Search Results for: depression

University of Helsinki Aleksanteri Institute partners with scientific institutions, universities, businesses and policy makers in new consortium named RussiaHUB Helsinki

The new RussiaHUB brings together Russia experts from different disciplines. The crisis in Ukraine increases the importance of research in these fields. HELSINKI, 15-12-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Helsinki aims to become the number one centre of knowledge on Russia. The … Read the full press release

University of Bristol: international team of researchers found that low doses of fluoxetine could hold the key to preventing PMS symptoms

Low doses of fluoxetine – better known as the anti-depressant Prozac – could hold the key to preventing PMS symptoms, an international team of researchers has found. BRISTOL, 11-12-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Up to 80 per cent of women are … Read the full press release

A symposium on Youth Mental Health and Stigma to be held at University of Nottingham on 12 December 2014

NOTTINGHAM, 10-12-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Seventy five per cent of all mental health disorders have their onset between the years of 12 and 25. One in 10 young people will experience a mental health problem, most commonly depression and anxiety, … Read the full press release

University of Warwick-led study shows that markets of ethnically diverse traders are much less likely to suffer bubbles

Coventry, UK, 20-11-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — In diverse company, people think more deeply, make better decisions, study finds From The Great Depression through the dot-com boom of the 1990s to the recent financial crisis, stock market bubbles are a constant malaise. … Read the full press release

Merck Serono expands availability of its RebiSmart device and web-based software platform MSdialog to people with MS in Spain, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Chile and Colombia

The new RebiSmart® injection device offers many new updates including wireless transmission of injection times and doses MSdialog™software is designed to more effectively engage people with MS and their health care providers with treatment adherence information and health related outcome reports … Read the full press release

Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience: Study shows social connection help decrease loneliness on older people

DUBLIN, 16-10-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — A study investigating the impacts of loneliness on older people in Ireland conducted by Professor Brian Lawlor, Connolly Norman Professor of Old Age Psychiatry and Clinical Director, NEIL Programmme at Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience, has … Read the full press release

GSK presented data at European Respiratory Society Congress that show blood eosinophil levels may help inform COPD treatment decisions

LONDON, 10-9-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — GSK today presented data at the European Respiratory Society (ERS) Congress that show blood eosinophil levels may help predict those patients with COPD who will have a greater reduction in exacerbation rates when receiving an … Read the full press release

Head of the Human Rights Department of OSCE/ODIHR Snježana Bokulić visited prominent Kyrgyzstani human rights defender Azimjan Askarov in prison in Bishkek

Vienna, Austria, 31-7-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Head of the Human Rights Department of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), Snježana Bokulić visited prominent human rights defender and journalist Azimjan Askarov in prison in Bishkek on 30 July 2014. “Mr. … Read the full press release

UCL scientists discovered rare gene variant associated with increased risk of developing schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and alcoholism

A rare gene variant discovered by UCL scientists is associated with an increased risk of developing schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and alcoholism, confirms new research. LONDON, 25-7-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — People with the variant are around 2 to 3 times more likely to … Read the full press release

Zurich Psychiatric University Hospital: The bioactive component of the Mexican magic mushroom Psilocybin weakens the processing of negative stimuli and brightens mood

When emotions are processed in a negatively biased manner in the brain, an individual is at risk to develop depression. Psilocybin, the bioactive component of the Mexican magic mushroom, seems to intervene positively in the emotion-processing mechanism. Even a small … Read the full press release

The world’s first centre for computational psychiatry launched after €5m investment from the Max Planck Society and UCL

LONDON, 7-4-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — The world’s first centre for computational psychiatry was launched on Tuesday 1st April, following a €5m investment from the Max Planck Society and UCL to be spent over the next 5 years. The Max Planck UCL Centre … Read the full press release

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin-Wissenschaftler veröffentlichen Ergebnisse über neues optogenetisches Werkzeug im Magazin Science

Berlin, 31-3-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Optogenetik ist ein modernes Verfahren, das es Wissenschaftlern ermöglicht, in neuronalen Schnitten oder in lebenden Organismen wie Drosophila, Zebrafisch oder Mäusen gezielt ausgewählte Zellen mit Licht zu aktivieren und ihre Rolle im Zellverbund zu untersuchen. Dazu benutzen sie … Read the full press release

University of Groningen chronobiologist Maan van de Werken discovered yellow light healthier for people working at night

People who work in shifts for long periods run health risks. The probable cause is a disruption of their circadian rhythm, which is controlled by the biological clock (a group of cells located in the brain). Chronobiologist Maan van de … Read the full press release

Drei Freiburger Nachwuchsforscher erhalten eine Förderung im Juniorprofessoren-Programm des Landes Baden-Württemberg

Drei Freiburger Nachwuchsforscher erhalten eine Förderung im Juniorprofessoren-Programm des Landes Baden-Württemberg Freiburg,  Deutschland, 22-11-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — Erfolg für drei Freiburger Anträge im Juniorprofessoren-Programm des Landes Baden-Württemberg: Die Juniorprofessorin Dr. Jennifer Andexer sowie die Juniorprofessoren Dr. Tim Epkenhans und Dr. Winfried Römer erhalten in den kommenden drei Jahren … Read the full press release

On World COPD Day 2013 physicians and experts emphasize importance of 24hour symptoms relief of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) sufferers

Most of the 64 million COPD patients around the world, including over 2 million in Spain, must contend with breathlessness, excessive mucus, chronic cough and other debilitating symptoms throughout  24hours a day The World Health Organization estimates that COPD kills … Read the full press release

Trinity College Dublin & Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing report finds ‘sandwich generation’ women in Ireland support elderly parents, children and grandchildren

New report by The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing highlights contributions of women with living parents and dependent children. Dublin, Ireland, 14-11-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — One third of women aged 50-69 in Ireland today are in the ‘sandwich generation’ with the majority … Read the full press release

GSK and Pfizer owned ViiV Healthcare announced US regulatory submission for STR combining dolutegravir with abacavir and lamivudine for people living with HIV

London, UK, 23-10-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — ViiV Healthcare today announced the submission of a regulatory application in the United States for its investigational single-tablet regimen (STR) combining dolutegravir, abacavir and lamivudine for the treatment of people living with HIV-1. This New Drug … Read the full press release

University of Zurich researchers prove online psychotherapy is just as efficient as conventional therapy

Online psychotherapy is just as efficient as conventional therapy. Three months after the end of the therapy, patients given online treatment even displayed fewer symptoms. For the first time, clinical researchers from the University of Zurich provide scientific evidence of … Read the full press release

Bayer acquired herbal medicines producer Steigerwald Arzneimittelwerk GmbH

Christian Sarto appointed Managing Director Leverkusen,  4-7-2013 — / — Bayer has completed the acquisition of Steigerwald Arzneimittelwerk GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany. The transaction was cleared by the relevant antitrust authorities. Christian Sarto (43), previously responsible for HealthCare mergers and acquisitions at Bayer … Read the full press release

Marks & Spencer & youth charity The Prince’s Trust revealed details about new youth employability scheme

1-7-2013 — / — Marks & Spencer (M&S) today announces details of a new youth employability scheme – Make Your Mark – which will see the retailer join forces with youth charity, The Prince’s Trust, to create over 1,400 work experience … Read the full press release

Novartis’s omalizumab met all primary and secondary endpoints in pivotal GLACIAL study of patients with severe form of chronic skin disease CSU

Omalizumab met all primary and secondary endpoints in pivotal GLACIAL study of patients with refractory chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU)[1] Omalizumab found to be effective, safe and well tolerated in refractory CSU patients, including those on antihistamines at up to four … Read the full press release

Lundbeck to further optimize its commercial structure to improve its ability to launch new medicines

Lundbeck aims to further improve its ability to launch new medicines through a new commercial structure. The initiative could lead to a reduction of around 50-55 positions in Europe. Valby, 21-6-2013 — / — H. Lundbeck A/S (Lundbeck) plans to further … Read the full press release

EC Vice-President Joaquín Almunia comments on Lundbeck anticompetitive agreements case

Commission fines Lundbeck and other pharma companies for delaying market entry of generic medicines: statement by Vice-President Almunia Joaquín Almunia – Vice President of the European Commission responsible for Competition Policy Press conference, Brussels, 21-6-2013 — / — Today the European Commission has found … Read the full press release

H. Lundbeck A/S disappointed and strongly disagrees with EC decision and intends to appeal

The European Commission has decided that Lundbeck’s agreements concluded with four generic competitors concerning citalopram violated competition law The decision includes fining Lundbeck EUR 93 million Lundbeck’s financial guidance for 2013 is maintained excluding costs connected to the fine Lundbeck is … Read the full press release

Stockholm University Institute for Stress Research will be the host of the 20th PNIRS Scientific Meeting in collaboration with Karolinska Institutet

Pioneering discoveries on the brain and immune defense 31-5-2013 — / — It’s true that the brain governs the body, but the body also governs the brain, for example when the immune defense system makes us rest when we’re sick. This … Read the full press release

Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN Healthy Brain Speech at Healthy Europe Conference in Dublin

Month of the Brain/Dublin, 28-5-2013 — / — Minister Reilly, Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to thank the Irish Presidency of the European Council for co-organising this conference on brain research and healthcare. As you know, we are currently … Read the full press release

Bayer acquired 100% of the shares of Steigerwald Arzneimittelwerk GmbH

Transaction includes Iberogast® and Laif® brands Leverkusen, Germany, 21-5-2013 — / —  Bayer signed an agreement Thursday to acquire 100% of the shares of Steigerwald Arzneimittelwerk GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany, a privately held pharmaceutical company specializing in pharmacy-only herbal medicines. Steigerwald’s product … Read the full press release

2nd European Union SME eHealth Competition Awards

Brussels, 13-5-2013 — / — European Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes has awarded prizes to eHealth SMEs from Finland, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland and United Kingdom as part of eHealth Week 2013 in Dublin, Ireland. The winners of the 2nd EU SME eHealth Competition came up with … Read the full press release

Trinity College: Countering Workplace Bullying for People with an Intellectual Disability

Let me be ME! 5-3-2013 — / — The Anti-Bullying Centre (ABC) at Trinity College has found there is a lack of knowledge and procedure for professionals in managing cases of bullying involving people with an intellectual disability in the workplace. … Read the full press release

The future of global economic governance – Speech by Jörg Asmussen, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB

Hertie School of Governance, Berlin, 27-2-2013 — / — Dear Mr. Feldmann, [1] dear Dean Anheier, ladies and gentlemen, I am glad to be here in Berlin today at the Hertie School of Governance on the occasion of the launch of the Governance … Read the full press release

Commission calls for EU-wide ban on amphetamine-like drug ‘4-MA’

Brussels, 31-1-2013 — / — The European Commission today proposed an EU-wide ban on ‘4-MA’, a synthetic substance with similar physical effects to amphetamines. The Commission asked EU Member States to prevent the drug spreading freely across Europe by submitting it to … Read the full press release

Advice needed for parents on risk of poisoning in toddlers, research says

4-12-2012 — / — GPs and other primary care professionals need to warn parents about safely storing medicines and other hazardous household products in an effort to cut the number of poisonings among pre-school children, a study has said. The research, … Read the full press release

Risk factors predict childhood obesity, researchers find

2-11-2012 — / — High birth weight, rapid weight gain and having an overweight mother who smokes can all increase the risk of a baby becoming obese later in childhood, research by experts at The University of Nottingham has found. The … Read the full press release

Baby boomer retirements bring attention to retirement savings

Peter Lefkin is senior vice president of government and external affairs at Allianz of America in the Washington, DC, representative office. He has been involved in Washington public policy for over 30 years, with the last 23 working for the Allianz US affiliates.

While the demographic challenge facing the United States might not be as severe as that confronting Europe, it nonetheless remains significant. Long-time Washington-watcher Peter Lefkin looks at the likely regulatory changes relating to retirement in the next few years. Munich, 17-10-2012 … Read the full press release