Tag Archives: wind power

E.ON’s newly inaugurated power-to-gas (P2G) unit in Falkenhagen injects hydrogen into natural gas system for first time on industrial scale

06-9-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — E.ON inaugurated a power-to-gas (P2G) unit in Falkenhagen in eastern Germany today. The unit uses wind power to run electrolysis equipment that transforms water into hydrogen which is injected into the regional gas transmission system. The hydrogen becomes … Read the full press release

EU offshore wind update: 277 new offshore wind turbines (1,045MW) fully grid connected in Europe during H1 2013

277 new offshore wind turbines, totalling 1,045 megawatts (MW), were fully grid connected in Europe during the first six months of 2013. This is double compared to the same period in 2012 when 523.2 MW were installed. In addition, 268 … Read the full press release

EU-funded project finds more wind power and cheaper electricity possible on existing EU grid networks

– 10% more power can be brought online by measuring cable temperature in real time – 2% cut in electricity prices using wind turbines and other power sources as virtual power plants – 28% more wind power can be produced … Read the full press release

Jean-Yves Grandidier of French Wind Power Association: France to invest in large-scale offshore wind power off the coast of Normandy and Brittany

At the National Wind Energy Conference in Kalmar of 22-23 May Jean-Yves Grandidier, Secretary-General of FEE (French Wind Power Association), presented the French program for offshore wind power 30-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Under the theme “Offshore Wind Power Creates regional growth in France” … Read the full press release