Tag Archives: Green500 list

JEDI Tops Green500 List: Leading the Charge in Energy-Efficient Supercomputing

(IN BRIEF) Forschungszentrum Jülich and EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, in collaboration with ParTec-Eviden, unveiled the first module of the exascale supercomputer JUPITER, named JEDI, at the International Supercomputing Conference. JEDI secured the top spot in the Green500 list for its exceptional … Read the full press release

BULLX supercomputer at University of Reims’ ROMEO HPC Center ranked 5th in Green500 list at SC Conference in Denver, CO

The bullx supercomputer deployed at the ROMEO HPC Center of the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne is now fully operational. Powered by NVIDIA Tesla K20X GPU accelerators, it is the most powerful GPU-accelerated cluster in France and also one of the greenest supercomputers … Read the full press release