UK Research and Innovation (UKRI): Nominations and Recruitment Process for Council Members

SWINDON, 17-Oct-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — The Higher Education and Research Act (2017) established a new body, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). UKRI will establish nine Councils, with their own fields of activity, each led by an Executive Chair. Each Executive Chair will be supported by a Council of between five and twelve ordinary members. Eight of these councils will take on the role of the current seven research councils and Innovate UK and will operate across the whole of the UK. The remaining Council, Research England will take on the research and knowledge exchange functions of the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and operate in England.

About STFC
The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) is responsible for the UK’s “big science” covering research into particle physics, nuclear physics and astronomy, for large-scale science facilities in the UK and internationally, and for developing its research and innovation campuses.

STFC currently supports approximately 1,000 academics with recent highlights being the detection of gravitational waves and the Higgs Boson. There are nearly 2,000 scientists directly employed by STFC; facilities provided by STFC in the UK include Diamond, ISIS and CLF – the national synchrotron, neutron and laser facilities. In addition, STFC provides high performance computing and data-intensive science capabilities across its programmes, for example, the Hartree Centre. STFC manages the UK’s participation as a partner in many major international programmes including CERN, the European Spallation Source and the Square Kilometre Array. STFC has led the development of Research and Innovation campuses with 350 companies now established at its sites.

Terms of Appointment

The vacancies have a start date of 01 April 2018. Members will be appointed for a period of either two, three or four years – this is to stagger the future appointment of members.

These are a part-time appointment for which an honorarium of £6,850 per year is paid, which is premised on an expected 20 days contribution per year. Government officials, civil or public are not permitted to receive an honoraria payment. All reasonable travel and subsistence expenses will also be reimbursed.

Members will be expected to participate in all formal Council meetings (approximately five per year). However, participation in meetings does include scope for remote participation. The precise operating model will be determined by the Executive Chair in conjunction with the Council.

The Executive Chair may call further extraordinary meetings as necessary. For meetings to be quorate there must be at least half the Council members in attendance in person or via teleconference.

Appointments Process

The Executive Chair will make the proposed recommendation of appointments to the STFC in conjunction with the selection panel. A list will then be presented to the UK Research and Innovation Board for decision. The outcome of the Board’s decision will be communicated to candidates.

The selection panel for the STFC appointments is likely to comprise of STFC Executive Chair Designate (panel chair), UKRI CEO or delegate and one other person who is independent from UKRI.

Recruitment Timetable for Council Appointments

13 November 2017 by 12:00 pm hours (mid-day GMT)Closing date for applications
January 2018Interviews
End of February 2018Appointments to be announced
06 & 07 March 2018Induction for new Council members
01 April 2018Date of commencement of Council member appointment

Person Specification

Applications are sought from individuals who possess a range of expertise and experience in research and innovation across higher education, industry and commerce, policy and/or civil society reflecting different characteristics and professional backgrounds.

One member of Council will be appointed as the Senior Independent Member (SIM).  The role will assist the overall governance by providing a sounding board for the Executive Chair and serve as conduit between the Executive Chair and other Council members, and if necessary between the Council and the CEO and Board of UKRI.

The full Person Specification including the additional responsibilities of the SIM can be found in the Application Pack below.

How to Apply

If you are interested in applying and have any questions prior, please contact the STFC Council Secretariat by email or telephone Zena Davis on +44(0)1793 442089.

To apply, candidates should submit a CV and covering letter by email to: by the deadline date of: 12:00pm (mid-day (GMT)) on Monday 13 November 2017. The full details on how to apply can be found in the Application Pack, along with a separate document which are the forms on pages 8-11 for all candidates to complete and submit with their CV and covering letter.

All applications will be acknowledged via email.

SOURCE: Science and Technology Facilities Council


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