
This page contains reports only for press releases paid for by using the email address as listed above. If multiple emails are used each address has its own reporting page. You can get reports for different emails over here.

(reports open in a new window)

Start [?] Press release Target Budget End [?] Reach Reads Social Report
10-Sep-24 Astor Asset Management 3 Ltd Inicia Investigación de Demanda Colectiva Contra Ricardo Benjamín Salinas Pliego de Grupo ELEKTRA por Manipulación de Acciones y Fraude en Valores ES-ES €299 20-Sep-24
9-Sep-24 Astor Asset Management 3 Ltd Initiating Class Action Lawsuit Inquiry Against Ricardo Benjamín Salinas Pliego of Grupo ELEKTRA for Stock Manipulation & Securities Fraud DE-EN €299 19-Sep-24
27-Aug-24 Astor Asset Management 3 Ltd: Salinas Pliego Incumple Préstamo de $110 Millones USD y Viola Regulaciones Mexicanas ES-ES €299 6-Sep-24 38,307+ 953 14,430
23-Aug-24 Astor Asset Management 3 Ltd: Salinas Pliego Verstößt gegen Darlehensvertrag über 110 Mio. USD und Mexikanische Wertpapiergesetze DE-DE €299 2-Sep-24 34,366+ 612 11,286

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Editorial Staff