Sarajevo Launches Modern Trams in Major Public Transport Upgrade Funded by European Banks

Sarajevo Launches Modern Trams in Major Public Transport Upgrade Funded by European Banks

(IN BRIEF) Sarajevo has introduced new modern trams for the first time in 40 years, a significant advancement supported by the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and other donors. The project, financed with €75 million from the EIB, includes the replacement of old vehicles and expansion of tram and trolleybus lines. These trams, manufactured by Stadler, are designed to hold 180 passengers, improving the daily commute by offering features like air conditioning, USB ports, free Wi-Fi, and enhanced safety measures. This development not only enhances the quality of public transport in Sarajevo but also aims to alleviate traffic congestion and reduce air pollution, supporting the city’s transition to a more sustainable and efficient transportation system.

(PRESS RELEASE) LUXEMBOURG, 13-May-2024 — /EuropaWire/ — New highly functional and modern trams have arrived in Sarajevo 40 years after they were last replaced thanks to an initiative of the Government of Sarajevo Canton, supported by the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and other donors. With a capacity of 79 seats in each unit, these custom-made trams are designed to accommodate 180 passengers and ensure comfortable travel experience for all commuters. The EIB is providing €75 million in financing to support this project, which will also upgrade and extend the tram and trolley bus networks by replacing existing vehicles and building new tramlines and tracks.

To mark this milestone event for the city that seeks to cut the air pollution and traffic jams, the Ministry of Transport of Sarajevo Canton organised a celebratory tram ride for representatives of the EIB, the EBRD, local government, embassies and international organisations.

“As a long-standing partner of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the European Investment Bank is glad to be able to support projects that have tangible benefits for the country’s people and economy. Thanks to our joint efforts, we are already seeing progress on the rehabilitation of the tram and trolley bus networks, with the new trams significantly improving the quality of public transport. This will reduce air pollution and traffic congestion in Sarajevo,” said Sandrine Friscia, EIB representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro.

The project aims to improve road safety and encourage people to use public transport more frequently, which will in turn improve living and environmental conditions in the city for Sarajevo, that aims to transform its transportation system into a more sustainable, functional, accessible and smarter.

Minister of Transport of the Canton of Sarajevo Adnan Šteta said: “We are proud to see new trams running through Sarajevo on the new tramlines. We are sure that such kind of investments in public transport will significantly improve the quality of life in Sarajevo. I would like to thank all individuals, institutions and levels of the government who continue to provide support for the development of Sarajevo Canton and our projects.”

The new trams have been purpose-built by Swiss rolling stock manufacturer Stadler for the city of Sarajevo, ensuring high comfort and functionality, low operating costs and increased safety. They are equipped with an air conditioning system, USB ports, free Wi-Fi, digital passenger information system and video surveillance. To date, ten trams have already been delivered to Sarajevo, of which four are operational, while more vehicles will be provided throughout the course of this year.

To date, the EIB has invested €1.7 billion in the modernisation of transport infrastructure in Bosnia and Herzegovina, contributing to increased connectivity and road safety.

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SOURCE: European Investment Bank


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