Tag Archives: MUFG BANK

Joint Venture von ArcelorMittal mit Nippon Steel sichert sich 5-Milliarden-Dollar-Darlehen für Expansion in Indien

(IN KÜRZE) ArcelorMittal hat bekannt gegeben, dass AMNS Luxembourg Holding S.A., die Muttergesellschaft ihres Joint Ventures zur Stahlerzeugung mit der Nippon Steel Corporation in Indien, einen Kreditvertrag über 5 Milliarden US-Dollar mit mehreren Banken, darunter der Japan Bank for International … Read the full press release

ArcelorMittal’s Joint Venture with Nippon Steel Secures $5 Billion Loan for India Expansion

(IN BRIEF) ArcelorMittal has announced that AMNS Luxembourg Holding S.A., the parent company of its steelmaking joint venture with Nippon Steel Corporation in India, has secured a $5 billion loan agreement with several banks including the Japan Bank for International … Read the full press release

Major companies form new venture to digitalise the trade and commodities finance sector through blockchain

Fifteen of the world’s largest institutions, including banks, trading companies, an inspection company1 and an energy major have formed a new venture known as komgo SA, that will seek to digitalise the trade and commodities finance sector through a blockchain based open … Read the full press release