Publications – Poland – Infrastructure & Utilities
Publications / magazines / blogs in Poland that cover the Infrastructure & Utilities industry listed in no particular order:
- Inżynieria i Budownictwo – A monthly engineering and construction magazine that covers news, trends, and analysis related to the infrastructure and construction industry in Poland.
- Gazeta Ubezpieczeniowa – A monthly insurance magazine that covers news, trends, and analysis related to the insurance industry in Poland, including infrastructure and utilities insurance.
- – A website that covers news and analysis related to investment and infrastructure projects in Poland.
- Logistyka – A logistics magazine that covers news, trends, and analysis related to the transportation and logistics industry, including infrastructure and utilities.
- Wodociagi i Kanalizacja – A monthly water and sewage magazine that covers news, trends, and analysis related to the water and sewage infrastructure industry in Poland.
- Gaz, Woda i Technika Sanitarna – A monthly gas, water, and sanitation magazine that covers news, trends, and analysis related to the utilities infrastructure industry in Poland.
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