Category Archives: Society

Society Press Releases & News distributed via EuropaWire

Annual EU Digital Agenda Scoreboard published today

Brussels, 13-6-2013 — / — Europeans have basic digital networks and services, but are missing out on the main current and future benefits of the digital revolution, because of problems in Europe’s telecoms and wider digital markets, according to the Commission’s annual … Read the full press release

EADS made € 500,000 donation to flood victims in Germany

13-6-2013 — / — The European aerospace group EADS is donating € 500,000 to the victims of the catastrophic floods in Germany. The company is transferring the money to the German Red Cross, which will organise how it is put to … Read the full press release

CoR, EP: €1bn additional funding needed for the Fund for European Aid for the Most Deprived

Brussels, 13-6-2013 — / — The Committee of the Regions (CoR) warmly welcomes the adoption by the European Parliament of a report by Emer Costello (IE/S&D) on the Fund for European Aid for the Most Deprived. The EP’s final text includes key … Read the full press release

Bayer HealthCare supports Middle East, North Africa and Europe diabetes projects under the “Excellence across Borders” program

Leverkusen, 12-6-2013 — / — Bayer HealthCare supports local projects under the “Excellence across Borders” program in order to improve care of people with diabetes. Among the projects is a Diabetic School Awareness Program in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which … Read the full press release

Oxford University study suggests faith in the explanatory and revealing power of science increases in the face of stress or anxiety

11-6-2013 — / —  A faith in the explanatory and revealing power of science increases in the face of stress or anxiety, a study by Oxford University psychologists suggests.The researchers argue that a ‘belief in science’ may help non-religious people … Read the full press release

Benetton Group supports survivors of the collapse of the Rana Plaza Building in Dhaka, Bangladesh

On Wednesday, May 22 the Group agreed in principle to establish a partnership with the NGO BRAC to provide health assistance and financial support to those affected by the tragedy Ponzano, 11-6-2013 — / — Just days after signing the Fire … Read the full press release

The European Parliament endorses clearer rules for food for infants, young children and food for specific medical purpose

Brussels, 11-6-2013 — / —  Today, the European Parliament gave its green light on a set of clearer rules protecting specific groups of consumers such as infants and young children. The aim is to better protect consumers on the content and … Read the full press release

EC recommends collective redress mechanisms to Member States

Strasbourg, 11-6-2013 — / — The European Commission has today set out a series of common, non-binding principles for collective redress mechanisms in the Member States so that citizens and companies can enforce the rights granted to them under EU law where … Read the full press release

Victims of antitrust violations can claim damages under newly proposed EU legislation

Brussels, 11-6-2013 — / — Antitrust: Commission proposes legislation to facilitate damage claims by victims of antitrust violations.  The European Commission has adopted a proposal for a Directive on how citizens and companies can claim damages when they are victims of infringements … Read the full press release

FCO Minister David Lidington responded to the FAC report: The future of the European Union

11-6-2013 — / — FCO Minister David Lidington has responded to the publication of the FAC report: The future of the European Union: UK Government policy In response to the publication of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee report ‘The … Read the full press release

EU, IOC to promote dialogue in sport

Brussels, 10-6-2013 — / — Androulla Vassiliou, the European Commissioner responsible for sport, and Jacques Rogge, President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), met today as part of the Commission’s ‘structured dialogue’ with the sport movement. Both stressed the benefits of their … Read the full press release

EC published its annual report on EU’s Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed

Keeping dangerous food off the shelves Brussels, 10-6-2013 — / —  An annual report published today on Europe’s Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) revealed that in 2012 almost 50% of notifications related to food and feed rejections at … Read the full press release

Lufthansa Group supported the resettlement of Eurasian cranes in the British Isles

10-6-2013 — / — News from Great Britain that The Great Crane Project there has succeeded in establishing the resettlement of the Eurasian crane in that country – with the support of the Lufthansa Group. For more than 400 years, the … Read the full press release

The European Union and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation partner to fight poverty-related diseases

Paris, 10-6-2013 — / — The European Union and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have today pledged to work together to fight HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other poverty-related diseases that together affect more than 1 billion people worldwide. The agreement, signed … Read the full press release

Conference in Brussels: Paving the way to the European Alliance for Apprenticeships

Youth employment: EU support for apprenticeship and traineeship schemes Brussels, 10-6-2013 — / — The importance of good quality apprenticeships and traineeships in the transition from education to work and for implementing the Youth Guarantee was the main focus of a conference … Read the full press release

EU plans to spend unprecedented €3.5 billion between 2014-2020 for nutrition in some of the world’s poorest countries

Brussels, 7-6-2013 — / —  The European Union (EU) is to spend an unprecedented €3.5 billion between 2014-2020 on improving nutrition in some of the world’s poorest countries, Development Commissioner, Andris Piebalgs, is expected to pledge tomorrow. Speaking ahead of a … Read the full press release

EESC conference: The credit crunch and shrinking savings: how to break the vicious circle to kick-start recovery?

7-6-2013 — / — Low credit offerings lead to low consumption levels, which in turn cause the economy to stagnate. That is the key problem of the current economic crisis. The EU needs to respond and reverse the trend, but one … Read the full press release

The winners of the European Prize for Innovation in Public Administration announced

Brussels, 7-6-2013 — / —   The European Commission today announced the winners of the European Prize for Innovation in Public Administration. This prize celebrates the most innovative, forward-looking public initiatives which benefit citizens, firms, or the education and research sector. Nine … Read the full press release

2013 European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture winners announced

Brussels/ Barcelona, 7-6-2013 — / —  The winners of the 2013 European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture / Mies van der Rohe Award will be honoured tomorrow. The ceremony marks the 25th anniversary of the Prize and will be held at … Read the full press release

EC seeks to hear your views on EU waste and recycling policies

Brussels, 7-6-2013 — / —  The European Commission wants to know whether you think the recycling targets in EU waste legislation need reviewing, and how. The results of the consultation will be used to help develop potential new legislation to prevent … Read the full press release

EU-wide protection for domestic violence victims under new EU law

Luxembourg, 7-6-2013 — / — Victims of violence, in particular domestic violence, will soon be able to count on EU-wide protection, following today’s adoption of a European Commission proposal by Justice Ministers from the EU Member States. The new regulation for an … Read the full press release

EC paved the way for new pilot sign language project

Brussels, 7-6-2013 — / — The European Commission has today paved the way for a new pilot project to improve communication between the European institutions and the deaf and hard of hearing. Today’s financing decision means the pilot project, for which the … Read the full press release

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) complies with series of suggestions made by The European Ombudsman to prevent conflicts of interest

6-6-2013 — / — The European Ombudsman, P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, welcomed the positive reply of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to suggestions he made with an eye to helping the Agency improve its administration. The suggestions, which were formulated following the Ombudsman’s recent … Read the full press release

UK study: Declines in the biodiversity of pollinating insects and wild plants have slowed in recent years

6-6-2013 — / — Declines in the biodiversity of pollinating insects and wild plants have slowed in recent years, according to a new study. Researchers led by the University of Leeds and the Naturalis Biodiversity Centre in the Netherlands found evidence … Read the full press release

CEO coalition, EC to collaborate on improving internet for kids

Brussels, 6-6-2013 — / —  CEOs and senior board members from the world’s digital, media and tech companies (IP/11/1485) have met in Brussels to report directly to Commission Vice President Neelie Kroes on how they are making the internet a better, … Read the full press release

Kristalina Georgieva on the floods in Central Europe

Statement by Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva, European Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response Brussels, 6-6-2013 — / — At this difficult time for many people struggling to cope I want to express my appreciation for all those helping in … Read the full press release

Bayer Science & Education Foundation launches new round of funding – Applications now possible online till July 15, 2013

Bayer foundation scholarships – EUR 200,000 for work and study abroad Support for ambitious study projects in the fields of science, engineering, medicine and teacher training in scientific subjects / Hermann Strenger scholarships to sponsor career-training projects abroad  Leverkusen, 5-6-2013 … Read the full press release

Thessaloniki Conference “The Impact of the Crisis on Greek Citizens: moving forward towards recovery”

Thessaloniki, 4-6-2013 — / — On 31 May, the Various Interests Group of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) organised the conference, “The Impact of the Crisis on Greek Citizens: moving forward towards recovery”, in Thessaloniki. The event brought together approximately 100 participants, … Read the full press release

Neelie Kroes: The EU, safeguarding the open internet for all

Guaranteeing Competition and the Open Internet in Europe, European Parliament Brussels, 4-6-2013 — / —  To add your comment to this speech, see the social version of the speech here Thank you for inviting me to speak. Net neutrality can be a … Read the full press release

Europe’s largest environment conference opens in Brussels 4 – 7 June 2013

Brussels, 4-6-2013 — / — Europe’s largest environment conference kicks off today under the banner “Cleaner Air for All”. This year’s edition of Green Week is dedicated to air, and will see some 3000 participants gather for three days to discuss air-related … Read the full press release

Maroš Šefčovič Speech at the Launch of the ‘Guide to effective lobbying in Brussels’ survey

Maroš Šefčovič – Vice-President of the European Commission Brussels, 3-6-2013 — / —  Ladies and gentlemen, Last week I read an article in the Irish Times by a journalist who had been invited to today’s event in which she expressed surprise about … Read the full press release

Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva on the situation in Al Qusayr

Brussels, 3-6-2013 — / — Statement by Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva, European Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response on the situation in Al Qusayr. I have been following with increasing alarm the rapidly deteriorating situation in recent days in the … Read the full press release

EC ready to help in the wake of floods in Austria, Czech Republic and Germany

Brussels, 3-6-2013 — / — Statement by Regional Policy Commissioner Johannes Hahn: EN “We very much regret that number of people have lost their lives because of the floods in Austria, Czech Republic and Germany. I send my condolences to their friends … Read the full press release

Heidelberg University Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context” set up four new junior research groups

Young researchers examine topics such as war crimes tribunals and the Pentecostal movement 3-6-2013 — / — The Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context” of Heidelberg University has set up four new junior research groups. The group … Read the full press release

EC provides additional €50M to Jordan for Syrian refugees

Brussels/Amman, 3-6-2013 — / — The European Commission will provide additional assistance of €50 million to Jordan to alleviate the impact of the high influx of refugees from Syria, Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, Štefan Füle, announced today during his … Read the full press release

EC calls on EU Member States to improve childcare provisions

Brussels, 3-6-2013 — / — Member States will need to step up their efforts to improve childcare provisions if the EU is to reach its 75% employment rate target by 2020, said the European Commission in a report released today. The progress … Read the full press release

EC opens public consultation on future EU health and safety at work policy framework

Brussels,  31-5-2013 — / — Health and safety at work: Commission opens public consultation on future EU policy framework The European Commission has launched a public consultation to gather insights and contributions from the public further to results of the evaluation … Read the full press release

Prehistoric fashion show event in London

31-5-2013 — / — Research by archaeologists at the University of Southampton and the Natural History Museum Vienna will be showcased in London this weekend at a special prehistoric fashion show event – staged as part of an international Humanities festival, ‘The … Read the full press release

European Youth Week – 25 years of EU support for Youth

Androulla VASSILIOU Speech CHARLEMAGNE Building/Brussels, 31-5-2013 — / — Ladies and gentlemen, Dear friends, Thank you for joining me to celebrate the 25 years of EU Youth Programmes: Youth for Europe, Youth and, now, Youth in Action. 25 years, roughly a generation … Read the full press release

Commissioner Cecilia Malmström: “I welcome the agreement on the Schengen proposals at trilogue and Coreper level”

Brussels, 31-5-2013 — / — “I welcome the agreement on the Schengen proposals at trilogue and Coreper level. The agreement paves the way to a sound Schengen governance based on clear and transparent rules that will make the system more efficient, … Read the full press release