Tag Archives: Vattenfall

Vattenfall’s Ray Wind Farm Emerges as Vital Breeding Ground for Endangered Merlin Population

(IN BRIEF) Vattenfall’s Ray Wind Farm in Northumberland, England, has become a crucial breeding ground for the endangered merlin, Britain’s smallest bird of prey. With the merlin population in the UK dwindling to only around 1,000 pairs, the wind farm … Read the full press release

Survey Challenges Wind Power Stereotypes: Majority in Wind Farm Vicinity Back Further Development

(IN BRIEF) A recent survey conducted in Northumberland, north-east England, revealed surprising results about attitudes towards wind power. Contrary to popular belief, three-quarters of respondents living near wind turbines supported onshore wind farms and wished to see further growth in … Read the full press release

Vattenfall Expands German Solar Development Portfolio with Acquisition of Solizer

(IN BRIEF) Vattenfall, a leading energy company, has acquired Solizer, a German solar developer, as part of its efforts to enable fossil-free living. The acquisition includes an experienced team and a pipeline of large-scale solar projects in Germany, totaling 4 … Read the full press release

Revitalizing Nature: Vattenfall Converts Power Line Corridors into Biodiversity Sanctuaries

From Power Lines to Biodiversity Hotspots: Vattenfall's Commitment to Conservation

(IN BRIEF) Vattenfall, an energy company in Sweden, is converting its power line corridors into biodiversity hotspots, spanning 250 kilometers. These corridors have become crucial habitats for endangered species and are comparable to traditional, species-rich grasslands. Through extensive analysis and … Read the full press release

Proximity Breeds Positivity: Residents Close to Wind Farms Embrace Renewable Energy, Survey Finds

Residents Living Near Wind Farms Supportive of Wind Power, Survey Finds

(IN BRIEF) A recent survey conducted in Northumberland, England, revealed that residents living in close proximity to wind farms hold a positive view of wind power. Contrary to popular belief, three-quarters of those surveyed expressed support for onshore wind farms … Read the full press release

Southwest Scotland Harnesses Clean Energy from Vattenfall’s South Kyle Wind Farm

(IN BRIEF) Vattenfall has inaugurated the South Kyle Onshore Wind Farm in southwest Scotland, its largest onshore wind farm in the UK. Once fully operational, the wind farm will have a capacity of 240MW, equivalent to powering 187,000 homes annually. … Read the full press release

SSAB’s Oxelösund Mill to Lead Fossil-Free Steel Production Following Investment Decision

(IN BRIEF) SSAB, a leading steel producer, has made an investment decision for the green transformation of its Oxelösund mill in Sweden. This decision marks a significant step towards SSAB’s goal of producing steel without carbon emissions. The investment will … Read the full press release

Electric Transport Initiative: Vattenfall and Coca-Cola Invest in Charging Infrastructure for Heavy Goods Vehicles

(IN BRIEF) Vattenfall and Coca-Cola in Sweden have announced a collaboration to invest in electric heavy goods vehicles (HGVs). The initial phase of the project will involve installing three charging stations at Coca-Cola Europacific Partners’ plant in Jordbro, near Stockholm. … Read the full press release

Volvo Group Partners with Vattenfall for Renewable Electricity Supply from Bruzaholm Wind Park

(IN BRIEF) Volvo Group has entered a long-term agreement with Vattenfall, Sweden’s largest renewable electricity producer, to purchase 50% of the renewable electricity generated at the Bruzaholm wind park over a 10-year period. The partnership is part of Volvo Group’s … Read the full press release

Vattenfall’s Focus on Fossil-Free Power Generation Pays Off

(IN BRIEF) Swedish energy company Vattenfall has reported stable financial development for the first quarter of 2023. The company’s focus on investing in fossil-free power generation and upgrading the electricity grid has paid off, as falling electricity prices and a … Read the full press release

Vattenfall reste attaché aux objectifs climatiques malgré la forte augmentation des prix de l’électricité

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) Vattenfall, une entreprise énergétique de premier plan, a connu une année difficile en 2022 en raison de la guerre en Ukraine, qui a entraîné une augmentation significative des prix de l’électricité dans toute l’Europe. Malgré cela, Vattenfall … Read the full press release

Vattenfall Remains Committed to Climate Goals Despite Sharp Increase in Electricity Prices

(IN BRIEF) Vattenfall, a leading energy company, faced a challenging year in 2022 due to the war in Ukraine, which resulted in a significant increase in electricity prices across Europe. Despite this, Vattenfall continued to focus on supporting its customers … Read the full press release

SSAB und Vestre arbeiten zusammen, um das weltweit erste Möbelstück aus fossilfreiem Stahl zu entwickeln

(IN KÜRZE) SSAB und Vestre sind eine Kooperationsvereinbarung eingegangen, um ein Möbelstück aus fossilfreiem Stahl herzustellen. Vestre strebt den Übergang zu nachhaltigeren Materialien und Produktionsmethoden an, während SSAB sich dafür einsetzt, die globale Stahlindustrie in eine kohlendioxidfreie Zukunft zu führen. … Read the full press release

SSAB and Vestre collaborate to create the world’s first piece of furniture made with fossil-free steel

(IN BRIEF) SSAB and Vestre have entered into a collaboration agreement to produce a piece of furniture using fossil-free steel. Vestre aims to transition to more sustainable materials and production methods, while SSAB is committed to leading the global steel … Read the full press release

Vattenfall recognized for tackling climate change in supply chain by global organization CDP

(IN BRIEF) Swedish energy company Vattenfall has won the Supplier Engagement Leader award from environmental nonprofit CDP. The award recognises Vattenfall’s efforts in its supplier CO2 reduction project, which aims to minimise the company’s carbon footprint in its supply chain. … Read the full press release

Win@Sea collaboration to investigate offshore wind and sustainable food production

(IN BRIEF) Swedish energy company Vattenfall has launched a new collaboration called ‘Win@Sea’ to investigate the production of sustainable food in offshore wind farms, while also improving the marine environment and biodiversity in the same area. Vattenfall has made Scandinavia’s … Read the full press release

Die Fischerkennungstechnologie von Vattenfall bietet Transparenz und Informationsaustausch zur Verhinderung invasiver Arten

(IN KÜRZE) Das schwedische Energieunternehmen Vattenfall hat künstliche Intelligenz (KI) eingesetzt, um seine Mitarbeiter bei der Identifizierung von Fischarten in der Fischtreppe des Wasserkraftwerks Stornorrforsen zu unterstützen. Die Technologie kategorisiert und analysiert Fische, einschließlich Zuchtlachs, der in den Fluss Umeälven … Read the full press release

Vattenfall’s Fish Recognition Technology Offers Transparency and Information Sharing for Preventing Invasive Species

(IN BRIEF) Swedish energy company Vattenfall has used artificial intelligence (AI) to help its staff identify fish species in the Stornorrforsen hydro power plant’s fish ladder. The technology categorises and analyses fish, including farmed salmon released into the Umeälven River, … Read the full press release

Vattenfall baut 980-MW-Offshore-Windpark Nordlicht I ohne staatliche Subventionen

(IN KÜRZE) Das schwedische Energieunternehmen Vattenfall hat die Entwicklung von Nordlicht I angekündigt, einem hochmodernen Offshore-Windpark mit einer Kapazität von 980 MW in der Nordsee. Der vormals als N-7.2 bekannte Windpark soll bis Ende 2027 ans Netz gehen und jährlich … Read the full press release

Vattenfall to build 980 MW Nordlicht I offshore wind farm without government subsidies

(IN BRIEF) Swedish energy company Vattenfall has announced the development of Nordlicht I, a state-of-the-art offshore wind farm with a capacity of 980 MW, located in the North Sea. The wind farm, formerly known as N-7.2, is expected to come … Read the full press release