Publications – Austria – Metals and Minerals
Publications / magazines / blogs in Austria that cover the Metals and Minerals industry listed in no particular order:
- Stahl und Eisen – A publication dedicated to the iron and steel industry, covering production processes, technological advancements, market trends, and industry news. Website:
- BHM Berg- und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte – A technical journal that covers the mining and metallurgical industries, including mineral processing, extractive metallurgy, and related technologies. Website:
- Mineralienatlas – An online platform providing information and resources on minerals, ores, and mining activities in Austria. It offers insights into the geology, mineral resources, and mining sites within the country. Website:
- Österreichische Berg- und Hüttenmännische Gesellschaft – The official website of the Austrian Society for Metallurgy and Materials (ASMET), providing information on conferences, events, and publications related to metals and materials science. Website:
- World of Mining – Surface & Underground – A global mining magazine that covers various mining sectors, including metals and minerals. It features articles on mining operations, exploration, mineral processing, and environmental aspects. Website:
- Mineralien-Welt – A German-language mineralogy magazine that covers minerals, crystals, gemstones, and mining activities worldwide, including Austria. It features articles on mineral discoveries, collectors’ profiles, and geological insights. Website:
- Der Bergmann – A publication by the German Mining Association, which covers various aspects of the mining industry, including metals, minerals, and mining technologies. It offers articles on mining techniques, safety measures, and environmental issues. Website:
- metallzeitung – A German-language magazine, published by IG Metall, Germany’s most powerful union, that covers various metal industries, including metallurgy, metalworking, and related technologies. It features articles on metal production processes, materials science, and industry trends. Website:
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