Publications – Netherlands – Non Profit
Publications / magazines / blogs in Netherlands that cover the Non Profit industry listed in no particular order:
- Vakblad fondsenwerving: Vakblad fondsenwerving is a Dutch trade magazine that covers the latest news and trends in fundraising and philanthropy. They provide insights, analyses, and expert opinions on topics such as donor engagement, corporate social responsibility, and nonprofit management. (
- Sociaalweb: Sociaalweb is a Dutch online platform that covers the latest news and trends in the social sector, including non-profit organizations. They provide insights, analyses, and expert opinions on topics such as social policy, welfare, and community development. (
- Vrijwilligerswerk: Vrijwilligerswerk is a Dutch magazine that covers the latest news and trends in the volunteer sector, including non-profit organizations. They provide insights, analyses, and expert opinions on topics such as volunteer management, recruitment, and engagement. (
- The Fundraiser: The Fundraiser is a Dutch online platform that covers the latest news and trends in fundraising and philanthropy. They provide insights, analyses, and expert opinions on topics such as donor engagement, corporate social responsibility, and nonprofit management. (
- ANBI: ANBI is a Dutch online platform that provides information and resources for non-profit organizations. They cover topics such as tax regulations, governance, and financial management for non-profit organizations. (
- Goede Doelen Nederland: Goede Doelen Nederland is the Dutch Association of Charities, representing over 170 non-profit organizations in the Netherlands. They provide resources and support for non-profit organizations in areas such as advocacy, research, and fundraising. (
- De Dikke Blauwe: De Dikke Blauwe is a Dutch online platform that covers the latest news and trends in the social sector, including non-profit organizations. They provide insights, analyses, and expert opinions on topics such as philanthropy, social innovation, and nonprofit management. (
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