Brussels, 15-4-2013 — / — The European Commission has cleared under the EU Merger Regulation the proposed acquisition of UK cable operator Virgin Media Inc., registered in the US, by the US-based company Liberty Global, Inc. The transaction, with a value of … Read the full press release →
Posted in Belgium, Business, Entertainment, European Union, Financial, Government, Internet & Online, Investment, Ireland, Law, Media, Telecom, United Kingdom
Tagged audio visual content, broadband internet, BSkyB, cable operator, CBS Reality, Chellomedia, competition concerns, entertainment, EU Merger Regulation, European Economic Area, Extreme Sports Channel, Horror Channel, Liberty Global, MERGER, mobile telephony services, Pay TV channels, Pay TV market, Pay TV operator, Pay TV retailers, Pay TV services, Pay TV subscribers, subscribers, Telenet, telephony services, tv, TV channels, TV content, UK cable operator, Unitymedia, UPC, Virgin Media Inc.