Reallocation of responsibilities at Bundesbank as Wuermeling prepares to depart

Reallocation of responsibilities at Bundesbank as Wuermeling prepares to depart

(IN BRIEF) Professor Joachim Wuermeling, a member of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank, has announced that he will leave the bank at the end of the year to take up a new position in 2024. To prepare for his departure, the Executive Board has adopted a reallocation of responsibilities, effective from 1 April 2023. Responsibility for Directorate General Banking and Financial Supervision will be transferred to Bundesbank Vice-President Professor Claudia Buch, who will also take over as a member of the Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank and the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. In addition, the new Directorate General Strategy and Innovation will be placed under the remit of Bundesbank President Dr Joachim Nagel.

(PRESS RELEASE) FRANKFURT AM MAIN, 11-Mar-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Professor Joachim Wuermeling has notified the Executive Board that he wishes to take up a new position in 2024 and will therefore be leaving the Bundesbank at the end of the year, some months before the end of his term of office. Against this background, and alongside further organisational adjustments, the Executive Board of the Bundesbank has adopted a reallocation of responsibilities that will come into effect on 1 April 2023.

As at 1 April 2023, responsibility for Directorate General Banking and Financial Supervision will be transferred to Bundesbank Vice-President Professor Claudia Buch. At the same time, she will thus take over from Joachim Wuermeling as a member of the Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank (ECB) and of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. Joachim Wuermeling will take over from Claudia Buch as the Executive Board member responsible for Directorate General Statistics, which will be renamed Data and Statistics, until the end of his tenure.

The Bundesbank’s Executive Board furthermore decided, as part of the reallocation of responsibilities, to place the new Directorate General Strategy and Innovation within the remit of Bundesbank President Dr Joachim Nagel.

The responsibilities of the other Executive Board members will remain unchanged.

Bundesbank President Dr Joachim Nagel: Joachim Wuermeling played a decisive role in shaping banking supervision both in Germany and at the European level over the past years, and for that I am very grateful to him. Vice-President Claudia Buch is already responsible for Financial Stability and a member of the German Financial Stability Committee: she will now be combining expertise in both microprudential and macroprudential mattrs.

Dr Joachim Nagel (President)

  • Construction Management
  • Secretariat for European Affairs and BIS
  • Communications
  • Legal Services
  • Strategy and Innovation
  • Economics
  • Compliance
  • Research Centre

Professor Claudia Buch (Vice-President)

  • Banking and Financial Supervision
  • Financial Stability
  • Audit
  • Administration

Professor Joachim Wuermeling

  • Controlling, Accounting and Organisation
  • Data and Statistics
  • Information Technology
  • Risk Control

Burkhard Balz

  • Cash Management
  • Economic Education, University and International Central Bank Dialogue
  • Payments and Settlement Systems

Dr Sabine Mauderer

  • Procurement
  • Markets
  • Human Resources

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Tel: +49 69 9566-33511
Tel: +49 69 709097-9000

Source: Deutsche Bundesbank


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