Publications / magazines / blogs in Poland that cover the Science industry

PublicationsPoland – Science

Publications / magazines / blogs in Poland that cover the Science industry listed in no particular order:

  • Nauka w Polsce – An online platform that offers news, insights, and resources for the science industry in Poland, with a focus on research, technology, and innovation. (
  • Academia magazine (Polish Academy of Sciences) – The latest issue of the magazine “Academia” presents scientific inventions and their application for the good of all mankind. (
  • Magazyn Focus – A monthly popular science magazine that covers science and technology in Poland and worldwide, with a focus on popularizing science and scientific discoveries. (
  • Chemik – A monthly magazine that covers chemistry and related fields in Poland, with a focus on research, industry, and education. (
  • Postępy Biochemii – A quarterly magazine that covers biochemistry and related fields in Poland, with a focus on research, education, and industry applications. (
  • Przegląd Geologiczny – A quarterly magazine that covers geology and related fields in Poland, with a focus on research, exploration, and industry applications. (
  • Przegląd Elektrotechniczny – A monthly magazine that covers electrical engineering and related fields in Poland, with a focus on research, industry, and education. (
  • Przegląd Mechaniczny – A monthly magazine that covers mechanical engineering and related fields in Poland, with a focus on research, industry, and education. (
  • Polish Astronomical Journal – A quarterly journal that publishes original research papers in astronomy and related fields, with a focus on observational and theoretical astronomy. (
  • Aktualności Naukowe UAM – An online platform that provides resources and information on scientific research and discoveries at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. (
  • Nauka i Edukacja – News from the Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki (The Polish ministry of science and education). (

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