Category Archives: Society

Society Press Releases & News distributed via EuropaWire

Connie Hedegaard kick-starts public debates over climate change in Southern and Eastern Europe

Brussels, 14-5-2013 — / —  European commissioner for climate action Connie Hedegaard is launching a series of public events to engage European citizens in the climate change debate and to encourage individual action to combat it. Over the next two months, … Read the full press release

EU agree on additional funding to modernise higher education institutions in Tunisia

Brussels, 14-5-2013 — / — The European Union (EU) has agreed on additional funding to further develop the modernisation of higher education as well as the international cooperation capacity of higher education institutions in Tunisia under the Erasmus Mundus and Tempus programmes. … Read the full press release

Neelie Kroes & Tonio Borg welcome recognition of the contribution ICT can make in reforming health systems

Brussels, 13-5-2013 — / —  A declaration by the Irish Presidency of the Council of the EU committing Member States to developing eHealth ecosystems that could contribute to the reform of health systems has been welcomed by European Commission Vice-President for … Read the full press release

Cyprus bailout debate with Olli Rehn & Jorg Asmussen

MEPs dissect Cyprus bailout with Messrs Rehn and Asmussen 13-5-2013 — / — The confusion and delay that surrounded decisions on the Cyprus assistance plan were not only due to Cypriot intransigence. Rather, they reveal a need to radically rethink Eurogroup … Read the full press release

Conference on democratic transition in the EU’s southern neighbourhood

Understanding political Islam: shift to democracy needs time 13-5-2013 — / — “It is a bit simplistic to speak about an Islamic winter after the Arab Spring. The ongoing constitutional processes show that we are on the right path but we … Read the full press release

2nd European Union SME eHealth Competition Awards

Brussels, 13-5-2013 — / — European Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes has awarded prizes to eHealth SMEs from Finland, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland and United Kingdom as part of eHealth Week 2013 in Dublin, Ireland. The winners of the 2nd EU SME eHealth Competition came up with … Read the full press release

Acclaimed Danish film director Thomas Vinterberg won EU Prix MEDIA at Cannes Film Festival

Brussels, 13-5-2013 — / — Acclaimed Danish film director Thomas Vinterberg is the winner of the 2013 European Union Prix MEDIA. The prize is awarded to the best new film project with box-office potential eligible for support from the EU MEDIA programme … Read the full press release

EU responds to Syria crisis with more emergency humanitarian aid

Brussels, 13-5-2013 — / — The European Commission is announcing today an additional €65 million in response to the rapidly growing scale of the humanitarian crisis resulting from the conflict in Syria. With more intense fighting in Syria and just three months … Read the full press release

Lunen Hospital uses the ZEISS cinemizer OLED 3D multimedia glasses to calm nervous patients

OBERKOCHEN/Germany, 10-5-2013 — / — Patients awaiting surgery often become fearful long before the operation is due. Just the thought of the atmosphere of the operating room is enough to spark discomfort and nervousness. Dr. Holger Sauer, chief physician of the anaesthesia … Read the full press release

Cecilia Malmström: Europe should give migrants the opportunities they deserve

Cecilia Malmström – EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Speech by Commissioner Malmström at the State of the Union Conference:  State of the Union Conference Florence, Italy, 10-5-2013 — / — Today is 9 May 2013. If we look 30 years ahead, on 30 … Read the full press release

Seminar “Welcome to the EU, Croatia” in Prague

Commissioner Štefan Füle – Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Speaking points of Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle at the seminar “Welcome to the EU, Croatia” organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech … Read the full press release

Court of Justice of the European Union: The Flemish Decree on land and real estate policy is contrary to EU law

Judgment in Joined Cases C‑197/11 and C-203/11 Eric Libert, Christian Van Eycken, Max Bleeckx, Syndicat national des propriétaires et copropriétaires ASBL, Olivier de Clippele v Gouvernement Flamand  Luxembourg, 9-5-2013 — / — The condition that there exists a ‘sufficient connection’ between the prospective buyer … Read the full press release

The Court upholds the judgment of the General Court: Eni SpA is definitively required to pay a fine of €181.5 million

The Court upholds the judgment of the General Court concerning the cartel on the synthetic rubbers markets as regards the Italian company Eni SpA Luxembourg, 9-5-2013 — / — In 20061 the Commission imposed fines totalling over €519 million on 13 … Read the full press release

EC, ECB and IMF on the Tenth Review Mission to Ireland

Brussels, 9-5-2013 — / — Staff teams from the European Commission (EC), European Central Bank (ECB), and International Monetary Fund (IMF) visited Dublin during April 23rd – May 2nd, 2013 for the tenth review of the government’s economic programme and met with … Read the full press release

Algirdas Šemeta: Tax evasion and avoidance: time for ambitious actions

Algirdas Šemeta – Commissioner responsible for Taxation and Customs Union, Statistics, Audit and Anti-fraud European Parliament Economic Committee on Taxation Brussels, 9-5-2013 — / — Ladies and Gentlemen, I am very happy to be here with you today. I would like to … Read the full press release

Study: 8 out of 10 say EU projects aid innovation in classroom

Brussels, 9-5-2013 — / — More than eight in ten people involved in an EU-funded initiative aimed at encouraging innovative teaching methods and improved learning materials for children say the scheme had a positive and lasting impact on them. The same proportion … Read the full press release

AGVL & ver.di agree on pay negotiations for Lufthansa ground staff

Agreement, set to run for 26 months, provides for pay rises differentiated by business segment / Lufthansa pledges employment safeguards 8-5-2013 — / — At the fourth round of wage talks for around 33,000 Lufthansa ground staff in Germany, the Air … Read the full press release

Applications for 2013 EIB-I Social Innovation Tournament in Budapest, Hungary accepted until 15 May

8-5-2013 — / — The final event of the Social Innovation Tournament organized by the EIB Institute will take place in Budapest, Hungary − the country of one of the first 2012 winner. The call for innovative projects pursuing fight against … Read the full press release

EU Transport Commissioner Siim Kallas & International Maritime Organization Mr. Koji Sekimizu to work together towards safer and more environmentally friendly shipping

Brussels, 8-5-2013 — / — EU Transport Commissioner Siim Kallas and the Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization Mr. Koji Sekimizu met today in Brussels and reaffirmed their common goal to work together towards safer and more environmentally friendly shipping. The … Read the full press release

£72,000 grant to University of Leicester Professor Jacqui Shaw for pancreatic cancer research project

University of Leicester Professor in study for early detection of disease 7-5-2013 — / — National charity Pancreatic Cancer UK has today announced the award of a £72,000 grant to Professor Jacqui Shaw and colleagues at the University of Leicester as … Read the full press release

NATO Secretary General Rasmussen: Europe must stop the cuts in defence spending

7-5-2013 — / — “Soft power alone is no power at all,” NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen told foreign affairs, security and defence MEPs and national MPs on Monday. Speaking in favour of “holding the line on defence spending” in … Read the full press release

Syngenta: EU Member States again fail to agree restriction on key crop protection technology

Basel, Switzerland, 7-5-2013 — / — Syngenta acknowledged that European Union (EU) Member States for the second time failed to agree on the European Commission’s proposal for a ban on neonicotinoid pesticides. The latest decision should compel the Commission to return to … Read the full press release

Europe on Track, Spanish youth media project, awarded first prize at the 2013 Charlemagne Youth Prize ceremony in Aachen University

Aachen, 7-5-2013 — / — Europe on Track, a Spanish youth media project, was awarded first prize at the 2013 Charlemagne Youth Prize ceremony on 7 May in Aachen University. The second prize went to the photo contest Discover Europe from Poland … Read the full press release

Legal Affairs Committee to reform EU audit services to win back investors’ confidence

7-5-2013 — / — Obliging companies to switch auditors regularly and prohibiting auditors from supplying certain non-auditing services are among the changes voted by the Legal Affairs Committee on Thursday to a draft law to open up the EU audit services … Read the full press release

Vice-President Viviane Reding held Citizens’ Debate about the Future of Europe in Brussels

Brussels, 7-5-2013 — / — As the debate about the future of Europe and the consequences of the economic crisis is gathering pace, the European Commission is reaching out to different European towns to listen to citizens, their concerns and hopes for … Read the full press release

Eurocopter donates Ecureuil light helicopter to the Civil Aviation Flight University of China for training

Future generations of Chinese aviation technicians will benefit from hands-on training experience with an Ecureuil (AS350 family of helicopters) donated by Eurocopter China to the Civil Aviation Flight University of China (CAFUC). 6-5-2013 — / — This rotorcraft is to be … Read the full press release

László Andor at Leuven Conference: We can restore and maintain prosperity in Europe if we invest in our human capital, from cradle to old age

Brussels, 6-5-2013 — / — The key role of social investment for the modernisation of national welfare systems and for overcoming Europe’s employment and social crisis was underlined by László Andor, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion at the conference … Read the full press release

EC adopts package of measures to strengthen the enforcement of health and safety standards for the whole agri-food chain

Brussels, 6-5-2013 — / — The European Commission has today adopted a package of measures to strengthen the enforcement of health and safety standards for the whole agri-food chain. Food safety is essential to ensure consumers’ confidence and sustainability of food production. … Read the full press release

The European Road Safety Day – May 6

European Road Safety Day, dedicated to reducing pedestrian fatalities in urban areas Brussels, 6-5-2013 — / — The European Road Safety Day – May 6 – is the Commission’s contribution to the United Nations Global Road Safety Week, whose theme this year … Read the full press release

EC adopts new strategy to encourage use of green infrastructure

Brussels, 6-5-2013 — / — The European Commission adopted today a new strategy for encouraging the use of green infrastructure, and for ensuring that the enhancement of natural processes becomes a systematic part of spatial planning. Green Infrastructure is a tried and … Read the full press release

EC finds public co-financing of Uppsala arena in Sweden is in line with EU state aid rules

Brussels, 6-5-2013 — / —  The European Commission has concluded that the proposed public co-financing of a new multi-purpose arena in Uppsala, Sweden was in line with EU state aid rules. In particular, the Commission found that the public funding was … Read the full press release

EC to investigate PSA Peugeot Citroën group restructuring plan

Brussels,  3-5-2013 — / — State aid: Commission opens an in-depth investigation into the restructuring of the PSA Peugeot Citroën group The European Commission has opened an in‑depth investigation to determine whether the PSA group’s restructuring plan is compatible with the European Union’s … Read the full press release

RWE Stiftung besteht seit 15 Jahren

Projekte in den Bereichen Soziales, Bildung und Kultur „Wir wollen das Verständnis für Energie fördern“ 3-5-2013 — / — Seit 15 Jahren engagiert sich die RWE Stiftung für junge Menschen. 1998 wurde sie anlässlich des 100. Geburtstag der RWE AG … Read the full press release

EC reopened inquiry into the tax aid awarded to Electricité de France following Court judgment

Brussels, 3-5-2013 — / — The European Commission has reopened an inquiry into certain tax measures for Electricité de France (EDF) related to the electricity grid. This follows a judgment handed down by the Court of Justice of the European Union (Case C-124/10 P) … Read the full press release

EC authorised Belgian plans to compensate the Belgian post

Brussels, 3-5-2013 — / — The European Commission has authorised under EU state aid rules Belgian plans to compensate the Belgian postal incumbent bpost for discharging a series of public service obligations between 2013 and 2015. The Commission found the measures to … Read the full press release

Piero Ferrari remembers Franco Gozzi

Maranello, 3-5-2013 — / — If there is one man at Ferrari today who, more than anyone can claim to have known Franco Gozzi well, it is Piero Ferrari and he wished to remember him with these words: “I spent … Read the full press release

The EC formally proposed to the Netherlands to abolish the selective tax exemption for public companies

Brussels, 3-5-2013 — / — The European Commission has formally proposed to the Netherlands to abolish the exemption from corporate tax granted to Dutch public undertakings. The Commission considers that public companies that carry out economic activities in competition with private companies … Read the full press release

EC calls for cooperation to boost sustainable development of EU aquaculture

Brussels, 2-5-2013 — / — To boost the development of EU aquaculture, the European Commission has issued strategic guidelines, thereby cooperating with Member States and stakeholders in overcoming the challenges facing the sector. The EU aquaculture sector has a significant growth potential … Read the full press release

The EC to proceed with plan to better protect bees from pesticides

Brussels, 2-5-2013 — / — Today, EU Member States did not reach a qualified majority – either in favour or against – in the Appeal Committee1 which discussed a Commission proposal to restrict the use of 3 neonicotinoid insecticides. Tonio Borg, Health and Consumer Commissioner, said: “Although a majority of Member States now … Read the full press release