Publications – Spain – Retail
Publications / magazines / blogs in Spain that cover the Retail industry listed in no particular order:
- Distribución Actualidad: A digital platform that provides news and resources related to the retail industry in Spain, including market trends, consumer behavior, and more.
- A digital platform that provides news and resources related to the fashion and retail industry in Spain, including market analysis, consumer trends, and more.
- Retail Actual: A digital platform that provides news and resources related to the retail industry in Spain, including market trends, consumer behavior, and more.
- Expansión – Empresas: A digital platform that provides news and resources related to the business world in Spain, including retail industry news, market analysis, and more.
- Revista AR: A monthly magazine that covers news and analysis related to the retail industry in Spain, including market trends, innovation, and more.
- Ecommerce News: A digital platform that provides news and resources related to the e-commerce industry in Europe, including in Spain, covering market trends, consumer behavior, and more.
- InfoRetail: A digital platform that provides news and resources related to the retail industry in Spain, including market trends, consumer behavior, and more.
- Fashion Network: A digital platform that provides news and resources related to the fashion and retail industry in Spain and around the world, including market analysis, consumer trends, and more.
- Revista Gran Consumo: A monthly magazine that covers news and analysis related to the retail industry in Spain, with a focus on the food and beverage sector.
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