The first e-vehicles and recharging points of Zem2All project delivered

• Zem2All is a pilot project designed to gauge usage by drivers of electric vehicles in Malaga and provide an in-depth study of the impact of these vehicles on the grid.

• Zem2all has set up a telephone hotline (902 656 541) and a web site ( where citizens and businesses interested in participating can get all the information they need.

• 229 recharging points will be installed and 200 e-vehicles will be delivered to participating customers.

Madrid, 22-11-2012 — / — The first e-vehicles and recharging points of the international Zem2All project (Zero Emissions Mobility to All), spearheaded by Endesa, have now started to be delivered to participants in the project, including both individuals and companies in Malaga. The 229 recharging points are expected to be installed and the entire EV fleet (around 160 Mitsubishi I-miev in the first phase) on the roads during the first quarter of 2013. Zen2aLL is a four-year pilot project with a budget of Euro 60 million designed to enable the mass rollout of new e-mobility services and benefits. The field work consists of learning about and gauging how drivers use and recharge electric vehicles and of providing an in-depth study of the impact of these vehicles on the grid. This way, conclusions can be drawn to help develop e-mobility in Spain, while assessing the reduction in a city’s pollutant emissions and energy consumption.

Zem2all has set up a telephone hotline (902 656 541) and a web site ( where citizens and businesses interest in participating can get all the information they need.

Participants will be able to purchase an electric vehicle and a recharging point under very advantageous conditions and will enjoy all the benefits approved by the Malaga city council to encourage e-mobility.

Under Zem2all, 200 regular charging stations and nine rapid recharging stations with capacity for 23 points will be installed. The stations will be located strategically across the city and allow batteries to be 80%-charged in less than 30 minutes, thereby increasing user autonomy. In addition, six rapid recharges with V2G (vehicle to grid) technology will be placed enabling the vehicles to receive energy from the grid and, when demand is high and in other circumstances, to return power to the system.

All this infrastructure will be connected to Endesa’s main project control centre via EV control centre to be installed by Mitsubishi and ICT platform to be installed by Hitachi. Thanks to this interconnection, users will have useful real-time information on aspects aimed at making moving around the city that much easier and more efficient; for example, the whereabouts of the nearest recharging point and the best route to reach it. Similarly, mobile phone applications are to be developed and introduced enabling users to manage and receive information about the car and recharging.

An interaction network will also be set up to enable the various agents involved in the e-mobility project (vehicles, users, city council, citizens, recharging points, distribution network, etc.) to communicate with each other and operate via different social networks.

ZEM2ALL is a project led in Spain by Endesa and carried out jointly with NEDO*, with the support of the CDTI and the participation of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Mitsubishi Corporation, Hitachi, Telefónica and Sadiel.

The city of Malaga was chosen as the site for this project because it is a pioneer in the development of the smart-city concept. In fact, Malaga was voted the smartest city in Spain, as, among other things, it has been running a similar project since 2009 (Endesa’s Smartcity Malaga project), the aim of which is to make a new energy management model for large cities a reality.

(*) NEDO: Organisation for the Development of New Industrial Technology and Energy, reporting to Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry(*) CDTI: Centre for Industrial Technology Development.

*) CDTI: Centre for Industrial Technology Development


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