Unprecedented partnership will lead to a new independent cloud platform that aims to meet the French State’s “Cloud de Confiance” label for enhanced data sovereignty. (PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 27-May-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Capgemini (EPA: CAP), French multinational consulting, technology services … Read the full press release →
Posted in Economy, France, Industrial, Infrastructure & Utilities, Internet & Online, News, Security & Safety, Technology, Telecom
Tagged Aiman Ezzat, ANSSI, Bleu, Capgemini, Cloud de Confiance, cloud platform, data center, digital solutions, digital transformation, esiliency, Essential Service Operators, French cloud service provider, Gaia-X initiative, Guillaume Poupard, Jean-Philippe Courtois, Microsoft, National Agency for Information Systems Security, OIVs, Operators of Vital Importance, Orange, OSEs, OVIs, privacy, SecNumCloud, SECURITY, Stéphane Richard, Vital Importance Operators