Category Archives: Society

Society Press Releases & News distributed via EuropaWire

Tonio Borg: we must strive to make tobacco products and smoking less attractive to young people

Tonio Borg – Health and Consumer Policy Commissioner  Brussels, 30-5-2013 — / — “On the eve of World No Tobacco Day, I call on Members of the European Parliament and on Europe’s Health Ministers to support the Commission’s proposal on tobacco products. As … Read the full press release

Die Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) in der NS-Zeit

Wien, 30-5-2013 — / — Die Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) beauftragte eine Historikergruppe unter der Leitung von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Oliver Rathkolb und Dr. Theodor Venus, die Vorgänge in der OeNB in den Jahren unmittelbar vor dem „Anschluss“ 1938 und unter dem Nationalsozialistischen (NS) … Read the full press release

EC President José Manuel Barroso met with high-level religious leaders

Statement by the President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso Brussels, 30-5-2013 — / — Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, It is my pleasure and honour to receive today – together with President Van Rompuy and Vice President Surján, who replaces President … Read the full press release

EDPS: ‘Smart, sustainable, inclusive Europe’: only with stronger and more effective data protection

Brussels, 29-5-2013 — / — The lobbying surrounding the current review of the EU data protection law by organisations both from Europe and elsewhere has been exceptional. Following the presentation of his Annual Report of activities for 2012 to the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs … Read the full press release

University of Twente Dr Aiko Pras: Few people realize how dependent we have become on the most complex technical system ever built – the Internet

29-5-2013 — / — “Few people realize how dependent we have become in such a short time on the most complex technical system ever built by man, the internet. Without it there would be no more cashpoints, no water from the … Read the full press release

EC 2012 competition policy report shows how competition policy helps unlock potential of EU Single Market

Brussels, 29-5-2013 — / —  The European Commission’s 2012 report on competition policy shows that without an effective European competition policy, the internal market cannot deliver its full economic potential. Private barriers to trade and competition would risk replacing the public … Read the full press release

László Andor speach at European Policy Centre: Single European Labour Market must be part of the EU’s recovery strategy

Final conference of the “Single European Labour Market” project European Policy Centre, Brussels, 29-5-2013 — / — Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a pleasure to open today’s conference and discuss the final report of the Single European Labour Market project. The … Read the full press release

Bayer CropScience: Decision to restrict use of neonicotinoid-containing products will not improve bee health

Monheim,  28-5-2013 — / — Despite failing to achieve a qualified majority in the Appeal Committee, the European Commission has announced a restriction on the use of neonicotinoid-containing products on bee-attractive crops, a decision that Bayer CropScience considers disproportionate and one … Read the full press release

EU-27 unemployed young persons were 5.7 million in March 2013, EU takes measures to tackle youth unemployment

Brussels, 28-5-2013 — / — What is the current situation? In March 2013, 5.7 million young persons were unemployed in the EU-27, of whom 3.6 million were in the euro area. The youth unemployment rate was 23.5% in the EU-27 and 24% … Read the full press release

46% of EU citizens say they use eGovernment services online

Brussels, 28-5-2013 — / — Almost half of EU citizens (46%) now go online to look for a job, use the public library, file a tax return, register a birth, apply for a passport or use other eGovernment services. 80% say online … Read the full press release

G4S honored by White House for hiring returning military veterans

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michele Obama have recognised G4S for its successful commitment to hiring returning military veterans and their families as part of the ‘Joining Forces’ Campaign 28-5-2013 — / —  President, G4S Secure Solutions (USA) Inc. … Read the full press release

Janez Potočnik at the Hay Festival: Environment or Economy: Can we have both?

Janez Potočnik – European Commissioner for Environment Public discussion at the Hay Festival (Hay-on-Wye, UK) Hay-on-Wye, 28-5-2013 — / — I am hearing far too often these days that in these times of economic crisis we cannot afford to have a high level of … Read the full press release

Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN Healthy Brain Speech at Healthy Europe Conference in Dublin

Month of the Brain/Dublin, 28-5-2013 — / — Minister Reilly, Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to thank the Irish Presidency of the European Council for co-organising this conference on brain research and healthcare. As you know, we are currently … Read the full press release

Cecilia Malmström at “We are the Others” conference in Berlin: The rise of right-wing extremism in Europe

Cecilia Malmström – EU Commissioner for Home Affairs ‘We are the Others’ conference Berlin, 27-5-2013 — / — Mr President, Ladies and Gentlemen, First I would like to thank the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung for organising this conference on a very important subject. For … Read the full press release

Viviane Reding and Neelie Kroes Statement on International Missing Children’s Day 25 May

Brussels, 27-5-2013 — / — Ahead of International Missing Children’s Day (25 May), European Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU’s Justice Commissioner said: “As every year, the European Commission is supporting International Missing Children Day to make sure we remember children who … Read the full press release

EU-wide restrictions on pesticides harmful to Europe’s honeybee population enter into force on 1 December, 2013

Brussels, 27-5-2013 — / — A restriction on the use of three pesticides belonging to the neonicotinoid family was today adopted by the Commission. These pesticides (clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiametoxam) were identified as being harmful to Europe’s honeybee population. This restriction will … Read the full press release

The European Ombudsman: more than 30 000 complaints and almost 3 500 investigations in the past ten years

27-5-2013 — / — The European Ombudsman, P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, dealt with more than 30 000 complaints and opened almost 3 500 investigations into alleged maladministration in the EU administration during his ten years in office. In 2012 alone, he received 2 442 complaints (2510 in … Read the full press release

The European Commission: ensuring basic education for every child by 2030

Brussels, 24-5-2013 — / —  The European Commission will confirm today its commitment to making education more equal and of a higher quality in the Development agenda beyond 2015 through continued financial support, during a High level event in Brussels. Development … Read the full press release

Plenary debate of the European Parliament on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership in Strasbourg

Karel De Gucht, European Commissioner for Trade, remarks on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Strasbourg, 23-5-2013 — / — From the outset, let me underline the importance of this Parliament’s interest, commitment and contribution to preparations for negotiations of a Transatlantic Trade … Read the full press release

Štefan Füle discusses the progress and shortcomings of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Plenary session of the European Parliamen / Brussels 23-5-2013 — / — President, Honourable Members, I would like to pay tribute to the quality of the report which has been prepared by your Rapporteur, Mr. Richard Howitt. I welcome the … Read the full press release

The European Parliament voted to endorse EC’s proposal for EU-wide protection for victims of domestic violence

EU-wide protection for victims of domestic violence to become law Strasbourg, 23-5-2013 — / — Victims of violence, in particular domestic violence, will soon be able to count on EU-wide protection, after the European Parliament voted with an overwhelming majority (602 … Read the full press release

Germany and the USA Economic researchers find self-assured entrepreneurs more likely to act against their own pro-environmental values

München, 23-5-2013 — / — Many entrepreneurs claim that they care about sustainability, yet they make decisions that are harmful to the environment. Economic researchers from Germany and the USA have discovered that many bosses do indeed have firm convictions when it … Read the full press release

EESC: Tax evasion costs Europe EUR 1 trillion a year

Civil society urges the Council to end tax evasion 23-5-2013 — / —  The EESC is urging the Council to send out the right signal to the European public and to prove that Europe is able to tackle this fundamental … Read the full press release

European Investment Bank & Cassa Depositi e Prestiti to provide €600 million loan for Emilia-Romagna earthquake recovery

Rome, 22-5-2013 — / — The European Investment Bank (EIB) and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) signed in Rome today a €600 million loan for rebuilding industrial infrastructure in areas hit by the earthquake in Emilia-Romagna one year ago. The EIB was … Read the full press release

MCM London Comic Con Bringing Best Line Up Yet To ExCel

Full line up will include a special preview of ‘The World’s End’ by writer-director Edgar Wright 22-5-2013 — / — The spring instalment of London’s MCM Comic Con is nearly upon us. Scheduled to take place at the ExCel Centre … Read the full press release

University of Warwick Professor of Law Shaheen Sardar Ali in 100 most influential Pakistani women

22-5-2013 — / — Professor Shaheen Sardar Ali, Professor of Law at the University of Warwick and Vice-Chair of the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, has been included in a list of the 100 most influential Pakistani women in … Read the full press release

Štefan Füle, Security Conference in Prague: “Evropa a svět v pohybu”

Štefan Füle – Eurokomisař za politiku rozšíření a evropskou politiku sousedství Praha, 22-5-2013 — / —  Vážené dámy, vážení pánové, děkuji za pozvání. Dovolte mi věnovat se ve svých poznámkách o cestě z krize nejprve rámci, v němž tuto cestu hledáme. Chtěl … Read the full press release

EU to fund the fight against piracy in several Eastern and Southern African countries

Brussels, 22-5-2013 — / — The EU will provide some €37 million to strengthen the fight against piracy in several Eastern and Southern African countries through support for the Programme to promote Regional Maritime Security (MASE). In the past decade, the level … Read the full press release

The European Parliament adopted the EU legislative proposal on safety of offshore oil and gas operations in EU

Energy Commissioner Oettinger welcomes Parliament adoption of offshore legislation Brussels, 21-5-2013 — / — Günther Oettinger, EU Commissioner for Energy said: “I welcome this major step enhancing the safety of offshore oil and gas production in the EU. Past accidents have shown … Read the full press release

University College London: Men experience higher burden of disease and lower life expectancy than women

21-5-2013 — / — Men experience a higher burden of disease and lower life expectancy than women, but policies focusing on the health needs of men are notably absent from the strategies of global health organisations, according to a Viewpoint article in this … Read the full press release

University of Liverpool: fish oils could minimise effects junk food can have on the brain

21-5-2013 — / — Data from more than 180 research papers suggests fish oils could minimise the effects that junk food can have on the brain, a review by researchers at the University of Liverpool has shown. The team at the … Read the full press release

José Manuel Barroso on the tornado in Oklahoma

Brussels, 21-5-2013 — / — Statement by President Barroso following the tornado in Oklahoma. “It was with great distress and sadness that I learned about the tornado that shook Oklahoma causing destruction and loss of lives. On my personal behalf and in … Read the full press release

Štefan Füle: Moldova belongs to Europe

Official opening of Europe Day/ Chişinău, Moldova, 20-5-2013 — / —  Dear friends, Dragi prieteni, It is a real pleasure to be here in Chisinau to celebrate Europe Day together with you. I am delighted to witness your enthusiasm first hand. … Read the full press release

Johanna Hietalahti of University of Helsinki: Microcredits should not be marketed as a panacea for development

The importance of microcredits in reducing poverty among women in developing countries has been exaggerated Helsinki, 20-5-2013 — / — “Microcredits should not be marketed as a panacea for development. They are connected to other livelihood strategies targeting women, plus they cannot … Read the full press release

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water marks 70th anniversary of the famous World War II Dambusters raid at Elan Valley

17th May 2013 is the 70th anniversary of successful World War II Dambusters raid Anniversary ‘Dambusters Walk’ to take place at Elan Valley Nant-y-Gro Dam at Elan Valley used for secret testing of bouncing bomb Testing in Elan Valley led … Read the full press release

EC call for proposals to fund 45 eco-innovations throughout Europe, ends 5 September 2013

Brussels, 20-5-2013 — / — The European Commission has launched a call for proposals of EUR 31.5 million for the best 45 eco-innovation projects. Businesses throughout Europe have until 5 September 2013 to put in their proposals for bringing novel environmental solutions to … Read the full press release

Roma Roundtable event brings together key players from Roma civil society

Brussels, 17-5-2013 — / —  European Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding (Justice, Citizenship and Fundamental Rights) and Commissioner László Andor (Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) will today meet with civil society organisations to discuss Roma integration in Europe. Today’s Roma Roundtable event … Read the full press release

EC launched Emergency Response Centre (ERC)

For a faster and more efficient European response to disasters Brussels, 17-5-2013 — / —  The European Commission is launching its Emergency Response Centre (ERC) today, which will provide a better coordinated, faster and more efficient European response to disasters in … Read the full press release

‘Together for a new Mali’ donor conference mobilised €3.25 billion to rebuild Mali

Brussels, 16-5-2013 — / —  An international donor conference ‘Together for a new Mali’, organised by the European Union and France, together with Mali, took place in Brussels today. Represented at the highest levels, the international community has mobilised decisively in … Read the full press release

Henkel Laundry & Home Care attended the ECR (Efficient Consumer Response) Europe Conference

Focusing on sustainable consumption Düsseldorf, 16-5-2013 — / —   Held on May 14 and 15, the ECR (Efficient Consumer Response) Europe Conference & Marketplace saw experts and decision-makers from the consumer goods sector meet to exchange views on a range of … Read the full press release