Publications – Spain – Environment
Publications / magazines / blogs in Spain that cover the Environment industry listed in no particular order:
- EFEverde: A digital news agency that covers news and trends related to the environment and sustainability in Spain and worldwide.
- Ecoticias: A digital platform that provides news, resources, and a directory related to the environment and sustainability in Spain.
- El Ecologista: A digital magazine that covers news and trends related to the environment and sustainability in Spain, including conservation, renewable energy, and more.
- Revista Ambientum: A digital magazine that covers news and trends related to the environment and sustainability in Spain, including conservation, climate change, and more.
- Greenpeace España: The Spanish branch of the international environmental organization, which provides news and resources related to their campaigns and initiatives in Spain.
- EcoAvant: A digital platform that provides news and resources related to the environment and sustainability in Spain, including eco-tourism, renewable energy, and more.
- iAgua: A digital platform that provides news and resources related to water management and conservation in Spain.
- Ecología Verde: A digital platform that provides news and resources related to the environment and sustainability in Spain, including conservation, renewable energy, and more.
- El Blog Verde: A digital blog that provides news and resources related to the environment and sustainability in Spain, including eco-tourism, conservation, and more.
- Climática: A digital platform that provides news and resources related to climate change in Spain, including policy, adaptation, and mitigation.
- Ecologistas en Acción: An environmental NGO that provides news and resources related to climate change and environmental policy in Spain.
- El País Planeta Futuro: A digital platform that covers news and features related to sustainable development, including climate change, in Spain and worldwide.
- Fundación Biodiversidad: An environmental organization that provides news and resources related to climate change and biodiversity in Spain.
- WWF España: The Spanish branch of the international conservation organization, which provides news and resources related to climate change and biodiversity in Spain and worldwide.
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