Publications / magazines / blogs in Belgium that cover the Religion sector

PublicationsBelgium – Religion

Publications / magazines / blogs in Belgium that cover the Religion sector listed in no particular order:

  • Kerknet – A Dutch-language news website covering religion and spirituality in Belgium, including news, features, and resources for Catholics in Flanders. (
  • La Libre Religion – A French-language news website also covering religion and spirituality in Belgium, including news and features on a range of faiths and beliefs. (
  • Le Soir Religion – A French-language news website covering religion and spirituality in Belgium, including news and features on a range of faiths and beliefs. (
  • Kerk & Leven – A Dutch-language weekly magazine covering religion and spirituality in Belgium, including news and features for Catholics in Flanders. (
  • Tertio – A Dutch-language weekly magazine covering religion and spirituality in Belgium, including news and features on a range of faiths and beliefs. (
  • EMB België – Compte officiel de l’Exécutif des Musulmans de Belgique – Officiële account van het Executief van de Moslims van België. (
  • Joods Actueel – A Dutch-language news website and magazine covering Jewish life in Belgium, including news and features on Jewish communities in the country. (

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