Tag Archives: ZEISS

ZEISS milestones: 1.5 million SMILE treatments and the production of its 1000th VisuMax femtosecond laser

JENA, 20-Sep-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Today, the Medical Technology business group of ZEISS announced two milestones in refractive technology after the recent completion of 1.5 million treatments with SMILE® and the production of its 1,000th VisuMax® femtosecond laser. “We are delighted that doctors worldwide … Read the full press release

ZEISS presented its cloud-based digital microscopy platform at the Microscopy & Microanalysis conference in Baltimore, USA

Experience the cloud-based platform at M&M in Baltimore, booth 624 JENA/Germany, BALTIMORE/USA, 14-Aug-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — ZEISS presents the initial release of its cloud-based digital microscopy platform, known under the name APEER at the Microscopy & Microanalysis conference (M&M) in Baltimore, … Read the full press release

ZEISS, Christoffel-Blindenmission, Fundación Visión set up a new training center dedicated to cataract surgery in Asunción, Paraguay

CBM and ZEISS expand successful collaboration in Paraguay JENA/Germany, BENSHEIM/Germany, ASUNCIÒN/Paraguay, 01-Mar-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Training and continuing education of ophthalmologists are a key factor in the fight against preventable blindness – particularly in remote regions. ZEISS and the Christoffel-Blindenmission … Read the full press release

ZEISS and Deutsche Telekom expand their partnership for Smart Glasses

The two partners each hold a 50 percent stake in the joint venture that will drive the development of Smart Glasses technology in the areas of optics and connectivity. The goal of the joint venture is to evolve the components … Read the full press release

ZEISS to acquire majority stake in the Optec Group

OBERKOCHEN/Germany, MOSCOW/Russia, 06-Nov-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — ZEISS will strengthen its activities in Russia, the Ukraine, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and Georgia by acquiring a majority stake in the Optec Group, – the long-standing sales and service partner responsible for … Read the full press release

ZEISS presents new generation of its proven high performance scanning electron microscope ZEISS EVO

Modular platform for intuitive operation, routine investigations and research applications JENA, Germany, 06-Nov-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — ZEISS presents the new generation of its proven high performance scanning electron microscope (SEM): The new instruments of the ZEISS EVO family come with a … Read the full press release

Digital Shapers 2018 now open for applications

Working as peers on digital challenges – strategists, business visionaries, software developers, data scientists, and experience designers join forces to master the digital challenges that leading companies face – with the chance of winning coaching from digital leaders and up … Read the full press release

ZEISS to build new shared innovation hub at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

ZEISS and KIT make plans for shared innovation building KIT carve-outs offer long-term prospects at site More modern growth environment for successful Karlsruhe-based company Nanoscribe GmbH ZEISS and KIT promote strategic partnership OBERKOCHEN, 26-Sep-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — ZEISS plans to … Read the full press release

Largest planetarium in India now equipped with ZEISS STARMASTER VELVET hybrid planetarium technology

Largest planetarium in India continues its educational work using ZEISS technology JENA, 21-Jul-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Following an extensive restoration, the Birla Planetarium in Calcutta reopened on 18 July 2017. Originally built 55 years ago, the planetarium has a 23 m … Read the full press release

ZEISS launches new lens for full-frame DSLR cameras from Canon and Nikon

The tenth lens in the ZEISS Milvus series for DSLR cameras already shows its many benefits at full aperture OBERKOCHEN, Germany, 23-Jun-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — ZEISS has launched a new lens for full-frame DSLR cameras from Canon1 and Nikon2 on … Read the full press release

ZEISS honored for its virtual reality (VR) project ZEISS IOL UNIVERSE

OBERKOCHEN, 09-May-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — On 27 April, the Best of “Business-to-Business” Communication Awards 2016 were presented in Berlin. ZEISS was one of the companies to be honored with the Award for its virtual reality (VR) project ZEISS IOL UNIVERSE, and … Read the full press release

ZEISS adds INFRARED 800 to its OPMI® PENTERO® 800 surgical microscope for reconstructive surgery

ZEISS is now adding INFRARED 800 to its OPMI® PENTERO® 800 surgical microscope for reconstructive surgery. The new enhancements are tailored to the requirements of breast reconstruction, lymph supermicrosurgery, and oral and maxillofacial surgery. Clinical specialists can benefit from the … Read the full press release

ZEISS launches international photography contest in cooperation with the World Photography Organisation

ZEISS and the World Photography Organisation launch an international photography contest OBERKOCHEN, Germany, 10-11-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — ZEISS today (05/11/2015) launches a prestigious international photography contest in cooperation with the World Photography Organisation. “Seeing Beyond” – expanding horizons and achieving … Read the full press release

ZEISS announced support of the open-source Google Viewer Profile (GVP) for its award-winning ZEISS VR ONE virtual reality (VR) headset

Google Cardboard Compatibility Benefits ZEISS VR ONE Users and Developers OBERKOCHEN, Germany, 18-9-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — ZEISS a global leader in optics announced today support of the open-source Google Viewer Profile (GVP) for its award-winning ZEISS VR ONE virtual reality (VR) … Read the full press release

ZEISS introduces ZEISS Atlas 5, a powerful hardware and software package that extends the capacity of ZEISS scanning electron microscopes and focused ion beam SEMs

ZEISS introduces an integrated solution to acquire and analyze multi-scale and multi-modal images in light, electron and X-ray microscopy JENA/Germany, PORTLAND/USA, 4-8-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — ZEISS Atlas 5 is a powerful hardware and software package that extends the capacity of … Read the full press release

ZEISS enhanced its software for quality data management with ZEISS PiWeb

OBERKOCHEN, Germany, 5-5-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — With ZEISS PiWeb, ZEISS has now enhanced its software for quality data management. The basic version of ZEISS PiWeb is now available as a standard feature for all measuring machines. A specially developed version … Read the full press release

ZEISS: The new ZEISS O-SELECT optical measuring system closes the gap in the quality assurance process

OBERKOCHEN, Germany, 5-5-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — Although modern digital measuring instruments are extremely reliable tools, operating errors may lead to gaps in the quality assurance process. The new ZEISS O-SELECT optical measuring system closes these gaps in the quality assurance … Read the full press release

ZEISS: ZEISS O-INSPECT multisensor measuring machine becomes more customized and therefore provides even more flexibility for a wide range of applications

OBERKOCHEN, Germany, 5-5-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — The ZEISS O-INSPECT multisensor measuring machine is becoming more customized and therefore provides even more flexibility for a wide range of applications. Thanks to the new additions to the ZEISS O-INSPECT line, users now … Read the full press release

ZEISS strengthens its portfolio for dentistry with a high-resolution camera and LED illumination

ZEISS strengthens its portfolio for dentistry with a high-resolution camera and LED illumination. A publication on microscopic dentistry contains examples of practical applications. COLOGNE, JENA, 12-3-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — At the 36th International Dental Show (IDS) in Cologne, the most important dental exhibition, … Read the full press release

ZEISS launches best imaging quality and fast linear scanning with its new compact confocal laser scanning microscope ZEISS LSM 800

Best imaging quality and fast linear scanning Jena/Germany, 19-1-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — ZEISS is introducing a new compact confocal laser scanning microscope for high-end confocal imaging, ZEISS LSM 800. Tailored to the needs of a broad range of applications in individual research … Read the full press release