Category Archives: Society

Society Press Releases & News distributed via EuropaWire

Kenyan co-founder of humanitarian Internet platform Juliana Rotich received the Impact Award at the DLDwomen 2013 conference in Munich

Second presentation of the award for outstanding social commitment 30-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — As a second, Juliana Rotich was honored with the Impact Award at the DLDwomen 2013 conference in Munich on Monday, 15 July 2013. Originally from Kenya, Rotich is the co-founder … Read the full press release

Unicaja colabora con el Aula del Mar en el VI Laboratorio Marino Itinerante, que se ha celebrado en Nerja, en la playa de Burriana

29-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — Esta iniciativa consiste en la instalación de una carpa-laboratorio en la que se da a conocer el medio marino para ayudar a su conservación a través de divertidas experiencias, dirigidas a todos los públicos, y especialmente a … Read the full press release

Unicaja colabora un año más con la Consejería de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía en la jornada anual de anillamiento de flamencos, que el próximo 10 de Agosto realizará en la Laguna de Fuente de Piedra

29-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — La Reserva Natural de Fuente de Piedra (Málaga), reconocida recientemente por el Consejo de Gobierno como Zona de Especial Conservación (ZEC), acogerá el próximo 10 de Agosto la jornada anual de anillamiento de flamencos que organiza la … Read the full press release

Red Eléctrica de España announced 3 osprey chicks born in artificial nest installed on high-voltage electricity tower near El Rocinejo reservoir

With these three new chicks, 14 Osprey (Sea Hawk) specimens have been born in Andalusia this year. This consolidates the success of the Osprey reintroduction programme, began in 2003, with a stable population that now exceeds twenty specimens. The nest … Read the full press release

PSA Peugeot Citroën announced New Social Contract Summary of Proposals

26-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — On 29 May 2013, the Group opened a cycle of negotiations to develop a New Social Contract in a meeting attended by Philippe Varin. The process is designed to define solutions with all employee representatives that will … Read the full press release

Samaritans Chief Executive Catherine Johnstone issued statement regarding UNITE the Union

25-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ —  Catherine Johnstone, Chief Executive of Samaritans, said: “We are very disappointed that Unite have come out today and announced that Samaritans has ‘de-recognised the Union’. “It is surprising to us that this statement has been issued, … Read the full press release

Catalana Occidente ha lanzado la campaña “Gente Sin Miedo” destinada a las redes sociales

La iniciativa pretende crear una comunidad donde los usuarios puedan compartir los obstáculos y miedos a los que se enfrentan día a día y su forma de resolverlos y superarlos. Barcelona,  24-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — Catalana Occidente ha lanzado la campaña … Read the full press release

Slovenská výtvarníčka Barbora Kožíková Výstava v Galérii SPP – Obrazohry, potrvá do 26. júla 2013

Bratislava, 24-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — Slovenská výtvarníčka Barbora Kožíková – Lichá dnes predstaví svoje umelecké diela v Galérii SPP. Výstava „Obrazohry“ potrvá do 26. júla 2013. Barbora Kožíková – Lichá predstaví výber kresieb, koláží a malieb, ktoré vznikli v čase od jej štúdií … Read the full press release

Thales annonce la signature d’un accord relatif au Contrat de Génération

Signé à l’unanimité des organisations syndicales représentatives, cet accord favorise la transmission des savoirs et des compétences entre les générations Neuilly sur Seine, 24-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — Thales annonce la signature d’un accord relatif au Contrat de Génération. Signé en présence … Read the full press release

New EU lobbying report reveals MEPs code of conduct failing to prevent potential conflicts of interest

23-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — The new code of conduct for MEPs is failing to prevent potential conflicts of interest in a number of specific cases, finds a new report released today. The research conducted by Friends of the Earth Europe, Corporate Europe Observatory, … Read the full press release

Timor Telecom and PT Foundation support with laptops the Portuguese School in East Timor

23-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — With the supply of computers, Timor Telecom, in partnership with the PT Foundation, supports the creation of a new subject, “Information and Communication Technologies”, at the Portuguese School in East Timor. Timor Telecom (TT), with the support … Read the full press release

EC Vice-President Viviane Reding in Bulgaria for the Future of Europe Debate

22-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — “Bulgaria must stay on the reform path, and its citizens have a key role to play in the process”, said European Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding ahead of a dialogue with over 250 citizens in Sofia (Bulgaria) which she will … Read the full press release

Summer Berlinale from July 25-28, 2013 at the Open-Air Cinema Friedrichshain in Berlin

22-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — All those who missed the audience favourites Gloria, The Strange Little Cat, Frances Ha and Viktor und Viktoria during this year’s Berlinale will get a chance to discover these highlights, before they will be released theatrically in Germany, at the Summer Berlinale from … Read the full press release

European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) finds EC’s smart borders proposal costly, unproven and intrusive

22-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — There is no clear evidence that the Commission Proposals to create a smart border system for the external borders of the EU will fulfil the aims that it has set out, said the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) today. Following the … Read the full press release

Komerční banka’s Jistota Foundation helped over 50 health and social projects in 2012

Prague, 18-7-2013 — / — Last year, Komerční banka’s Jistota Foundation provided 56 gifts, which were worth more than CZK 7.5 million. In line with the Foundation’s mission, the gifts were mainly routed into projects of a health or social nature. Foundation … Read the full press release

Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie criticizes EP proposal to introduce women’s quota for SMEs

“Out of touch, bureaucratic and harmful for medium-sized businesses”. The BDI criticizes the proposal by the European Parliament to introduce a women’s quota for small and medium-sized businesses. 17-7-2013 — / — Holger Lösch, a member of the BDI General Directorate, … Read the full press release

EC’s proposal to ban the use of the posing an acute risk to Europe’s honey bee population Fipronil insecticide backed by Member State experts

16-7-2013 — / — A Commission proposal to restrict the use of Fipronil, an insecticide which has recently been identified as posing an acute risk to Europe’s honey bee population, was backed by Member State experts meeting today in the Standing … Read the full press release

EU Ombudsman concludes EC did not exceed its powers by hosting photo exhibition on same-sex couples

16-7-2013 — / — According to the European Ombudsman, P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, the European Commission did not exceed its powers by hosting a photo exhibition on same-sex couples. He advised the Commission, however, to make it clearer in future exhibitions that it does … Read the full press release

Fundación IBERDROLA to help Prado Museum replace its lighting system with LED lights

Fundación IBERDROLA becomes Benefactor to the Prado Museum The ‘Lighting the Prado’ project will take four years to complete, with LED lights being installed in every room at the art gallery The initiative was announced to coincide with the presentation … Read the full press release

Midal Cables Limited named winner of National Grid’s first Supplier Design Awards for its innovative overhead line recycling project

15-7-2013 — / — Midal Cables has been announced as the winner of National Grid’s first Supplier Design Awards for its innovative overhead line recycling project, to reduce the need for aluminium and save precious resources. The awards were presented at … Read the full press release

Carrefour to help disadvantaged families prepare for the new school term

From 3 to 23 July 2013, Carrefour customers across France will be asked to donate their old school bags in aid of disadvantaged children. Customers taking part in this sociallyresponsible operation will receive two purchase vouchers worth €5. 12-7-2013 — … Read the full press release

EU Ombudsman calls on EC to follow OECD principles for transparency and integrity in lobbying when revising the “Transparency Register”

11-7-2013 — / — The European Ombudsman, P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, has called on the European Commission to follow the OECD principles for transparency and integrity in lobbying when revising the “Transparency Register”. This includes providing better guidance for companies and organisations which register … Read the full press release

RBS Group sponsored research reveals rise in socially-driven start-ups

10-7-2013 — / — Social enterprise has three times the start up rate of mainstream small and medium sized businesses, according to a report sponsored by RBS Group. UK-wide research carried out for the report, The People’s Business, shows that social enterprises are … Read the full press release

Habitat en région lance son site Internet

10-7-2013 — / — Découvrez sur l’identité et les missions de cette association au service du logement social adossée au Groupe BPCE Habitat en région est une association née de la volonté des Caisses d’Epargne et de leurs filiales de … Read the full press release

More than 10,000 employees in 46 countries took part in the 2013 Citizen Commitment Week organised throughout Societe Generale Group

9-7-2013 — / — More than 10,000 employees in 46 countries took part in the 6th Citizen Commitment Week, organised at the beginning of June throughout Societe Generale Group. The numerous solidarity challenges organised each day helped bring in more than … Read the full press release

Repsol continues its work with Fundación ONCE for the integration of people with disabilities into the labour market

The agreement has been renewed by Repsol’s Executive Director of People and Organisation, Cristina Sanz, and the Vice-chairman of Fundación ONCE, Alberto Durán The signing forms part of the ‘Por Talento’ Programme carried out by Fundación ONCE through FSC Inserta, … Read the full press release

Pour la quatrième année consécutive, la Fondation BNP Paribas reconduit son soutien au Festival d’Avignon

5-7-2013 — / — En 2013, cet engagement se concrétise par l’accueil en Avignon de jeunes artistes dans le cadre des voyages du réseau Kadmos. La Fondation BNP Paribas accompagne également la création des Particules élémentaires de Michel Houellebecq, mise en … Read the full press release

EU’s strategy on e-health depends on re-building trust in data privacy

5-7-2013 — / — Revolutionising Europe’s healthcare services must take a citizen-centred approach and fully involve local authorities, the Committee of the Regions said today. Whilst welcoming plans to exploit new technology and digital tools in the delivery of services, building … Read the full press release

Daimler AG Chairman Dr Dieter Zetsche handed over the key of the M-Class Popemobile to Pope Francis in Vatican

Stuttgart/Rome, 4-7-2013 — / — Dr Dieter Zetsche, Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Head of Mercedes-Benz Cars, handed over the key to the Popemobile to Pope Francis yesterday at a private meeting in the Vatican. Pope … Read the full press release

European Parliament’s Civil Liberties Committee lunches in-depth inquiry into US surveillance programmes

4-7-2013 — / — Parliament’s Civil Liberties Committee will conduct an “in-depth inquiry” into the US surveillance programmes, including the bugging of EU premises and other spying allegations, and present its results by the end of this year, says a resolution … Read the full press release

EC opened public consultation with trade unions and employers’ representatives over undeclared work

4-7-2013 — / — The European Commission has launched today a consultation with representatives of trade unions and employers’ organisations on possible future EU measures to prevent and deter undeclared work through improved cooperation between Member States enforcement authorities, such as … Read the full press release

UK Students from disadvantaged backgrounds will be supported in postgraduate study with up to £125M of extra funding

3-7-2013 — / — Students from disadvantaged backgrounds will be supported in postgraduate study with up to £125 million of extra funding, Universities and Science Minister David Willetts announced today. The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and the Higher Education … Read the full press release

UK NHS cancer campaign launched to drive awareness of lung cancer signs and symptoms

Figures reveal the stark reality of early diagnosis on survival rates 3-7-2013 — / — Almost 24,000 people a year in England receive a lung cancer diagnosis when the disease is at a late stage * – only around 15% of … Read the full press release

The 2013 Lux Prize 10 film nominees announced

2-7-2013 — / — The 10 films selected for the 2013 Lux Prize were announced on Sunday at the 48th Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. Young and promising filmmakers and well known directors provide a good picture of the diversity … Read the full press release

European Alliance for Apprenticeships launched at 2013 WorldSkills competition in Leipzig, Germany

2-7-2013 — / — The European Alliance for Apprenticeships is launched today by Commissioners Androulla Vassiliou (Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth) and László Andor (Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) at the 2013 WorldSkills competition in Leipzig, Germany. The Alliance will help … Read the full press release

EC Statement on alleged surveillance of EU premises

1-7-2013 — / — These are disturbing news if proven true. They demand full clarification. As soon as the media reports about alleged spying and eavesdropping on EU premises and delegations were made known, the Commission asked the European External Action … Read the full press release

Dorothea-Neff-Preis 2012/13 gestiftet von der BAWAG P.S.K.

1-7-2013 — / — Die PreisträgerInnen: Stephan Müller (beste Regie), Claudia Sabitzer (beste schauspielerische Leistung), Nanette Waidmann (bester Nachwuchs); der MITTEN IM LEBEN PREIS der BAWAG P.S.K. für herausragendes humanitäres Engagement geht an das Projekt „Zivilcourage TRAINIEREN“ des Mauthausen Komitee Österreich. … Read the full press release

Major traveling exhibition of islamic art and culture in Seville, Spain, October 2013

Nur: Light in Art and Science from the Islamic World. Unites 150 rarely seen objects from around the world to explore importance of light. In islamic aesthetics and knowledge from the 9th – 20th centuries. Exhibition will travel to Dallas … Read the full press release

Marks & Spencer & youth charity The Prince’s Trust revealed details about new youth employability scheme

1-7-2013 — / — Marks & Spencer (M&S) today announces details of a new youth employability scheme – Make Your Mark – which will see the retailer join forces with youth charity, The Prince’s Trust, to create over 1,400 work experience … Read the full press release

The world’s largest skin care brand NIVEA launches global, long-term CSR program

NIVEA supports and strengthens families with a global, long-term CSR program Employees and consumers will be actively involved in family projects  Hamburg, 1-7-2013 — / — All around the world, families trust NIVEA to take care of their skin. The values … Read the full press release