Trinity College Dublin based nanoscience institute CRANN announced it developed new method of splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen

Method could lead to inexpensive production of hydrogen, the future clean energy source

29-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — Researchers at CRANN, Ireland’s leading Science Foundation Ireland funded nanoscience institute based at Trinity College Dublin (TCD), have developed a new method of splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen. The discovery will have significant impact in the worldwide race to cheaply and efficiently produce hydrogen gas, hailed as the clean energy source of the future.

Professor Mike Lyons, a Principal Investigator at CRANN and TCD’s School of Chemistry and his team have developed new inexpensive materials based on iron and nickel oxide to split water into its components hydrogen and oxygen (water electrolysis). These materials are much cheaper, more readily available and more efficient than those used in current electrolysis methods.

Hydrogen gas has been identified as the alternative energy source of the future. However, its production using steam reforming of natural gas is still relatively difficult and unsustainable. In contrast, hydrogen generation by water electrolysis provides a reliable, environmentally friendly method of large-scale production.  CRANN’s methods are the first inexpensive and efficient methods of water electrolysis to be identified worldwide.

The research has spurred international interest and recently received Hot Article Status in the leading chemistry journal Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP). Hot article Status is given to articles of high impact and extraordinarily high quality.

Professor John Boland Director of CRANN said, “Nanoscience is vastly improving a number of industries from medicine, to technology to energy production. Whether it is in lightweight coatings for wind turbines, or new sensors for solar panels, our methods continue to assist in the move to sustainable, alternative and clean energy supply. Professor Lyons’ method of splitting water is a world first. It truly has the potential to revolutionise the production of hydrogen gas and bring it one step closer as a realistic energy alternative.”

Professor Mark Ferguson Director General of Science Foundation Ireland said “I congratulate Professor Lyons and his team on this research advance and for the international recognition it has achieved. This is a good example of SFIs goal of funding internationally competitive, excellent science with potential economic, environmental and societal impact.”

Commenting, Professor Lyons said, “With my team of researchers, we are consistently striving to use well-known research methods to deliver unprecedented results. This method of water electrolysis takes the simplest of materials – nickel and iron – and uses them to ground-breaking effect. Hydrogen is the next clean energy source and CRANN is leading the international race to find its best method of production.”

Professor Mike Lyons has received funding from Science Foundation Ireland of almost €800,000 for this work. He leads the Trinity Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Electrocatalysis Group. He has published two books and more than 110 papers, and has a h-index of 25, which demonstrates the worldwide impact of his research.

The full review is available at

About CRANN:
The Centre for Research on Adaptive Nanostructures and Nanodevices (CRANN) is Trinity College Dublin’s largest research institute and a Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) funded Centre for Science, Engineering and Technology (CSET), which partners with University College Cork (UCC). CRANN is focused on delivering world leading research and innovation – through extensive proactive collaborations with industry and through commercialisation of intellectual property.  Since its foundation ten years ago, CRANN has obtained €200M of competitive funding from Government, Industry, the European Union and Philanthropy.  CRANN is comprised of a team of over 300 researchers, led by 18 Principal Investigators (PIs), each of whom is an internationally recognised expert in their field of research. It is interdisciplinary working in partnership with the Schools of Physics, Chemistry, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science, Medicine and Engineering based at Trinity College Dublin as well as the School of Chemistry at University College Cork. CRANN is also co-host to CCAN, the Collaborative Centre for Applied Nanotechnology which facilitates industry collaboration to develop nano-enabled solutions for Irish-based companies.


Water splitting in action: oxygen evolving on right hand nickel oxide electrode, hydrogen evolving at left hand electrode.

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