Tag Archives: UK North Sea

Mariner Field: Equinor Renews Contract with Wood for Energy Production

(IN BRIEF) Wood, a global engineering and consulting company, has secured a two-year contract extension with Equinor UK Limited to continue supporting safe and reliable energy production at the Mariner field in the UK North Sea. The extension covers operations, … Read the full press release

Cairn Energy PLC released H1-2013 report

23-8-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — “Exploration programme offering material growth potential” Simon Thomson, Chief Executive, Cairn Energy PLC said: “Cairn commences a 12 month multi-well high impact frontier exploration programme in September that will offer shareholders sustained exposure to material growth potential. The … Read the full press release

Strong indications of significant gas volumes in Tolmount field, Dana Petroleum has joint 50 percent stake with operator E.ON E&P

Dana Petroleum welcomes the strong indication of significant volumes of gas in a field in the UK North Sea following the drilling of an appraisal well. 19-8-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — Dana has a joint 50 per cent stake in the Tolmount … Read the full press release