Publications / magazines / blogs in Poland that cover the Construction industry

PublicationsPoland – Construction

Publications / magazines / blogs in Poland that cover the Construction industry listed in no particular order:

  • Builder – A monthly magazine that covers various topics related to the construction industry, including news, analysis, and market trends. (
  • Architektura Murator – A monthly magazine that focuses on architecture and design, with a special focus on residential and public buildings. (
  • Inżynieria i Budownictwo – A scientific and technical journal that covers various topics related to civil engineering and construction, including design, materials, and technology. (
  • Murator – A monthly magazine that covers various topics related to construction and design, with a special focus on residential buildings. (
  • – A website that covers various topics related to real estate and construction, providing readers with news, analysis, and market data. (
  • Budujemy Dom – A website that provides readers with information and advice related to building and designing their own homes. (
  • Budowlane ABC – A blog that covers various topics related to construction, providing readers with news, analysis, and practical advice. (

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