Tag Archives: WindEurope

Baltic States Achieve Historic Electricity Grid Synchronization with Europe, Boosting Energy Security

(IN BRIEF) Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania have successfully synchronized their electricity grids with the European Continental European Network, marking a significant step in their energy independence from Russia and Belarus. This achievement, celebrated as “Energy Independence Day,” strengthens the region’s … Read the full press release

Poland Takes Major Step Toward Offshore Wind Leadership with Baltic Power Substations Completion

(IN BRIEF) Poland is advancing its offshore wind energy ambitions with the completion of two key substations for the Baltic Power wind farm, marking the start of commercial-scale offshore wind development in the country. The project is part of a … Read the full press release

REPowerEU Marks Second Anniversary with New Wind Energy Initiatives

(IN BRIEF) Today marks the second anniversary of REPowerEU, the European Union’s response to Russia’s energy threat following the invasion of Ukraine. REPowerEU has significantly accelerated the deployment of wind energy across Europe, increasing its share in the electricity mix … Read the full press release

wpd Showcases European Wind Farm Successes at WindEurope Bilbao 2024

(IN BRIEF) As a prominent developer and operator of wind farms in Europe, wpd is gearing up to participate in WindEurope 2024 in Bilbao, a key international trade fair. The company highlights recent achievements, including the commissioning of four onshore … Read the full press release

WindEurope and Azerbaijan Renewable Energy Agency Join Forces to Boost Wind Energy in Caspian Region

(IN BRIEF) WindEurope and the Azerbaijan Renewable Energy Agency have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to accelerate the deployment of onshore and offshore wind energy in Azerbaijan and the broader Caspian Sea area. This collaboration aims to leverage Azerbaijan’s … Read the full press release

DNV’s ReWind Pilot Demonstrates Cost and Time Savings in Wind Turbine Decommissioning

(IN BRIEF) DNV has successfully piloted ReWind, a digital service aimed at enhancing the sustainability of wind turbine decommissioning. The pilot involved seven customers across seven countries, resulting in significant time and cost savings compared to traditional methods. ReWind automates … Read the full press release

Record-Breaking Year for European Offshore Wind in 2023, With Positive Outlook and Investments

(IN BRIEF) Europe experienced a remarkable year in offshore wind energy in 2023, witnessing a record 4.2 GW of new offshore wind farms coming online, marking a 40% increase from the previous year. Investments of €30 billion were confirmed for … Read the full press release

North Seas Energy Ministers Pledge to Build 260 GW of Offshore Wind Power by 2050

(IN BRIEF) Energy Ministers from ten North Seas Energy Cooperation (NSEC) countries, including the Netherlands, convened in The Hague, where they agreed on an updated NSEC Action Agenda aimed at boosting the expansion of offshore wind power in Europe. The … Read the full press release

Record-Breaking Year for Corporate Renewable PPAs in the EU, but Regulatory Barriers Must Be Removed, Say Industry Leaders

(IN BRIEF) The RE-Source 2023 event in Amsterdam has marked a record year for corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) in the EU, with 7.8 GW of renewable capacity secured year to date. Companies in the ICT, heavy industry, and telecom … Read the full press release

Europe’s Offshore Wind Growth Faces Hurdles: Supply Chain Gaps and Auction Design Challenges

(IN BRIEF) Europe’s offshore wind sector is making progress in terms of investments and installations, with 2.1 GW of new offshore wind capacity added in the first half of 2023, bringing the total capacity to 32 GW. However, this growth … Read the full press release

Lithuania’s First Offshore Wind Auction Sees Ignitis Group and OceanWinds as Winners, Plans for Improved CfD Model in Future Tender

(IN BRIEF) Lithuania has successfully conducted its first offshore wind auction, with a consortium of Ignitis Group and OceanWinds emerging as the winner. They paid €20 million for the right to develop the 700 MW offshore wind project, expected to … Read the full press release

Germany’s Onshore Wind Capacity Soars as Permitting Reforms Pay Off

(IN BRIEF) Germany’s onshore wind sector is experiencing a robust recovery, with approximately 1.6 GW of new capacity installed in the first half of 2023. The latest onshore wind auction awarded an additional 1.4 GW of capacity. The country’s rigorous … Read the full press release

New digital service called ReWind to help with the decommissioning and recycling of old wind turbines

(PRESS RELEASE) BÆRUM, 24-Nov-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — DNV, the independent energy expert and assurance provider, has announced that a new digital service called ReWind launched in cooperation with Reodor Studios, a full-service corporate venture and innovation agency helping leading corporations … Read the full press release

Neuer digitaler Service namens ReWind soll bei der Stilllegung und dem Recycling alter Windkraftanlagen helfen

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) BÆRUM, 24-Nov-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — DNV, der unabhängige Energieexperte und Assurance-Anbieter, hat angekündigt, dass ein neues digitales Der Service namens ReWind, der in Zusammenarbeit mit Reodor Studios, einer Full-Service-Corporate-Venture- und Innovationsagentur, die führenden Unternehmen dabei hilft, bestehende Produkte und … Read the full press release

DNV proporcionará información sobre la transición energética y la energía eólica marina flotante en el evento anual de WindEurope 2022 en Bilbao

(COMUNICADO DE PRENSA) BILBAO, 24-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — DNV, el experto independiente en energía y proveedor de aseguramiento, ha anunciado su participación en la WindEurope Annual Event 2022 en Bilbao, donde se espera que más de 8.000 delegados y 300 … Read the full press release

DNV to provide insights on Energy Transition and Floating Offshore Wind at the WindEurope Annual Event 2022 in Bilbao

(PRESS RELEASE) BILBAO, 24-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — DNV, the independent energy expert and assurance provider, has announced its participation at the WindEurope Annual Event 2022 in Bilbao where more than 8,000 delegates and 300 speakers are expected to gather on … Read the full press release

Jahresstatistik 2021 von WindEurope: Die EU benötigt jährlich 30 GW an neuer Windenergie, um ihr Ziel für erneuerbare Energien für 2030 zu erreichen

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) BRUSSELS, 25-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — WindEurope, ein in Brüssel ansässiger Verband, der sich für die Förderung der Nutzung der Windenergie in ganz Europa einsetzt, hat hat die Veröffentlichung seiner Jahresstatistik 2021 angekündigt, die die unzureichende Geschwindigkeit des Windenergieausbaus in … Read the full press release

WindEurope’s Annual Statistics 2021: EU needs 30 GW a year of new wind energy to meet its 2030 renewables target

(PRESS RELEASE) BRUSSELS, 25-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — WindEurope, a Brussels based association active on promoting the use of wind power across Europe, has announced the release of its Annual Statistics 2021, which shows the insufficient speed of wind energy expansion … Read the full press release

Wind energy: WindEurope CEO Giles Dickson at the 11th Colloque National Éolien in Paris

(PRESS RELEASE) BRUSSELS, 14-Oct-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — WindEurope, a Brussels based association active on promoting the use of wind power across Europe, has announced that its CEO  Giles Dickson has spoken at the 11th Colloque National Éolien in Paris, organised … Read the full press release

WindEurope: Wind energy key for Europe’s recovery from COVID-19

(PRESS RELEASE) BRUSSELS, 14-Aug-2020 — /EuropaWire/ — WindEurope, Brussels based association active on promoting the use of wind power across Europe, has announced it has analysed the National Energy & Climate Plans (NECPs) and compiled the most important findings for … Read the full press release