Publications – Spain – Science
Publications / magazines / blogs in Spain that cover the Science industry listed in no particular order:
- Muy Interesante: A monthly magazine that covers science, technology, and nature topics in Spain and around the world.
- Investigación y Ciencia: A monthly magazine that covers scientific research and discovery in Spain and around the world.
- SINC: A digital platform that provides news and resources related to science and technology in Spain, including research, discoveries, and more.
- El País – Ciencia: A digital platform that provides news and resources related to science and technology in Spain and around the world.
- La Vanguardia – Ciencia: A digital platform that provides news and resources related to science and technology in Spain and around the world.
- Naukas: A digital platform that provides news and opinion related to science and technology in Spain and around the world.
- NG Materia: A digital platform that provides news and resources related to science and technology in Spain and around the world.
- Quo: A monthly magazine that covers science, technology, and nature topics in Spain and around the world.
- ScienceDirect: A digital platform that provides access to scientific research and literature in Spain and around the world.
- Naturaleza Curiosa: A digital platform that provides news and resources related to science, nature, and the environment in Spain and around the world.
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