(IN BRIEF) Leadec has expanded its operations in Spain with the acquisition of Manteniments Industrials Servycat 2017 and Electro Servycat, effective January 2, 2025. This move enhances Leadec’s service capabilities in the food and beverage sector and strengthens its presence … Read the full press release →
Posted in Business, Construction, Environment, Financial, Food & Beverage, Germany, Government, Industrial, Infrastructure & Utilities, Investment, Management, News, Spain, Technology
Tagged acquisition, Antoni Castro, Barcelona, Catalonia, customer base, electrical installations, Electro Servycat, facility management, factory infrastructure, factory lifecycle, food and beverage sector, Georgi Tschumburidse, industrial companies, industrial services, Integrated Facility Management, international technology and services company, Leadec, Leadec Spain, Leadec’s service portfolio, maintenance, Manteniments Industrials Servycat 2017, Markus Glaser-Gallion, mechanical installations, metalworking, optimization, partnership, Paulina Lujan, plant modernization, production planning, Spain, sustainability, technical cleaning, technical expertise, technical services, Vic