full press release

The European Commission waits for feedback on commitments offered by Google to address competition concerns

Brussels, 30-4-2013 — / — Commission seeks feedback on commitments offered by Google to address competition concerns – questions and answers A) The Commission’s concerns Why does the Commission decide to intervene in such a fast-moving market, where the pace of innovation … Read the full press release

European Commission supports global Girls in ICT Day

Brussels, 30-4-2013 — / — How can we encourage more young female tech talent into digital jobs? The European Commission, European Parliament and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) are coming together on Girls in ICT Day (25 April) to find new ways of encouraging … Read the full press release

Henri Malosse, EESC President: Without a European vision, there can be no sustainable solution to energy access

29-4-2013 — / — During his visit to Lithuania, Henri Malosse, EESC President, travelled to the Ignalina plant, closed at the request of the European Commission as one of the conditions of Lithuania’s accession to the European Union. “Access to energy is … Read the full press release

New tougher EU rules to ensure chemicals used in industrial processes are not diverted to illegal drug production

29-4-2013 — / — New rules to ensure that chemicals used in industrial processes, such as manufacturing plastics, textiles, aspirin, flu and allergy remedies, dyes and perfumes, are not diverted to the illegal production of heroin, speed or crack were adopted … Read the full press release

MEPs quizzed ECB Vice-President Vitor Constancio on credit flow to businesses and households

29-4-2013 — / — MEPs quizzed European Central Bank Vice-President Vitor Constancio on what more can be done to help credit flow to businesses and households, whether austerity is the right recipe, ECB transparency and possible interest rate cuts at Wednesday’s … Read the full press release

Catherine Ashton visited officially China and Mongolia

Brussels, 29-4-2013 — / — High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice President of European Commission Catherine Ashton is travelling today on an official visit to China and Mongolia. In China from 25-28 April, the High Representative will … Read the full press release

EU-funded research project develops new diagnostic tool for malaria

Brussels, 29-4-2013 — / — An EU-funded research project aims to start testing a new diagnostic tool for malaria one year ahead of schedule. The pioneering smartphone-like device uses cutting-edge nanotechnology to detect not only the malaria infection but also any drug … Read the full press release

Induction programmes for new teachers in the EU are now mandatory in 15 EU Member States

Brussels, 29-4-2013 — / — Induction programmes designed to offer personalised support and advice for new teachers are now mandatory in 15 EU Member States (Austria, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden and the UK) … Read the full press release

Neelie Kroes: Connected TV is the next big thing in the creative and digital worlds

Internet on TV, TV on Internet: Commission seeks views on rapidly converging audiovisual world Brussels, 29-4-2013 — / — Millions of Europeans catch up with their favourite TV series on a smartphone on the way to work, watch online content on their … Read the full press release

Algirdas Šemeta: Tax Good Governance Platform

Algirdas Šemeta – Commissioner responsible for Taxation and Customs Union, Statistics, Audit and Anti-fraud Statement at the Midday Press Briefing Brussels, 26-4-2013 — / — Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a pleasure to be here to present the Commission’s latest initiative in the … Read the full press release

Neelie Kroes: The Future of Media

Neelie Kroes – Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda Future Media Lab. Annual Conference by EMMA (European Magazine Media Association) / Brussels Brussels, 26-4-2013 — / — To add your comment to this speech, see the social version of … Read the full press release

Janez Potočnik: Towards Green Growth: Seizing Business Opportunities

Janez Potočnik – European Commissioner for Environment Green Economy Forum (Dublin Chamber of Commerce) Dublin, 25-4-2013 — / — Ladies and Gentlemen, People in Europe are looking for ways to recover from the devastation of the economic and financial crisis. Governments are searching … Read the full press release

What President Barroso actually said at the Brussels Think Tank Dialogue on 22 April 2013

Austerity and growth debate Brussels, 25-4-2013 — / — Matina Stevis (moderator): The role of the institutions of the Commission within the context of this crisis can surely not just be to provide intellectual leadership or aspiration. Surely it must be to be … Read the full press release

Giorgio Napolitano, personality that unites Italy, says the President of the EP Martin Schulz

25-4-2013 — / — On the occasion of the re-election of Giorgio Napolitano as President of the Republic of Italy, the President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz stated: “On behalf of the European Parliament and on my own behalf, I … Read the full press release

EEAS could do much better if there were more coordination and synergy among institutions

25-4-2013 — / — Political leadership and visibility of the External Action Service could be improved if there were more coordination and synergy between it, the Commission and the Council, as was the intention when the functions of High Representative, Commission … Read the full press release

Schüler experimentieren in Essen

NRW-Landeswettbewerb „Schüler experimentieren“ zu Gast im Haus der Technik 76 junge Forscher stellen 42 Projekte vor Essen, 25-4-2013 — / — Wie wirken sich unsere Gedanken auf den Geschmack aus? Was fressen Gartenvögel gern? Wie schmelzen Eisberge? Sollten wir besser Handseife oder … Read the full press release

Additional EU funding for Syria, Mali, Sahel and Chad approved by the Budgets Committee

25-4-2013 — / — Additional EU funding totalling €70 million to meet humanitarian needs in Syria, Mali, the Sahel region and Chad. was approved by the Budgets Committee on Wednesday. Syria Two years after the start of the conflict, violence is … Read the full press release

MEPs approved draft law for achieving the 2020 95g Car CO2 target

24-4-2013 — / — To reduce the CO2 emissions of new cars sold in the EU to 95g/km by 2020, from 130g today, clean-car innovation should be encouraged by giving “super-credit” weightings to each maker’s cleaner cars and setting more ambitious … Read the full press release

Joint OeNB-ECB high-level Vienna conference discussed the preparations for the launch of the new Europa series of euro banknotes

Vienna , 24-4-2013 — / — Before the new €5 banknotes of the Europa series start to circulate on 2 May, the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) and the European Central Bank (ECB) invited experts from several countries to a high-level conference in Vienna … Read the full press release

United Kingdom and Ireland decided to join EU Insolvency Rules

Brussels, 24-4-2013 — / — Both the United Kingdom and Ireland have announced their decision to join the Commission’s proposal to modernise current EU rules on cross border insolvency, which date from 2000. The new rules aim to shift focus away from … Read the full press release

Road Movies on screen at the King’s Cross Filling Station

Film buffs enjoying a 12-day pit-stop of some of the best road movies ever made 23-4-2013 — / — The old forecourt canopy of the revamped King’s Cross Filling Station is inviting guests to fill up their tanks with some of … Read the full press release

EU Auditors report calls on the EC to improve the running of regeneration projects on so-called “brownfield” sites

Luxembourg, 23-4-2013 — / — A new report from the European Court of Auditors, the EU spending watchdog, calls on the European Commission to improve the running of regeneration projects on so-called “brownfield” sites – former industrial and military areas … Read the full press release

European Medicines Agency: Concerns have been raised in the media about certain stem cell therapy treatments

23-4-2013 — / — These sorts of new techniques potentially offer exciting possibilities to patients for the treatment of a range of difficult or previously untreatable conditions. Like all treatments, these techniques also come with benefits and risks. Specific rules were introduced … Read the full press release

COTER: Territorial cooperation needs more flexibility and less bureaucracy to deliver growth

COTER chair Woźniak: “Strengthening regions’ and cities’ opportunities to face together common challenges can concretely contribute to overcome the crisis” Porto, 23-4-2013 — / — Today the Committee of the Regions Commission for Territorial Cohesion Policy (COTER) held a seminar in Porto … Read the full press release

EESC president Henri Malosse met the President of Lithuania, Dalia Grybauskaitė

European presidency and energy issues on the agenda for the meeting 23-4-2013 — / — EESC president Henri Malosse today met the President of Lithuania, Dalia Grybauskaitė, to address the challenge of the lack of support by European citizens for the … Read the full press release

Antonio Tajani and Michel Barnier called upon European citizens to be aware of the real price of fake products

Brussels, 22-4-2013 — / — Counterfeiting activities account for over €200 billion in losses for the world economy and it is estimated that such losses may climb further. They harm the European economy, as they damage legitimate business and starve innovation. And fake … Read the full press release

Commissioner Štefan Füle on the results of the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue

Brussels, 22-4-2013 — / — This is an historic day for Serbia-Kosovo* relations, for the entire Western Balkans region and for the European Union. I want to congratulate both Prime Ministers and their teams. This ground breaking agreement would not have been … Read the full press release

Information and Communication Technologies in schools survey reveals many children not getting what they need while teachers need more training and support

Brussels, 22-4-2013 — / — Students and teachers in Europe are keen to “go digital”, computer numbers have doubled since 2006 and most schools are now “connected”, but use of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) and digital skill levels are very uneven. … Read the full press release

P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, European Ombudsman, to organise interactive event on citizens’ participation in 30 European capitals and cities

22-4-2013 — / — On 23 April 2013, from 9.30 to 12.30 CET, the European Ombudsman, P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, is organising an interactive event in the European Parliament in Brussels, in cooperation with the European Parliament Information Offices in 30 EU capitals and cities. … Read the full press release

OLAF Statement following press reports of Court proceedings in Malta

19-4-2013 — / — Throughout the investigation, all interviews were carried out in full accordance with OLAF procedures and legal requirements, in the presence of two or more investigators. In accordance with these procedures, all persons interviewed were given the … Read the full press release

Parliament debates: Guantanamo hunger striking prisoners, Vietnam freedom of expression and Kazakhstan human rights

19-4-2013 — / — Parliament debated three separate resolutions on Thursday, calling for measures to enhance freedom of expression in Vietnam and to protect human rights in Kazakhstan and expressing concerns about the situation of hunger striking prisoners in Guantanamo. The … Read the full press release