Category Archives: Society

Society Press Releases & News distributed via EuropaWire

President Valcárcel and German EU affairs ministers discuss social crisis

22-3-2013 — / — “We have a shared duty of providing answers to the growing frustration of our citizens. Though the crisis will pass by, the consequences of populism could last and harm our democracies” ​Today the President of the Committee … Read the full press release

Commission urges Member States to implement International Labour Organisation 2011 Workers Convention

Brussels, 22-3-2013 — / — The European Commission has presented a proposal for a Council Decision authorising Member States to ratify the International Labour Organisation 2011 Convention concerning decent work for domestic workers (Convention No. 189). Countries ratifying the ILO Convention agree … Read the full press release

ABB named one of the world’s most ethical companies by the Ethisphere Institute

ABB recognized for demonstrated leadership in ethical business practices Zurich, 21-3-2013 — / — ABB, the power and automation technology group, was named by the Ethisphere Institute, a leading international organization dedicated to best practices in business ethics, to its 2013 list … Read the full press release

MEPs: Safeguarding public pensions to ensure decent living standards for all in old age must remain a priority

21-3-2013 — / — Safeguarding public pensions to ensure decent living standards for all in old age must remain a priority, MEPs stress in a resolution adopted on Thursday. They also call for the development of supplementary pension schemes and longer … Read the full press release

Statement by the spokesperson of EU High Representative Catherine Ashton on attacks by Syrian forces on Lebanese soil

Brussels, 21-3-2013 — / — The spokesperson of Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the Commission, issued the following statement today: “The High Representative strongly condemns the attacks on targets on Lebanese … Read the full press release

Statement of Conference of Presidents on Cyprus banking sector

21-3-2013 — / — Following the Open Conference of Presidents in the European Parliament on 20 March 2013 on the outcome of the Spring European Council where the issue of the Cyprus banking sector was raised, European Parliament President Martin Schulz … Read the full press release

MEPs: The political elites of Bosnia and Herzegovina still lack a joint vision of its overall direction

21-3-2013 — / — The political elites of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) still lack a joint vision of its overall direction, and the is country falling further behind others in the region, warned the Foreign Affairs Committee in Thursday’s vote on … Read the full press release

Commission helps Member States to get on track with sustainable waste management

Brussels, 21-3-2013 — / — Every year, each European citizen generates over 500 kilos of municipal waste, more than one third of which goes directly to landfill. Whereas some Member States manage to put those resources to productive use, recycling or composting … Read the full press release

The European Commission launched a public consultation on how to improve access to justice for consumers and small businesses in small-scale cross-border disputes

Brussels, 21-3-2013 — / — The European Commission has today launched a public consultation on how to improve access to justice for consumers and small businesses in small-scale cross-border disputes. The European Small Claims Procedure offers a cheap and easy way to resolve cross-border … Read the full press release

The University of Birmingham’s clock tower, Old Joe, will be switching off its lights again this year in support of Earth Hour

21-3-2013 — / — The University of Birmingham’s clock tower, Old Joe, will be switching off its lights again this year in support of Earth Hour on the evening of Saturday 23 March. This switch-off is being undertaken in aid of the Earth … Read the full press release

EDPS comments on the reform of the EU rules governing data protection

EDPS: Enormous energy put into reforming data protection rules must deliver strong and effective protection for EU citizens Brussels, 21-3-2013 — / — Last week, the EDPS sent additional comments on the reform of the EU rules governing data protection to the European Parliament, the … Read the full press release

Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee: Banking needs a culture change

21-3-2013 — / — Banking needs a culture change, which piecemeal legislation will not achieve on its own, says a draft report presented in the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee on Wednesday. It advocates further, more radical reforms, including separating retail … Read the full press release

The Committee of the Regions (CoR) offers its full support to a pan-European climate change campaign

21-3-2013 — / — The Committee of the Regions (CoR) has offered its full support to a pan-European climate change campaign recently launched by the European Commission. The campaign entitled “A world you like. With the climate you like” seeks to … Read the full press release

European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) calls on the European Commission to put an end to food waste in the EU

The EESC calls for an end to food waste in the EU 21-3-2013 — / — Food waste amounts to 89 million tonnes a year in the EU, while 79 million EU citizens live below the poverty line. In its opinion … Read the full press release

MEPs quizzed European Commission Aviation Director Matthew Baldwin on flight and duty times for pilots

21-3-2013 — / — MEPs quizzed European Commission Aviation Director Matthew Baldwin on Tuesday about the new rules on flight and duty times for flight crews recommended by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). The Commission has yet to table a … Read the full press release

Starman: David Bowie Is predicted to become London’s spring/summer success, report

The Jean Geanie grants London a wish – and its pure spectacle 21-3-2013 — / — An integral part of British culture, David Bowie has now become more than just a musical, cultural and fashion icon. For decades Bowie has worn … Read the full press release

New EU-wide civil law protects the victims of stalking or gender violence

20-3-2013 — / — Victims of stalking, harassment or gender-based violence who are granted protection in one EU member state would get fully equivalent protection if they freely move to another under new rules approved by the Legal Affairs and Women’s … Read the full press release

Dave Charlton, Professor of Particle Physics at the University of Birmingham takes on lead role at the ATLAS experiment at CERN

20-3-2013 — / — Dave Charlton, Professor of Particle Physics at the University of Birmingham’s School of Physics and Astronomy, took up the position of Spokesperson, the overall scientific lead, for the ATLAS project at the Large Hadron Collider, CERN, on … Read the full press release

Statement by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton on the Magnitsky case in the Russian Federation

Brussels, 20-3-2013 — / — The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the Commission issued the following statement today: “The EU has continuously urged the Russian Federation to undertake a credible and … Read the full press release

Neelie Kroes: Opening up Scientific Data

Launch of the Research Data Alliance/Stockholm, 20-3-2013 — / — I am very happy to be with you today, here in the EU, to launch the global Research Data Alliance. Scientists have always sought new ways to share. And they’ve always been … Read the full press release

New NHS advice showcases University of Nottingham research

20-3-2013 — / — Pioneering research by a world-leading team of University of Nottingham academics in the prevention of accidents involving children and young teenagers is being showcased to health and social care professionals. The work of Professor Denise Kendrick and … Read the full press release

European Parliament: Safeguarding personal data while boosting competition for business

20-3-2013 — / — The “right to be forgotten”, explicit consent before a person’s data is collected and a ban on profiling on the basis of ethnic, religious or sexual orientation criteria are among the main demands for data protection reform … Read the full press release

Royal Philips Electronics released its Fabric of Africa Trends Report on healthcare services across Africa

Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) are on the rise and are expected to become the most common cause of death in Africa by 2025 Findings reflect that the incidence of maternal and child mortality remains very high – progress on achieving Millennium … Read the full press release

The Copenhagen-based European Environment Agency fails budget discharge test

20-3-2013 — / — The Copenhagen-based European Environment Agency was the only EU agency whose management of EU funds in 2011 was not approved by the Budgetary Control Committee on Tuesday. In other votes, the European Commission and other EU institutions … Read the full press release

University of Dundee: Serendipity to be celebrated and explored at events

19-3-2013 — / — A University of Dundee-led project exploring the role of serendipity in research will host a series of events this month looking at the subject in different disciplines and settings. ‘SerenA – Chance Encounters in the Space of … Read the full press release

EESC debates: Energy dialogue, youth unemployment and the EU’s outermost regions

19-3-2013 — / — At its upcoming plenary session on 20-21 March, the European Economic and Social Committee will host a debate with Günther Oettinger, EU Commissioner for Energy, on the occasion of the adoption of an opinion on public involvement … Read the full press release

EU Auditors: Member States and Commission cannot assess if older workers programmes actually help

19-3-2013 — / — Increasing the employment rate of older workers is part of the EU’s strategic goals. But a new report by the European Court of Auditors has found that neither the Member States nor the Commission are in a … Read the full press release

The Irish Presidency: Single Supervisor is first big step towards banking union

19-3-2013 — / — The Irish Presidency has today (Tuesday 19th March) reached provisional agreement with the European Parliament on the single EU bank supervisor. The creation of this supervisor is a major step towards banking union, restoring confidence in the European … Read the full press release

Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament, to attend inaugural Mass of Pope Francis

19-3-2013 — / — Tuesday 19 March, at 9:30 CET, the President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz will attend the inaugural Mass of his Holiness Pope Francis at the Vatican. “Pope Francis has always been a man among the people, … Read the full press release

Umeå University researchers: Is technology really too fast for society?

19-3-2013 — / — Two researchers and historians of ideas at Umeå Studies in Science, Technology and Environment (USSTE), Umeå University, has newly published an article in the prestigious journal History and Technology. We often hear that technology is advancing so … Read the full press release

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Mehr als 850.000 Schülerinnen und Schüler zum Känguru-Wettbewerb 2013 angemeldet

19-3-2013 — / — Am Freitag, dem 8. März war Anmeldeschluss zu Deutschlands teilnehmerstärkstem Schüler-Wettbewerb. An über 9400 Schulen haben engagierte Lehrkräfte für die lustvolle Beschäftigung mit Mathematik geworben, über 850000 Teilnehmer sind für den Känguru-Wettbewerb am 11. April angemeldet. Tausende … Read the full press release

The European Commission is determined to do “all it can” to help tackle match-fixing and corruption in sport

Commission will do all it can to help tackle match-fixing and corruption in sport, says Vassiliou Brussels, 19-3-2013 — / — The European Commission is determined to do “all it can” to help sports bodies and law enforcement agencies to tackle the … Read the full press release

500 Information Centres inform citizens across Europe about their rights

Brussels, 19-3-2013 — / — Today, Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the European Commission and Othmar Karas, Vice-President of the European Parliament launched a new generation of “Europe Direct Information Centres”. The new network will extend possibilities for citizens to get practical information … Read the full press release

Boats and Goats prepare for Easter Sunday showdown

Easter eggs will be on hold until the completion of the 4.30pm Boat and Goat Races 18-3-2013 — / — Last year, months of dedication on and off the water were ruined by a rogue swimmer trying to make a point; … Read the full press release

L’UCL participe à un Honours College transfrontalier

18-3-2013 — / — Le 20 mars 2013 se déroulera, sur le site de l’UCL à Tournai, la séance publique de clôture de l’Honours College 2012-2013, organisée par l’Université Métropolitaine, dont l’UCL (site de Mons) fait partie. L’Université Métropolitaine est un … Read the full press release

National Automobile Museum commemorates Giovanni Agnelli’s memory with the exhibition entitled “Le Auto dell’Avvocato”

Turin, 18-3-2013 — / — Ten years after Giovanni Agnelli’s passing, the National Automobile Museum (MAUTO), named after him in March 2011, commemorates his memory with the exhibition entitled “Le Auto dell’Avvocato” (The Avvocato’s cars). A display of car models aesthetically and … Read the full press release

Déclaration commune de Catherine Ashton, Haute Représentante de l’UE, et de Štefan Füle, membre de la Commission, sur le nouveau gouvernement tunisien

Bruxelles, 18-3-2013 — / — Déclaration commune de Catherine Ashton, Haute Représentante de l’UE, et de Štefan Füle, membre de la Commission, sur le nouveau gouvernement tunisien Catherine Ashton, Haute Représentante de l’Union pour les affaires étrangères et la politique de sécurité … Read the full press release

László ANDOR: Public employment services role in implementing the Youth Guarantee

Youth Guarantee Seminar /Berlin, 18-3-2013 — / — Minister, ladies and gentlemen, I want to thank Minister von der Leyen for arranging this event and inviting us to Berlin. I am grateful for her strong support for the public employment services network … Read the full press release

The EU should withhold budget support from Egypt unless it makes significant progress with human rights

15-3-2013 — / — The EU should withhold budget support from Egypt unless it makes significant progress with human rights, democracy and the rule of law, say MEPs in a resolution passed on Thursday. They also call for the death sentences … Read the full press release

Catherine Ashton Remarks on nuclear threats and human rights in North Korea

Catherine Ashton – High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission European Parliament/Strasbourg,  15-3-2013 — / — DPRK remains the most isolated country in the world and one of the most hostile … Read the full press release